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Chapter 968: Lord Lord sacrificed himself and saved me

"Stuck, of course, it's time to collect the body."

After the black star was killed, Liu Ziqing returned to the underground cave again through the teleportation array.

"Good guy, the power of annihilating Jin Lei is terrible!"

Re-entering the cave, seeing the scene in the cave, Liu Ziqing froze for a while.

The situation in front of him was like a mess after the storm.

As if a piece of ground had been cut out, a large pit appeared. Those alloy trench plates have shattered to the ground, and the laser guns have long left slag.

As for Black Star and the slain ape man, the only thing left was a broken shield and half axe.

"A grenade was thrown out, and even the body was not picked up."

Liu Ziqing shook his head depressedly. "Except for the broken shield and axe, as well as those broken alloy trench plates, there is nothing to gain."

Wave your hand to put away the broken shield and axe, as well as the alloy trench plate. Although these things are broken, they are still valuable materials.

A glance at the cave reveals nothing else, and Liu Ziqing walks out of the cave.

"That split-sky beast and the crocodile demon are the same masters. The bodies are all intact and should be able to harvest something."

Returning to the place where the black star killed the crocodile monster, Liu Ziqing saw that the crocodile monster's body and its weapons were left in place.

"For Black Star, the crocodile demon's equipment is of little value. But it is a big gain for me."

With a flick of his hand, the crocodile's body and the heavy hammer were put away together.

"Boy, it's really a big harvest. There are still a lot of things in this crocodile monster's inner world."

As soon as the crocodile monster was put away, Liu Ziqing heard the purple gold gourd laughing happily.

"Internal world?"

Liu Ziqing said for a moment, "Does the internal body also have a storage function?"

"Of course! The body world opened by the Lord is a huge space for one party. For the Lord, the things stored in the body are the most secure."

As Zijin Gourd talked, Liu Ziqing showed the booty.

Various animal bone branches and flowers and fruits, as well as some metal materials. One of the most striking is a bunch of dark green fist-sized fruits.

"This is Bi Lingguo. This thing ... the demons use the fetish for ascension, and the other races use it, which is very poisonous. The poison of the master level of the world, which is placed outside, is the big killer."

In this extraterrestrial battlefield, the worst are the masters. The main poison of the world is naturally useless. However, from the outside world, a galaxy does not necessarily give birth to a master.

This kind of realm of the realm of the realm, who really touched and died!

"Using poison ... not so good?"

Liu Ziqing smiled with a loyal face.

"Well, it's really not good. Our Shushan Sword School is a well-known decent school. How can we use poison? In this way, I changed it and used that broken axe as a material to make a similar to the" 100 poison cold light barrier " thing!"

"Oh? That's great! That's great!"

Liu Ziqing's eyes brightened, her face smiled, and she was very satisfied with the practice of Zijin gourd.

The same poisoning, "Hundred Poison Cold Light Barrier" is not so obvious. A ray of light spilled over, where did it look like poison?

"There is also a split-sky beast in front of it. Go and collect it!"

A purple gold gourd slammed, Liu Ziqing quickly went to the place where the split-day beast fell down, and put away the huge split-day beast.

"The Beast of the Heavens is also the master monster of the realm. However, there is nothing useful in its inner world."

After collecting the Beast of the Heavens, Zijin Gourd quickly completed the identification. "However, the bodies of the Beast of the Heavens and Crocodile Demon are a great harvest in themselves. Boy, the old man refined their flesh and blood into elixir, you will soon Repair is skyrocketing. "


The flesh and blood of the two world masters were trained into elixir, and I don't know how many times stronger than Donghai Qinglong. After taking this elixir, it is inevitable that it will be soaring.

It's just ... won't it die?

"Rest assured, the old man will grasp the weight and divide it into many elixir, there will be no problem."

After a glorious turn, the split-day beasts and crocodiles stored in the purple gold gourds instantly disintegrated, refining pure vitality.

These vitality turns into elixir and is stored in the purple gold gourd.

There are three types of elixir, one is white, one is red, and one is golden.

"Boy, the white elixir is suitable for taking stars. The red one is for the universe class. The golden one can only be used at the domain master level, don't get it wrong."

"Thank you senior!"

The harvest was all in hand, and Liu Ziqing got up and walked out of the underground cave.

The wind was still raging outside the cave, and the sandstorm was overwhelming.

However, with the purple gold gourd's teleportation array, Liu Ziqing didn't have to hurry up on the sand.

The transmission flashed, and Liu Ziqing came to the spacecraft that Hei Xing drove over.

"Zijin's predecessor's teleportation array is really convenient. As long as I have visited the place and recorded the space coordinates, I can easily teleport."

Liu Ziqing smiled and walked towards the cockpit of the spacecraft.

It's far from the base here. If you don't take the spacecraft, you can't go back unless you teleport back.

A purple light burst out from the purple gold gourd, which blacked out the intelligent system of the spacecraft, and the spacecraft belonged to Liu Ziqing's property.

"Now it's time to think about how to explain what the Lord Consul is about."

Sitting leisurely on the podium in the main control room, a smile appeared on Liu Ziqing's face, "The Lord is loyal and honest, and everyone knows the world. When he is in danger, the loyal and honest Lord is determined to sacrifice himself. It would make sense to rescue my little fellow. "

With an idea in mind, Liu Ziqing knocked on the podium. "Star, take off and return to the base."

With a bang, the spacecraft burst into the air and hurried back to the mercenary base.

A few days later, Liu Ziqing's spacecraft landed in the base camp.

With a panicked and sad expression on his face, Liu Ziqing ran out of the spacecraft cabin door in a panic.

At this time, searching for mercenaries in various areas has basically returned to the station.

With a look of panic and grief, Liu Ziqing suddenly found out that everyone else was just like him, also panicked and sad.

"Is something wrong?"

Full of doubts, Liu Ziqing hurried to the camp of the Heilongshan mercenary.

Entering the camp, Liu Ziqing found that the 10,000-strong Black Dragon Mountain mercenary team had fewer than 2,000 men left at the moment.

"Team Naya!"

Liu Ziqing ran towards the snake girl with a flustered face, "Leader Naya ~ ~ Consultant General ... he ... he had an accident!"

"Um? The master is also involved?"

Sitting in the room with a dim face of the snake girl, she was shocked when she heard Liu Ziqing's words, "Quick! Come on! What the **** is going on?"

"Leader Naya, I went with the Lord Consul to find the people of the King of Black Seal. After finding it, I encountered a Skysaver and a Crocodile Demon. At the critical moment, the Lord Lord threw me out and ... he ... he detonated an annihilated gold mine. "

Liu Ziqing said, his eyes flushed, and tears rolled down. This acting is no worse than Black Star.

"So it is!"

The Snake Girl sighed deeply, "The Lord Lord is upright and in danger, he will definitely sacrifice himself to save you. You must remember this kindness."

"Yes! Lord's grace, the boy will never forget it!"

He answered with a pained expression, but Liu Ziqing's heart was relieved. This pass was easy!

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