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Chapter 953: Chaos Castle, Go Chaos

"The rules of heaven and earth are in place."

Li Yu looked at the sky. "The goal is half done, and the rest is chaos."

Feeling chaos, Li Yu also has a direction. One observes the birth of the golden horned monster and observes how its internal world is born. another……

"The other is Chaos City."

Li Yu looked up at the void and looked in the direction of Chaos City.

There is a strange world. There is a world that is still in the early days of the world's birth, and it is called the original universe.

The original universe, the world is born. This is the holy place for the human race, and it is the best place for every genius practitioner to understand the laws of heaven and earth.

Chaos City is the only city in this original universe.

"There, I can trace the time and see the birth of the original universe. I can also trace the time and observe how the geniuses of the human race who have practiced in Chaos City for many years have evolved the inner world.

Through these observations, summing up the laws and studying the essence, Li Yu should gain something.

"Actually, the best way is to trace the time directly and observe the scene at the beginning of the entire universe. However, the entire universe was born, and it takes too long. I don't have that much time."

Compared to the entire universe, the original universe of Chaos City is a small world. Looking back on time, it takes much less time.

Stepping out of Shennongjia, Li Yu glanced in the direction of the Pacific Ocean, "It will take almost a year for the golden horned eggs to be born. Anyway, I have left 'monitoring', and I don't have to stay here. Then go to Chaos City!"

The body fluttered, the chaos breath permeated, the chaos was invisible, and the chaos was immeasurable. Li Yu's entire person turned into nothingness, immeasurable and immeasurable.

"The Lord of Chaos City is a Lord of the World. The initial universe in which the entire City of Chaos is located is under his control. I just need to be a quiet observer. There is no need to show up to avoid frightening him."

The chaos atmosphere flowed, ignoring the distance, but just stepped out and came to the original universe.

This is a small world during a period of dramatic evolution.

Said to be a small world, in fact, the size of this initial universe also exceeds the entire Milky Way.

At the borders of the original universe, ground water, fire, and wind blasted, all kinds of energy and air flow raged, showing a magnificent color throughout the sky.

However, this beautiful color is very dangerous.

Even if it is immortal, once it falls into the collision of these energy bursts, it will also end in death.

"It is indeed a place suitable for comprehending the rules, because the rules are clearly displayed in these energy collisions."

Li Yu smiled, "Compared to the origin of the universe, this place is too far away."

Looking down, there is a huge and ancient city in the center of this heaven and earth, and there is Chaos City.

At a glance, Li Yu found countless practitioners living in Chaos City. From the lowest star rating to the highest master of the universe, there are countless practitioners living in this city.

"It is said that there are three treasures in Chaos City. One is fifty-two chaos monuments, and the second is the mark left by countless monks from the ancient times to the past. The third is the Chaos Beast."

Looking over the Chaos City, Li Yu's eyes were placed on 52 chaotic monuments. "These chaotic monuments are the spiritual insights left by the top existence of the human race."

Until now, Li Yu has only seen the masters of the meteorite master. The practice methods left on these chaotic monuments have reached the master level of the world the strongest.

"Receive a copy of the information!"

Although there are more powerful traditions in this world, Li Yu has little interest in the practice. Having received these 52 chaotic monuments, is it just ... awkward to say that "the thief does not go empty"?

He waved a copy of the practice method on the Chaos Stele, and Li Yu stopped paying attention to Chaos City.

"Now, you need to take a good look at this initial universe."

Turned into nothingness, floating silently on the borders of this world.

Sit down in this place where the energy exploded, looking through the long river of time, silently trace the past of this original universe, back to the beginning of the birth of the original universe.

Being clear-minded, carefully realizing the changes of heaven and earth, and realizing the birth process of material and order from nothing.

Looking over and over again, watching tirelessly, watching carefully and realizing.

Practice is so boring.

Time passes slowly in practice.

A year later, the Golden Horned Monster was born.

All the information about the birth of the Golden Horned Monster was completely recorded, and Li Yu retracted the "monitoring".

"The golden horned monster's gifted space can't be regarded as the inner world. This is just a gifted magical power. A metal space stores the metal minerals that it swallows, similar to a space pouch."

OK, this is worthless.

Leaving this "observation report" at hand, Li Yu was again devoted to the perception of Fang's original universe.

"Reversing time, from the current point of time, to the beginning of the universe. In fact, this is a process from 'yes' to 'nothing'. This process is actually very similar to my own path."

Li Yu started from the five elements of Sheng grams, and pushed back the mysterious Huang Qi, giving birth to the material origin. Then from the material “yes” to the chaos “nothing”. In the middle, I feel yin and yang, and understand "order".

"My path is indeed correct."

Observation from the reversal of time in front of me confirms that everything revealed in this "primitive universe" and Li Yu's own path mutually confirm each other, which makes Li Yu a lot of insights.

"It's just that the chaos is still not gaining much."

There is no order in chaos. To summarize the law from nothingness, in fact, this law is also a kind of "order".

This is a contradiction.

"You can really understand the nature of chaos if you have nothing to break. This road is very difficult, and I have long been prepared. Take your time!"

Li Yu sinks his heart and continues to observe the birth of this original universe, in order to perceive chaos.

Time continues to pass, and another year has passed.

At this time, the earth is facing a disaster!

The Golden Horn Beast appears!

The one-year-old golden horned monster has unmatched strength.

The golden horned monster, such a starry sky creature ~ ~ has the strength of a star when it is born. Born from the ocean, the golden horned monster swept across the ocean and became the supreme among the sea beasts.

The golden horned monster needs to devour various metals to grow. On the earth, the place with the most metal is naturally the base of human beings.

Fortresses made of alloy steel stand on the periphery of the base city. These fortresses guard the base city from attack by strangers.

But in the eyes of the Golden Horned Monster, these forts are food!

Ashore from the American continent, the golden horned beast swept across America with countless sea beasts, swallowed all the way, and leveled countless forts.

"Everyone, we humans are facing the greatest crisis. If we can't stop it, humanity will become extinct. Today is America, and tomorrow ... where is its goal aimed?"

"Hong, Thor, Shushan Swordsman, Luo Feng, and all the powerful warriors who are sitting again, please take your shot! Save the Americas!"

A black man shouted in tears.

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