With Lamb Barker's words, the originally tense atmosphere was eased.

Zimmerman Mig did not really make a move, but spoke: "We were forced to get involved in this vortex, but we still have a black eye."

"I think we have a right to know what's going on between you and Priestley."

"What is that so-called pearl of the deep sea."

Enlightenment flashed in Gu Qing's eyes.

Seeing this, he can be considered to understand the purpose of Zimmerman Mig's trouble.

They don't really want to get out of the islands.

After all, the Great Gon Secret Order Sect has put on such a posture, which means that they have prepared for the worst.

Even if you are an enemy of everyone on the island, you must forcibly seal the island until you find Priestley.

It's just that as three consecutive days have passed, seeing that this group of guys still has no progress, these people can't waste their time waiting here in vain.

So Zimmerman MiG used the reason of leaving the island, but actually wanted to know what kind of reason this was.

And what is the mysterious pearl of the deep sea.

Lamb Barker understands that if things are not made clear today, not only Zimmerman MiG will not give up, but also those other forces that are still watching.

I had to speak: "Regarding the identity of Priestley Lebayavi, I think everyone knows it.

"He is the head of the Laibayawei trading group, the founder of the Laibayawei trading group, and the leader of these hundreds of trade groups."

"But actually, Priestley has another identity in addition to this layer of identity."

As soon as Lamb Barker spoke, he instantly aroused everyone's appetite.

Gu Qing's eyes also flashed, and he increased his attention even more.

Even calmed the ember fire and stopped cultivating.

I'm going to listen to him well.

In fact, for Priestley, for this Deep Sea Pearl to be able to give up the entire Lebayavi trading group, Gu Qing has always felt very confused.

Now, according to Lamb Barker, that question may be solved.

"I don't know if you have heard of the name of a church, the Silver Dusk Alchemy Society."

Gu Qing's brows furrowed darkly after hearing this name.

Because this name is indeed very unfamiliar to him.

However, after all, he still knows very little about the transcendent world, and this trip to Zhangdao is also to broaden his horizons.

He doesn't know and doesn't mean anything.

Sure enough, when Lamb Barker said the name, Zimmerman Mig suddenly showed a surprised look.

Apparently he knew and had some knowledge of the organization.

"You mean to say that Priestley is a member of the Silver Dusk Alchemy Society?!"

Lamb Barker nodded and said, "That's right, this point was also investigated after the theft of the Deep Sea Pearl, and this guy hid deeply."

On the other side, Gu Qing was confused.

I don't know what kind of organization this Silver Twilight Alchemy Society is.

However, Gu Qing knew that he didn't understand anything, so he asked the secret of almighty netizens.

Quickly took out his mobile phone and logged in to the bounty website.

In the forum section, use 'Silver Twilight Alchemy' as a keyword.

A search was conducted.

Sure enough, I found a lot of information, but this information is relatively fragmented.

After Gu Qing put it together, he came up with the general information.

This so-called Silver Twilight Alchemy Society is also known as the Silver Twilight Secret Order.

It is a secret association dedicated to awakening evil gods to come to the world and disrupt the world order.

This organization believes in both the great Cthulhu and Yug Sotos, the One.

The members of them are very mysterious.

It belongs to the cult of evil gods in the secret.

Some people with various identities on the bright side are actually secretly members of this Silver Dusk Alchemy Society.

Like Priestley Lebayavi.

Until it was revealed, no one knew that he would actually be a member of the Silver Dusk Alchemy Society.

Therefore, it is very difficult for the Special Bureau to suppress them.

In contrast, a reckless commodity like the Flesh and Blood Sect that only does things everywhere is much easier to deal with.

As for the issue of the Silver Twilight Alchemy Society as a secret association of faith in Cthulhu, and Priestley, as a member of it, ran away to steal the treasure of the Deep Diver.

Actually, it's easy to understand.

The relationship between them is similar to that of the Skull Order and the Headless Knights.

Although they all share the same belief in evil gods, they do not necessarily become friends with each other.

Instead, it is possible to become an enemy.

After all, the evil gods themselves are disorderly and crazy.

And this also seriously affects those who believe in Him.

But then again, the Dagon Secret Order Sect was founded by deep divers, and deep divers are different from ordinary cultists, they are the evil gods of the Eight Classics.

In terms of who is closer to Cthulhu, of course, the Dagoon Secret Order is closer.

So Priestley secretly stole treasures belonging to deep divers, and this thing is really a bit unauthentic.

While Gu Qing was searching for information about the Silver Dusk Alchemy Society, the conversation outside was still continuing.

Zimmermann MiG: "I didn't expect this to be the case, but what is his purpose in stealing the pearl of the deep sea?" Lamb

Barker: "The reason why the pearl of the deep sea is the most precious treasure among the diver community is because its own origin is from Lalaye."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately taken aback!

According to rumors, the great Cthulhu slept in the ancient city of Lalaye, covered in the sea.

This place does not exist in the material world, just like places such as the vacuum home, the dream world, and the dream land, it is a place in a similar subplane.

Unexpectedly, the so-called pearl of the deep sea turned out to be from Lalaye.

No wonder divers take it so seriously!

"The brilliance of the pearl of the deep sea can guide people into the ancient city of Lalaye, where the great Cthulhu rests."

"Of course, there is a price to pay."

Having said that, everyone already knows the general cause and effect of this matter.

Whether the Deep Sea Pearl has other effects is unknown for the time being.

But its biggest effect is also the effect that both deep divers and the Silver Dusk Alchemy Society value.

It is possible to rely on its blooming brilliance to let people's spiritual will briefly enter the ancient city of Lalaye.

Perhaps it is also possible to come into contact with the great Cthulhu.

Of course, as Lamb Barker said, get up close and personal with a powerful evil god.

Naturally, there is a price to pay.

Even if it is the Hui Yue Overlord, one careless will fall into disorderly madness.

Completely aberred, staying forever in Lalaye, never to return to the material world.

The goal of the Silver Dusk Alchemy Society is to awaken the great Cthulhu, so using the Deep Sea Pearl to enter Lalaye is an extremely important step.

No wonder Priestley did not hesitate to give up the Lebayavi Trading Group, which had been operating all his life.

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