The two left the underworld all the way.

Return to the surface.

It's just that the location here is not in the cold plateau.

The two were not impressed, but according to the previous plan, they went to the Minal area to check it out.

I didn't get close, but looked at the wide lake from afar.

At this time, it still seemed very calm, and even the mist dissipated.

The water of the lake is clear and translucent, and under the sunlight, it looks sparkling and beautiful.

"It seems that there should be no problem."

Neptune also nodded and said, "It's good that there is no problem, if there is such a major mistake as the evil god breaking the seal during the master's sleep, I..."

Rao was this burly man, and he couldn't believe the consequences.

Perhaps there are no consequences at all, because the evil god who broke the seal is enough to crush him to death easily.

Gu Qing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, let's go back to Dilas Lingang first." He

was desperate to start refining the Great Skull now.

Not only the refined soul beads, but also his divine soul power can be greatly enhanced.

You can also learn some of the information behind this matter.

Neptune nodded, and the two turned to leave.

Just after the two left, the originally calm lake rippled.

The ripples grew bigger and bigger, and even the entire Great Lake began to tremble.

It was as if something was about to rush out from beneath the surface.

It lasted for half a quarter of an hour before it calmed down again.


For all this, the two did not know.

By this time, they had returned to Port Dilas-Lin.

Gu Qing couldn't wait to choose the retreat.

Although he didn't talk about the previous incident again, Neptune knew what he was going to do.

I wanted to persuade, but I knew that Gu Qing didn't seem to want to listen.

I also feel very helpless.

And Gu Qing didn't have the leisure to talk more nonsense, and went directly upstairs.

Strictly speaking, it is in the middle of an urban area, so it is not suitable for retreat.

Fortunately, this refining does not require too much mental consumption.

After all, the true spirit of the big skull has already dissipated, and it only takes some time to condense it into a soul bead.

Besides, there is Neptune downstairs, even if something unexpected happens, there is no need for Gu Qing to come forward.

After sacrificing Qiankunding, Gu Qing sighed with emotion: "The two of us really have a relationship, thanks to your little brothers, they sent me twelve holy heads, temporarily making up for the lack of my soul at that time."

"Now you have worked hard to run to the Fantasy Realm, just to let me strengthen my divine soul and step into the unknowable level faster."

"I don't even know how to express my thanks, I can only say good people!"

If the big skull were still alive, he would definitely be so angry that he vomited blood.

In order to survive in the world, it became an unknown ancient one, which seems to be very powerful to say, but in fact, they are all a group of poor guys who have gone astray.

Most of the time you can only fall into a deep sleep.

As soon as he was woken up by his little brother, he was hit by the system and directly suffered great damage.

I finally woke up again, and I had the hope of truly becoming unknowable.

But he didn't expect that a mistake would be planted in Gu Qing's hands again.

Gu Qing urged the Shangqing Innate True Flame, and saw that within Qiankunding, the flames continued to rise.

The gray-white substance forms gas for a while, and solidifies again the next.

It's shrinking.

In about three days, Gu Qing successfully refined it into a soul bead.

The reason why it takes several days to consume is mainly because the amount of refining required is very large.

The big skull, as an ancient unknown, is itself a strong person who surpasses the peak of the blazing sun.

He is also good at mental strength.

At this time, the flame in Qiankunding was extinguished.

From it dripping and slipping a projectile flew.

This projectile is about the size of an egg.

The whole body is shiny with chaotic colors, showing an off-white luster.

For Gu Qing, the next thing is the big play.

He needed to refine this soul bead.

It may be able to promote the true fusion of the power of incense and the power of faith.

At that time, it may be possible to promote to an agnostic existence!

For the next three months, Gu Qing was in retreat.


Inside the tavern, Neptune always seemed preoccupied.

Not only for Gu Qing's worries, but also for Nordens.

And the fear that there will be no more terrible enemies.

In the bar, his old fellows all sensed his absence.

Just when Neptune was drinking alcohol, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

"Neptune ."

Neptune was taken aback!

Because he knew that it was his master who made this sound.



Nordens: "Don't be nervous, I'm just sleeping for a while."

Neptune "Master, what's going on, is it really Naiarathotep?" Nordens

: "Some seals in other places are loose, and I need to spend some strength to stabilize, so most of the mind is involved."

"I already know what happened in the dream during this period, and you did a good job."

"Behind this matter, there is the shadow of Naiarathotep, but he should not be dominant, but only exist as a promoter."

"It's His favorite thing to do."

"You have to be careful, Naiarathotep don't worry, if it were his plan, you wouldn't be able to crack it so easily."

"There should be some trouble in the future, if I am here, I can easily solve it, but now I can't get away, so I can only rely on you."

Neptune quickly nodded: "Master, don't worry!" I won't let you down!

After that, Neptune called Nordens a few more times, but got no response at all.

It seems that Nordens' situation is not very good.

I can only briefly take some mental attention to explain to Neptune .

But for Neptune it was like a shot in the arm.

Instantly lifted his spirits.

"If it wasn't for Naiarathotep, who would it be?"


After knowing that there would be more trouble in the future, Neptune decided to leave Port Dilas-Lin.

Since the goal of the big skull when it appeared was clear, it was to unseal the water lizard.

Then the next trouble is likely to revolve around water lizards.

So Neptune needs to go closer to the land of the sealed water lizards again, such as the city of Iranic.

Keep an eye on everything that moves around that lake.

Prevent surprises!

Before leaving, Neptune looked upstairs.

These days, he could clearly feel that a seemingly absent pressure was constantly seeping down from upstairs.

That was where Gu Qing was, perhaps now Gu Qing had reached a more critical moment.

But there was no way, Neptune had to leave.

After leaving a message to Gu Qing to clarify the situation.

Neptune repatriated the bartender who had been watching the store home, choosing to temporarily close the bar.

Only then did he leave and head to Iranik City.


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