For all this, Gu Qing naturally did not know.

At this time, he was preparing to rush to the city of Iranic to find Neptune .

In the fantasy dream, Gu Qing's only ally is Nordens.

It's a pity that now Nordens fell into a deep sleep.

And Gu Qing is still wary of Nordens.

Even if Nordens is already very honest.

But for this ancient god, what the other party was thinking and what kind of game he was making, Gu Qing couldn't figure it out.

So it is necessary to maintain some vigilance.

Beyond that, it's Neptune that's it.

Although Neptune belongs to Nordens' people, after this time together, he still prefers Neptune personality.

I can already be considered friends with him.

According to the scene seen from the memory of the big skull.

The existence behind this is only very dangerous.

If the other party sees the big skull fail, they decide to do it themselves.

Then Neptune is definitely unstoppable.

Nordens was in a deep sleep at this time, unable to support him.

At that time, he is afraid that it will be really dangerous!

However, after Gu Qing really rushed to Ilanic City, he did not see Neptune figure.

I couldn't help but frown.

The divine mind expanded outward, and in one thought, the memories of all the inhabitants of the entire city of Iranik were extracted.

And again without everyone noticing.

Through checking, Gu Qing saw the figure of Neptune from the memories of many people.

This guy did stay in Iranik City at first.

And it was still the same hotel where they were before.

But just three days ago, Neptune suddenly left and disappeared.

Maybe something was discovered and left.

In fact, through the memories of these people, Gu Qing could not determine when Neptune left.

I only know that three days ago, the people of the hotel went to clean the room and found that Neptune had disappeared.

Since then, there has never been a single Neptune in the memories of everyone in the entire city of Iranic.

Gu Qing stood on the streets of Erasic City, and the pedestrians coming and going did not seem to see his presence at all.

The area he was in seemed to be distorted.

It has been discarded from human cognition.

Anyone who passes through this area will subconsciously bypass it, completely unaware of their actions.

It's as if that's natural.

After checking everyone's memories, Gu Qing still didn't find a clue about Neptune .

So I had to go to the lake where the lizards were sealed first.

As far as the clues available so far, it can be seen that the big skull was awakened by the inexplicable being, and the purpose of awakening him is to let it go to the fantasy dream to unseal the water lizard.

Since the big skull has failed, there is no guarantee that it will not send new people, or go out in person.

Either way, going to the water lizard's sealing ground should lead to some clues.

Gu Qing stepped out in one step, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived above the ruins of Sarnas.

It seems to shrink into inches or move instantaneously.

But it's neither.

This ability is somewhat similar to that of the empty ghost.

It is moved by dimension.

It's not far from the lake.

The reason why Gu Qing did not go directly to the lake was mainly because he was jealous of water lizards.

Even though he has now been promoted to the agnostic level, there is no guarantee that he will not be recruited.

The original Sarnas three-pillar god was also unknowable.

And it's still three.

It was not under the curse of the water lizard, even Sarnas, who was not saved, was also trapped in the ruined God Domain.

Suffered for tens of thousands of years.

After getting closer, Gu Qing noticed that there seemed to be something strange ahead!

The entire vicinity of the lake seems to be artificially isolated, and nothing has been done before probing.

When I got closer, I found that something was on top of the lake.

"Not good!"

Gu Qing's expression was grim.

Hurry up and take a closer look.

The power of the Yuan God easily passed through the barrier and saw the scene that happened above the lake.

I saw a strange figure sitting cross-knee above the lake.

A trace of green mist continued to emerge from all over the lake.

Like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, they gathered towards the strange figure.

Although this figure seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog on the surface, Gu Qing could easily see through it.

His essence is not much different from that of human beings.

It's just that the skin is dark red, and it is accompanied by a circle of black mysterious patterns.

There is not a trace of hair on the body, and the skin is an unknowable material.

Appears smooth and shiny.

The top of the head is bare, but there are two curved red horns.

The eye sockets are deep and the nostrils are facing straight forward, like a pig's nose.

"This is an ancient statue!"

Gu Qing instantly saw through his essence.

He contains an ancient breath that has been left over countless years.

The divine soul contains some unknowable characteristics, but it is eroded by chaos and disorder.

Although he lost the possibility of being promoted to the agnostic level, his strength was much stronger than the peak of Lieyang.

It is as ancient as the big skull!

At the same time, Gu Qing also read his name from his divine soul.


For the ancient giants of the Flaming Sun Order, it may be a mountain that is difficult to climb.

But for Gu Qing, who has become unknowable, it can only be regarded as a defective product.

It's not worth a damp at all!

If normal people are three-dimensional, then the ancient unknown is at most three and a half dimensions, and Gu Qing is already a four-dimensional creature.

It's just that what this ancient unknown figure is doing now makes Gu Qing feel a little surprised.

So he didn't act rashly.

Although Gunapa is not worth mentioning, there is a real evil god in the lake below!

Through observation, Gu Qing found that as there was a continuous green mist gathering on Gu Naba's body.

His originally smooth skin of unknown material actually became a little bulging.

The body, which was originally dark red as the main color and had many black circle patterns, also glowed with a layer of green fluorescence.

"Damn it! The water lizard wants to use his body to break free from the seal?!

Gu Qing instantly saw through their schemes.

This is also a retreat.

Since the theft of Nordens' power failed, it was directly at the expense of an ancient unknown statue.

Use the ancient ominous body as a carrier to carry the will of a part of the water lizard.

It enables it to break free from the seal in disguise.

In this way, although it cannot exert the strength of the body, it is by no means comparable to the ancient unknown.

If they succeeded, even if Gu Qing had become unknowable now, they didn't know if they could defeat Gu Naba.

Or rather, water lizards!

Because at that time, Gunaba was no longer Gunaba at all.

At this time, the reason why Gu Naba's body was distorted was because he could not withstand the pressure brought by the power of the water lizard.

Perhaps when the water lizard is really stored, the appearance of Gunaba will completely change drastically.

There will be no more Gunapa then.

Some are just a water lizard doppelganger!

Gu Qing couldn't help but secretly said, "What a big hand!" He directly sacrificed an ancient unknown statue to serve as a carrier! "


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