[79 years old: The army of the Empire embarks on a journey into the distance.

You need more people to provide you with more faith.

Five months later, reports of war came from the front lines of the army, and the indigenous barbarians living there were encountered further north.

They are strong and not weak in battle, but they have not formed a civilization of scale.

The pattern of tribal groups is still maintained.

Your army easily defeated those tribes and captured large numbers of prisoners.

【80 years old: You are determined to let the divine light shine on the whole world.

At this time, the Bright Empire was already in an extremely strong state.

Fully implement the belief system centered on you.

Although there were many more fanatics, they were never able to give birth to a saint. 【

81 years old: When you are in the temple, you can clearly feel that the statue in the temple contains a lot of power of faith.

These are all contributions that believers have made to the God of Light over the years.

Although you have divided the power of faith through a series of operations, there are still many people who are more devout about the ethereal God of Light.

Because the God of Light does not exist at all, these forces of faith are all masterless.

But you can't absorb it, because you can feel that once you absorb the power of these beliefs, you are equivalent to truly becoming the God of Light.

He completely gave up his mortal flesh and became a true god by condensing the godhead with the power of faith.

The benefits of this are, of course, enormous, but also costly.

You will be completely kidnapped by the power of faith.

This is the disadvantage of faith as God.

All your strength comes from faith.

Once you lose your faith and are forgotten by the world, you will fall off the altar.

And now you are also strong, even if you lose the power of faith, you can still guarantee that you have unparalleled strength in the world.

That's why you've been hesitant. 【

82 years old: The days when there are no enemies and you can't find opponents make you feel a little bored.

The barbarians in the north who lived in the cold land, although their individual strength was generally strong, they were not opponents of the Light Legion at all.

Under the iron hooves, nearly half of the cold land has now been conquered, and those barbarians are being purified.

Convince them of the power of the Light. [

83 years old: As the commander of the legion, it is Victor who appeared after you unified theocracy and kingship.

He is brave and good at fighting, a true warrior, and even known as the 'Imperial Executioner'!

Not only powerful, but also very cruel.

But his appearance is very kind.

Every time I went out for the empire and saw the enemy, I would be the first to ask: Do you believe in the light?

[84 years old: Continue north, the weather is getting colder, even barbarians are rare.

Some traces of intelligent life can still be found here, but the environment is too harsh.

So you ordered the expeditionary force to return to the empire.

After all, continuing to the north is completely worth the loss.

The land there, even if it was included in the empire, no one could live there.

There are also that rare intelligent life, even if caught, most of them are two or three kittens, and even more than the soldiers of the imperial legion who were frozen to death.

[85 years old: You finally made up your mind.

A powerful empire that makes you feel invincible in this life.

If it can be turned into a god and protect the empire, it will naturally make it stronger.

And the power of faith that he can accumulate will also increase.

In fact, the drawbacks of the power of faith are not inextricable.

As long as you can feel the power of the laws of this world and become the Lord God, it will naturally weaken the influence of the power of faith on you.

If you can fully understand the law, or even have several laws, even if you completely lose your faith and the believers are slaughtered, the impact on you will not be too great.

Of course, this is very difficult, but I have to say, it is more attractive to you now.

Because now you have been living in the palace for a long time, you are very bored.

It seems that he is not interested in anything.

You have no choice but to become a god. [

86 years old: This year is a very special year for the people in the Bright Empire.

Because you have announced that you are returning to the realm of God.

Under your previous operation, you have been completely bound to the God of Light.

Some believers believe that you are the God of Light, others believe that you are the daughter of the God of Light, and some even think that you are just a projection or incarnation of the God of Light.

Belief in this kind of thing is so bizarre, many people have different understandings, divided into many factions.

Even you alone can't make it change.

And now, you are going to completely merge with the God of Light and turn the illusion into reality.

The cause and effect of this makes you feel very mysterious.

Originally, the God of Light does not exist, because because of your existence, He can exist.

And with the blessing of the faith of all beings, it was as if He really existed.

It's as if a made-up lie, after being believed by most people, turns out to be true.

The God of Light is the cause, and you are the effect. Or are you the cause, and the God of Light is the effect.

It is a very mysterious and worthy question.

But for you now, what is more important is the huge power of faith that you can share after becoming the God of Light.

You gave up mortal wombs and finally became gods.

The Bright Empire also recorded this day as a very important festival in the empire and the Holy Light God Sect.

Unlike the people of the empire who were caught in a carnival, you are in some trouble at this time.

At the moment when you truly became the God of Light, you unexpectedly detected a strange life form.

After feeling it, you find out that He is actually the God of Light!

Isn't the God of Light a fiction?!

You're amazed!

After careful probing and probing, you are finally sure that what you were thinking was right.

The God of Light does not exist.

The reason for the emergence of this strange life form is that a huge faith has gradually been born.

If you don't become a god, then in an unknown number of years, he will grow into a true god of light, and then receive the power of faith that was originally ownerless.

Fortunately, now that you have come first, He is not yet fully conceived, and there is no threat to you at all.

You easily erase Him. [

87 years old: End of simulation.] 】


[Hint: The world ceiling has been broken, and the junior magic world has been officially promoted to the intermediate magic world. 【

Tip: Break the world limit and reward 10w points. 【Hint

: The attributes of the intermediate magic world and the intermediate magic world overlap and merge into one. 】


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