Suddenly, the three appeared in a starry sky.

Time is ticking fast here.

Gu Qing could clearly see that the nebula in the distance was expanding and moving.

Then a star was born.

The heat spread throughout the galaxy, giving birth to life on some planets.

And then developed civilization.

Some civilizations have even broken through the surface and explored the universe.

And then go to war.

The energy of stars is constantly declining, and civilization is increasingly falling into some kind of shackles.

Eventually, the star's energy runs out, its brightness gradually dims, and its own gravity collapses inward.

Turn into a black hole and devour everything in the galaxy.

That brilliant civilization is as brilliant and ephemeral as fireworks.

As the star's life ends, it is also annihilated in the black hole.

This series of changes, according to normal time, is at least more than ten billion years.

But what happened in front of Gu Qing's eyes at this time only took a few seconds.

Similar scenes are playing out all the time in this universe.

The fighting between the three sides did not stop because of the changes around them.

The powerful energy fluctuations spread outward, and the planets along the way were instantly wiped out like dust.

The Thunder Fire Heavenly River rushed towards the big skull, but it was hard to resist it, causing the river to split into two streams.

Ripples in different directions.

Directly washed out countless galaxies, and the stars were as worthless as Mars, and they were annihilated in an instant.

There are even high-level civilizations whose spheres of influence occupy hundreds of galaxies.

In just a few breaths, the entire river system completely shattered.

The spiritual fluctuations of the big skull expanded outward, and the matter in the countless river systems instantly condensed into a gray-white projectile.

This projectile only briefly fixed the waves that Neptune had induced.

It was completely wiped out.

The entire universe shattered, and the surroundings were once again plunged into extreme darkness.

But Gu Qing observed with his divine soul that this darkness was actually extremely brilliant.

Because there are countless universes here.

Or rather, it is entirely made up of the universe.

Each atom is an independent universe.

Every moment, the universe is annihilated.

Every moment, the universe is born.

The three of them are sometimes sucked into a universe because of their inexplicable power.

Sometimes they scatter and enter different universes.

Sometimes they are completely unaffected by these forces.

The rules here are very strange, and all kinds of knowledge and laws that human beings have explored seem to be fallacies here.

Completely lost its effect.

Fortunately, it did not have much impact on Gu Qing's strength.

At this time, he joined forces with Neptune and had completely suppressed the big skull.

He is constantly being consumed.

It will be a tug-of-war.

If He hadn't had that layer of membrane for protection, this tug-of-war might have ended sooner.

Gu Qing directly sacrificed a headache and cooperated with the Silent Gun.

Time has lost its meaning here.

If you follow the time in those microcosms, I am afraid that countless times have passed the Big Bang to the end of the universe.

At this time, the big skull finally showed signs of collapsing.

Neptune said, "Gu! It's about to succeed!

Gu Qing's eyes also lit up, knowing that it was now the most critical moment.

But his goal wasn't just to eradicate the big skull.

Although destroying him can bring Gu Qing a very rich simulation point reward.

But for Gu Qing, that was obviously not enough!

What he needs is to maximize profits!

As the first generation of high priests of the Skull Order, this big skull obtained forbidden knowledge and power from the god of the skull.

Completely abandoned the human body and became like this.

What he is good at is that the spirit affects reality, distorts matter, and distorts space.

For Gu Qing, this can be regarded as a big tonic!

In addition, Gu Qing also wanted to know who the existence that this big skull was referring to earlier was!

Was it the Naiarathotep that he and Neptune had guessed.

So at the last moment, Gu Qing suddenly sacrificed Qiankunding.

"Help me!"

I saw that in the midst of Qiankunding, there was an infinite suction power.

But the big skull can still resist temporarily.

But he forgot that there was also Neptune who fought side by side with Gu Qing!

Although the two have not known each other for too long, they have also established some friendships.

We have some tacit understanding with each other.

Gu Qing said 'help me', although Neptune didn't know what he was going to do.

But I instinctively chose to cooperate.

Suddenly, the big skull no longer had the power to resist.

Countless skeletons turned into powder, merging into a nebula-like gray-white substance.

was sucked into the Qiankunding.

Gu Qing urged the Shangqing Innate True Flame, not intending to refine it now.

It is to completely erase its true spirit.

Then slowly refine.

After a moment, the sound of the system sounded in Gu Qing's ears.

[Absorb filthy gas, simulation point +750370! ]

A hint of satisfaction flashed in Gu Qing's eyes.

At this moment, his simulation points and points can be regarded as almost equal.

All of them reached more than 1.7 million.

Neptune had never seen such a thing as Ding, and for Gu Qing to come up with so many artifacts.... Or a magic weapon, it's incredible.

I was even more curious about this.

Sensing Neptun's eyes, Gu Qing smiled and said, "My magic weapon is called Qiankunding." "

Qiankunding..." Neptune chewed the magical name full of rhyme repeatedly.

But it has always been difficult to grasp and understand the mystery of this.

Straight felt that Gu Qing seemed to contain all kinds of incredibly strange properties.

I was even more in awe of it.

Gu Qing continued, "When I condense that guy into a soul bead and digest it, I may be able to know who the existence behind him is.

Neptune hurriedly said, "No! It's too risky! Of

course, Neptune would not doubt Gu Qing's methods, but he had now determined that the mastermind behind this was Naiarathotep.

This powerful and peculiar outer god.

As one of the most powerful three-pillar gods, Naiyarathotep is very special.

For example, when the two of them were discussing, they didn't shy away at all, and it was okay to call them by their first names.

In fact, the names of evil gods are forcibly translated.

Not a real name at all.

Evil gods cannot be looked at directly, cannot be named, and their true names are completely unknown except for themselves.

The names of all evil gods are just descriptions.

But even so, it is generally not possible to call it by name, that will be noticed.

It is extremely taboo.

But this point, placed on Naiarathotep, does not hold.

Maybe this guy is not afraid of itching if he has more lice.

But if it was really him behind this, Gu Qing was devouring the soul bead and exploring the background.

Probably face to face with Him!

This is a completely different nature from calling Him by name!


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