But he could not rest assured, afraid that he would change his mind, so he drunk him.

Then he put Willow Flower and Xie Mushu into a leather bag, put it on the Wulong car, and let the two of them fly into the sky together.

But before the five-dragon car came out of the water, Xie Mushu woke up, pulled out the golden hairpin of the willow flower, shot the skin bag out, and threw the willow flower to fly to the sky by himself.

Willow couldn't rise to the sky, so she had to return to the Water Palace.

When Hebo saw his daughter come back crying, he blamed her for being unmediated and corrupting the door.

So he stretched Willow's lips by three feet and threw them into the Youboshui water on the south side of Changbai Mountain, never letting her return to the world.

The willow flower, who lives in Youboshui Water, is rescued by the golden frog of the king of Dongbuyeo.

The Golden Frog King knew that this woman was the eldest daughter of Hebo God and the daughter-in-law of the Heavenly Emperor, so he did not dare to snub and arranged for her to be raised in the harem.

Since Willow entered the palace, a strong white spirit light shone on her.

A few days later, Willow surprisingly became pregnant and gave birth to a meat egg that was five liters in size.

The Golden Frog King thought that it was an auspicious omen to live meat and eggs, so he asked his men to throw meat eggs to pigs and dogs, but they did not eat them.

He abandoned the meat and eggs on the road, and the cattle and horses avoided it.

Later, he threw the meat and egg into a deep ravine, and after a while, the birds and beasts of the mountain surrounded it and guarded it.

The Golden Frog King asked his men to cut open the meat and egg to see what happened, but they couldn't open it, so they had to return this magical thing to their mother Willow.

Willow wrapped the meat and egg and placed it on the head of the hot kang, and a few days later a handsome little boy broke out of his shell, crying particularly loudly.

The child has just reached the full moon, can actually talk and walk, and at the age of seven, he can make his own bow and arrow.

At that time, according to the Buyeo dialect, the divine archer was called "Jumong", so he called the child Jumong.

He was the later Dongming Saint King.

It can be described as powerful and good at using the divine bow.

Another Jin Shoulu is also extraordinary.

According to legend, the nine chiefs of the ancient Gaya region sang songs to welcome the gods under the Turtle Peak, rejoicing and welcoming the golden box that fell from the sky.

The box contains six golden eggs as round as the sun.

The six eggs turned into children with extraordinary appearance, the first of which was drilled out of the egg called Shoulu.

Jin Shoulu founded Dajiluo, also known as the Kingdom of Gaya.

In the process of founding the kingdom, he used divine magic to subdue another god man in this place to liberate him and save him out of his realm.

Later, she greeted Princess Ayuda as queen on Wangshan Island.

Although their god system can only be regarded as a second-rate or even third-rate god system.

But these two are top-notch existences in their respective god systems.

Therefore, the strength is not bad, and the bullhead and horse face inheritors are not able to match them, which is also excusable.

After you learned all this, you were immediately interested and personally fought against the two inheritors.

Within a few moments, he had the absolute upper hand.

Coupled with the inheritors of the seven masters and the eight masters, and the inheritors of the bull head and horse face made a move to sweep the side.

Soon, you will successfully kill these two inheritors.

In line with the principle that since you have come, you also took a trip to the main city of Goryeo and shattered their pillar of national fortune.

Although this harvest is no longer in your eyes, after all, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, it is also meat.

The national movement is a little bit stronger.

The original national fortune of Goryeo was ordinary, and at this time, two inheritors were lost in a row, and the pillar of the national fortune was shattered.

The once a year monster siege cannot be stopped at all.

Immediately on the verge of dying. [

19 years old: The battlefield of the gods has been in a three-legged situation for nearly five years.

During this time, you attacked and tested each other and suppressed other national forces that had gained inheritance.

But this did not last long, and soon the situation showed signs of collapse.

The inheritor of the Egyptian three-pillar god, for some reason, seemed to be crazy, and even ignored everything else.

I only know how to attack you.

So a fierce war broke out between you and Egypt.

During this period, the inheritor of the bull head and horse face died at the hands of Sekhmet.

She was the daughter of the sun god Ra, the lioness god in Egyptian mythology.

He wields the divine power of war, medical treatment, fire, and revenge.

In terms of combat ability, it is the strongest among the three pillar gods.

Even if you single out with her, you may suffer a loss without using the Golden Light Array.

When you heard that the Minotaur Horse Face inheritor was dead, you were furious when you boarded, and you could no longer suppress the killing intent in your heart!

The nine inheritors of the Dragon Kingdom are mainly led by Uncle Zhang, followed by you.

The inheritors of the three thunder generals are naturally led by Uncle Zhang.

And the inheritors of the Seventh and Eighth Masters, the inheritors of the bull head and horse face, are closer and familiar with you.

They usually accept your dispatch and orders, and it can be said that they are your forces within the Dragon Kingdom.

Now that two of them have died at once, you are naturally angry.

When you go to seek revenge on Sekhmet, you happen to run into Nefertum, who was left alone.

So you summoned twenty-one golden mirrors and killed the Nefertum inheritor on the spot!

This incident has made the conflict between you and Egypt even more intense, and the war has escalated again!

In the meantime, the EU has been on the sidelines.

You understand their thoughts, they want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and when you are both defeated, they are sitting on the fisherman's profit!

What you don't understand is why Egypt, which had maintained a good balance, suddenly launched a thunderous offensive against you?

And he looks like he doesn't care.

At first, you thought it must be the EU that was doing the bad.

Egypt was being used as a gun.

But after probing, it turned out that things were not simple.

Egypt was indeed shot, but not by the European Union, but by Greece!

This national power, which holds the first-echelon divine heritage, has successfully hidden its strength in the previous suppression.

You already had a premonition of this kind of thing, but you didn't expect that the first to break the balance would be Greece.

It was unexpected and reasonable.

Soon, you figured out what happened.

It turned out that Greece secretly obtained two godly inheritances.

One is the goddess of war, blood, and ruined cities, Eris!

She is rumored to be the sister of Ares, the god of war.

Daughter of Zeus, king of the gods, and Hera, queen of heaven.

The other is the demagogic goddess who seduces people or gods to lose their minds and go mad, Arte!

They are two goddesses, one is good at war, the other is good at seducing and seducing.

Hiding in the shadows succeeded in drawing the fire of Egypt upon you.

That's what happened before.

It's just a little confusing to you.

That is, Eris was the sister of Ares, the daughter of Zeus and Hera.

Ata, on the other hand, was the daughter of Zeus and Eris.

........ Ah this!!

Although this matter has nothing to do with the war situation, it still makes you feel like you can't spit out a mouthful of old grooves. 】


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