Just because the terrain is too complicated in the mountains, this matter is prolonged.

However, in view of the fact that the combat effectiveness of the two sides is too far apart, even if there are mountains and geographical advantages, these mountain thieves are still not opponents of the regular army.

Those who are beaten are defeated and retreated.

Before the eldest prince was taken away, several cottages had been conquered in a row.

Repeatedly pushed those rebels back.

I believe that it will not be long before it can be completely wiped out.

Unexpectedly, because of a momentary negligence, he was caught by the other party's masters and took the eldest prince away.

This moment made Dong Fengcheng not dare to move.

After trying several times and unable to save the Great Prince, he had no choice but to ask for the support of the imperial capital.

After a brief understanding, Viper took the lead in formulating a plan.

That is to determine the location of the Great Prince first!

And then go to the rescue!

The job of determining the location was left to the goshawk, who was the most accomplished existence among the four present.

A day later, the goshawk returned.

It has been determined that the eldest prince is likely to be imprisoned on top of Pan Lingfeng.

This mountain is extremely steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack.

And the guards are very tight, and all the signs indicate that the eldest prince is being imprisoned there.

You seem to be going a little too well.

It's just that although you have a noble status, you are not professional in this kind of thing, and there is no direct evidence.

So he only kept his doubts in his heart, but did not show them.

Immediately after, you made a rescue plan.

First of all, Dong Fengcheng attacked head-on, pulling the attention of those thieves.

Then grasshoppers, vipers, goshawks and flower butterflies will collectively dispatch and sneak into Panling Peak.

Rescue the Great Prince.

After the matter is successful, launch a general attack on these thieves.

Be sure to wipe it all out!

The time of the plan is set for tomorrow night.

On the same day, Flower Butterfly found you and said that you seemed to have something on your mind.

Might as well say it to her.

You told Flower Butterfly about your doubts.

The flower butterfly nodded seriously, indicating that she would pay more attention.

Don't worry too much, this trip will definitely save the eldest prince."

You talked a lot to the flower butterfly under the moon.

At the same time, I couldn't help but be curious and asked the specific identities of several of them.

Flower butterflies smile and say to you that their identities are kept secret.

But I can tell you the name of the organization they belong to - August 15!

The next day, Dong Fengcheng took the lead.

Everything went smoothly, and Dong Fengcheng's troops even more attracted the attention of the thieves.

The four people on August 15 quietly lurked near Panling Peak.

Just wait for the time to come, and immediately enter to save people!

Seeing Pan Lingfeng's defense, it was the most lax time.

The four immediately sneaked in and found the place where the eldest prince was.

Unexpectedly, he was ambushed!

That person was not a great prince at all, but a martial arts master.

Yi Rong became the eldest prince and was the first to stab the grasshopper's arm with a sword.

If it weren't for the flower butterfly pulling him at a critical moment, I was afraid that this sword would have stabbed the heart!

Although the grasshopper escaped to death, it was also injured not lightly, and its strength was affected.

After knowing the plan, several people immediately wanted to retreat, but outside they were already surrounded by people in ambush.

Suddenly fell into a fierce battle.

The more frightened the battle, these people are not like ordinary bandits at all, among them there are several martial arts masters, and their strength is very strong!

The flower butterfly was careless for a moment, and was almost slapped by a palm, and at the critical moment, a figure fell from the sky and saved her.

It's you! Eighteen Princes!

It turned out that you were not worried about them, so you secretly followed them.

Sure enough, I saw them in ambush.

Although you are only thirteen years old, your strength is not weak.

With your joining, the four were able to get out of danger.

The price to pay, but not small.

The sword is poisonous, the grasshopper's left arm is injured, and at the critical moment, it can only break the arm to survive!

The viper also suffered some minor injuries.

The state is still intact, only the goshawk and the flower butterfly, which is still a blessing for you.

Your strength makes the four of them even more impressive.

Flower Butterfly was going to return to the barracks, but you and Viper stopped her almost at the same time.

You and the viper look at each other and know what you think, and the other party thinks of it.

Today's failure can be said to have a great deal of strangeness.

How did those bandits know you were going to act tonight?

Why can traps be laid in advance?

And most importantly, through the hand-to-hand, you can feel that those mountain thieves do not look like ordinary mountain thieves at all.

The strength is very strong!

If you hadn't shot in time, I'm afraid that if not all of them were folded there, at least one or two would have to be folded.

You have a very tacit understanding with the viper, and at the same time you have doubts about Dong Fengcheng.

That's why the flower butterflies who wanted to return to the barracks were stopped.

The grasshopper broke its arm, the poisonous snake was injured, if you go back now, if you are secretly calculated again, it will be miserable!

You have found a place to recuperate.

Wait for the poisonous snake and the grasshopper to stabilize the injury, and then make other plans.

At the same time, you need to figure out two things.

The first is the true origin of those thieves, what is hidden behind it.

Second, did Dong Fengcheng betray you.

After settling the grasshopper and viper, the three of you split up.

You and Flower Butterfly go to Jiangbei City, and Dong Fengcheng's military camp is stationed near Jiangbei City.

You plan to go there and test Dong Fengcheng on the side.

The goshawk is responsible for infiltrating the mountains of the Northern Region again to find out the true origin of those mountain thieves.

This is a very difficult and dangerous task, and only a goshawk with superb skills can do it.

After a series of investigations and temptations with Flower Butterfly, you finally determined that Dong Fengcheng did have some problems.

Because he lied to you!

The reason why the eldest prince left the barracks and came to Jiangbei City was arrested.

Behind this, there is a shadow of Dong Fengcheng.

It's just very hidden and not easy to detect.

You and the flower butterfly cooperate with each other, explore the puzzles, and with your wit and keen insight, you finally find this thing.

At the same time, you also received intelligence information from your grandfather's house.

It turned out that when you first came to Jiangbei City, you had already managed to send a letter to your grandfather's house.

Let them help investigate whether there is any connection between this Dong Fengcheng and the second prince and Wan Guifei.

Your grandfather still has some status in the dynasty, and he still attaches great importance to your affairs, immediately conducted an investigation, and quickly sent you the results.

After you read the letters, you understand the conspiracy of all this.

Sure enough, it was Wan Guifei who secretly instigated!

On the surface, although Dong Fengcheng has nothing to do with Wan Guifei and the second prince, secretly, if you trace the roots, there is some connection.

Because Dong Fengcheng's teacher has some friendship with the imperial prince of the dynasty.

And Tai Fu is Wan Guifei's person.

It is in support of the second prince.


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