The first step is to achieve the same track of cars around the world, the same book and the same text, and unified weights and measures!

Then, there is basic cultural education.

The whole people practice martial arts, and what they practice is the first volume of the martial arts code.

After so many years of integration, this peerless martial art that is easy to learn and difficult to refine should be the most suitable for popularization as a basic martial art.

Your series of actions are having a profound impact on the world.

In the people, or in the rivers and lakes, whether they understand you or do not understand you, they are all shocked!

At first, it really didn't go well.

You still maintain the iron-blooded means of governance, and if you don't submit, you will kill!

Of course, in addition to killing, there are also Huairou means.

Only by combining rigidity and softness can we better implement the plan.

You've assembled a large number of talents from the world of Romance, in addition to generals who can fight a thousand armies, as well as some strategists with supernatural powers.

Over the years, natural and man-made disasters such as droughts and floods have been greatly mitigated by their presence.

It also produced crops that matured more easily, lifting all people out of poverty.

As the saying goes, it is easy to fight the world, but it is difficult to guard the world.

This stage of development takes longer.

It took almost thirty years to see results.

And because you spread the world, a large number of talents have emerged from the people.

They are all your disciples.

So you are also called Wuzu.

When you're 100 years old, you feel like the time is almost right.

So he chose to retire and lied about his death.

For a while, the world was fine.

After that, the imperial court established a martial temple, and you were the first to enter, listed as Wuzong Wuzu, to facilitate the people's offerings.

As for yourself, you took Yu Ran into seclusion.

At this point, your plan has reached the most critical moment.

Because the Zhongwu world is a multi-world integration, the population is extremely large.

Enjoy almost all the offerings, wondering if you can collect incense.

Enhance your soul and go one step closer to the unknowable level!

In the beginning, you don't feel much.

But after a long time, you really feel a trace of incense willpower.

This is an extremely magical energy.

At this time, your martial arts canon has been fully completed, and naturally there are also martial arts chapters on spiritual aspects.

So your spiritual cultivation is also very strong.

However, this power can greatly enhance your spiritual cultivation.

During the cultivation, you can always feel the increase in the power of incense.

Until you are two hundred years old, you can even connect heaven and earth, and iQue is too empty.

You understand that your experiment was successful!

It's a pity that there are no immortals and heavenly courts in this world.

No one will come to canonize you either.

You have to figure out for yourself how to use this power.

Until you were three hundred years old, the power of your divine soul had surpassed your physical strength.

You feel a deep calling.

So you give up your physical body and merge into the whole heaven and earth in the way of a divine soul.


[300 years old: End of simulation.] In


Gu Qing's eyes widened.

"Wang Defa?"

"What's the situation?"

"My soul is not extinguished, why is the simulation over?"

Just when Gu Qing was puzzled, he suddenly found a special reminder.

Because of the prosperity of incense and willpower, plus there are no gods and Buddhas in that world.

In the end, Gu Qing was actually sealed by the will of heaven and earth, or the consciousness of heaven and earth!

He integrated into the national fortune of the Xianwu God Dynasty and became a true Martial Ancestor.

It's like the land of the mountain god, or the city god lord.

Received local offerings and became a god defending one side.

Gu Qing is the same.

It's just that Gu Qing was offered by people all over the world and became the protector of the entire Divine Dynasty.

One person can seal the gods, and it is even possible to open the era of sealing gods!

In the future, as long as someone is included in the martial arts temple and receives offerings, he may be integrated into the national fortune.

Become the god of the guardian god of the national fortunes.

And as the first person to become a god, Gu Qing, as the Martial Ancestor of the Martial Sect, can already be called Shou and Tianqi, immortal.

So the simulator automatically determines that the simulation is over.

Kicked out Gu Qing's main consciousness.

"So I'm considered to have cleared the Zhongwu World?"

"Why didn't you upgrade to the advanced world?"

Gu Qing rubbed his chin, a little uncertain.

But now, if he chooses the Zhongwu World again, two options will appear.

One is to take over the consciousness of Martial Ancestor.

This doesn't cost simulation points anymore.

The other is to continue to spend 10,000 simulation points, or to run a completely new simulation as before.

【End of this life simulation

】【Final evaluation: SSS

】【Points obtained:100,000

】【Total points:300882】


. In the end, as expected, it received the highest rating from SSS.

Gu Qing had already guessed this, so he didn't feel too excited.

What he is most looking forward to now is the exchange list, I don't know if he can exchange the incense wish power received by Martial Ancestor Martial Ancestor!

In that case, he paved the way for so long, spent so long in the Zhongwu World before and after, and even finally directly cleared the level, it was worth it.

The ultimate goal and plan is accomplished.

But before that, you still have to choose the inherited talent.

[You can choose one of the talents, and you can draw it in the next life.] 【

Orange Innate Spirit Body

】【Orange Martial Arts Spirit Child】【Orange

Talent of the World】


Gu Qing first ruled out the talents of the world.

Although in this simulation, the talent of the world gave him a lot of help.

If it weren't for this talent, it would be easy to fight the world, but it would not be easy to govern the world later!

It is precisely because of the existence of the talent of the world, coupled with Gu Qingtian's Buwu, known as the Martial Ancestor, condensing the faith of all peoples.

As well as his own impetus, the establishment of the Wumiao.

In the end, he was able to integrate his divine soul into the national fortune and become the first god between heaven and earth.

However, after this simulation, the role of the world's talents is much smaller.

The value is definitely not comparable to the other two talents.

The innate effect of the innate spirit body is that no matter within any system, when cultivating, it will receive a great bonus.

In addition, the attribute aspect is intelligence +10 and physique +30

The talent effect of the martial arts spirit boy is that practicing any exercise will receive a great bonus.

Then physique +20, intelligence +20.

The focus of attribute attachment is different, but it is similar.

It's all 40 points.

However, in terms of effect, one is that within any system, cultivation will obtain a great bonus.

One is to practice any exercise and get a great bonus.

In general, martial arts spirit children are still more limited than innate spirit bodies.

Therefore, after deliberating, Gu Qing continued to choose the innate spirit body.


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