This time the ten consecutive draws, although no orange talent appeared.

But the few purple talents that appeared were very much in line with Gu Qing's requirements.

That's plus charm!

In a magical world, I want to build a church and unite my faith.

What is most important?

Of course, it is the ability to fool people!

And people with strong charm can be regarded as twice as effective with half the effort when fooling people!

It's easy to gain the trust of others.

Glamour is a very broad concept, and he has had a red talent for charismatic before.

However, that charm is mainly reflected in its own appearance.

Because the appearance is too high, it has caused some other effects.

If that red talent is not an increase in appearance, but an increased charm in terms of appeal, empathy, persuasion, leadership temperament and so on.

Then Gu Qing can evolve into a super big flicker, directly flickering the heavens!

After seeing all the talents drawn this time, Gu Qing directly chose three of them.

【Orange Innate Spirit

Body】【Purple Void Void】【Purple

Sacred Light Body】


This is followed by assigning attribute points.

Intelligence: 0 (Talent Additional 20) Physique

: 0 (Talent Additional 45) Charisma: 0 (Talent Additional 55)

Family Status: 5

Luck: 15


This time, Gu Qing's basic attributes cannot be described as not powerful!

The physique reached 45 points.

And the charm also reached 55 points.

I believe that even if you can't achieve the previous idea, you can lay a good foundation.

It is convenient to be able to reap the power of faith later.

【Start a new life! 】 【

0 years old: You were born and a girl. [

1 year old: When you were born, with the gentle light descending, this vision greatly shocked the whole family!

Your mother, a devout member of the Holy Light Cult, feels that this must be a blessing from the God of Light to your family. [

2 years old: When you were born, the things that accompanied the vision of the Holy Light reached the high-level of the Holy Light God Sect.

A cardinal personally came to check on the situation and was shocked when he saw you!

He said excitedly, you must be a miracle sent by the God of Light, a natural saint!

You should not belong to your parents, but to the entire cult, or even the whole world!

Your mother gladly accepted and was honored!

But your father didn't want to accept that he was just an ordinary shallow believer, or because he was influenced by your mother.

Now that he wants to take his precious daughter away, it must be impossible to say anything.

But how could his personal strength be able to resist the Church that had already made up its mind?

What's more, there is your mother's full cooperation.

So your father became the target of everyone, and everyone around him blamed him for being selfish.

You were eventually brought back into the church by the Cardinal. [

3 years old: Your appearance has attracted great attention from the church, and after detecting that you have a strong affinity for light attributes, it is like a treasure.

The Pope himself baptized you and canonized you as a saint of the Holy Light Cult!

It is worth mentioning that before you, the religion of God had saints.

A saint doesn't have to be unique, so you and Sofina are juxtaposed as saints. [

4 years old: You have shown a great talent in the study of magic.

Especially light magic, when meditating, those light elements will even swarm and drill into your body. [

5 years old: Although you are young, you have attracted the love of a large number of congregations.

Even the original saint Sofina, after experiencing the initial jealousy, was gradually touched by you. 【

6 years old: Your future is infinite, bright, whether it is prestige or strength, it is increasing day by day. [

7 years old: The Holy Light God Sect is not the only church in this world, and this year it encountered foreign enemies, and the whole church experienced some turmoil.

[8 years old: You have been captured by a mysterious enemy who wants to use you to blackmail the entire Holy Light God Sect.

You try to communicate with him, communicate, let his guard down through words.

From an early age, you are very easy to trust others, and your words are very contagious.

Even if the opponent's strength is not weak, it is in a state of hostility and has a fairly high degree of vigilance.

But because you're just an eight-year-old, you neglect to take precautions.

Under your inducement, he chose to release you and betray the organization. [

9 years old: The Holy Light God Sect finally defeated the enemy and achieved victory.

Throughout the year, you often followed the bishops to various places and participated in various gatherings and events.

In this way, more believers can be gathered and the influence of the church expanded. 【

10 years old: The biggest festival of the Holy Light God Sect arrives.

This day is called the day of the appearance of light.

Great events were held, and you were dressed up to attend.

At this time, you have a great reputation among the followers of the God Sect.

On this day, the Pope himself baptizes and blesses the children of the faithful.

You also follow along, using light magic to bless it.

It's just that you are strange, although the power of magic has some effects, this effect is very limited.

It will not be as powerful as the popes and bishops preach.

[Age 11: You meet a scruffy man who claims to be your father.

You ignored him because the Pope told you that you are the daughter of light, the saint who came down from the divine realm to bring light and guidance to people.

[12 years old: Over the years, the power of the Holy Light God Sect has expanded greatly, and it has even formed the Knights of Light and has a good force.

In the empire, the right to speak is getting heavier and heavier.

Those aristocratic lords who were originally high and high no longer seem to be arrogant.

Even when receiving an ordinary priest, he will maintain due respect. 【

13 years old: You have come out of the pavilion, and your body seems to exude a soft and sacred light.

You've even been able to unleash high-level magic.

[14 years old: There was a scandal in the church, and a priest took advantage of his position to molest a boy.

You feel extremely disgusted, but you did not expect that under the light of light, such a dirty and dirty thing would appear.

Just when you thought that the bishops would punish him severely, something even more shocking happened to you.

They even claimed that the boy was the reincarnation of a demon, and that the priest was dispelling the demon for him!

You feel ridiculous, even if you grew up in the church, it does not mean that you do not have your own independent thinking.

You prayed since you were a child, but the God of Light never responded.

You have long wavered in your beliefs.

Now the crack has widened even more. 】


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