I saw countless stars twinkling.

Form a hazy nebula.

Sketch a daunting silhouette.

Although it is not real, it can also roughly see the general characteristics of Him.

He has an octopus-like head with many tentacles, and his body is covered with scales.

It has huge claws and a pair of narrow wings behind it.

This image....

Gu Qing was directly shocked!

Isn't this Cthulhu?!

It's just that what makes Gu Qing wonder is that on top of his image outlined by the nebula, he does not feel chaos and disorder.

On the contrary, there is a sense of stability and peace.

Especially those eyes, which burst with golden brilliance.

It was like the brilliance that had just bound Gunapa.

Compared to it, Gu Qing's Ten Thousand Soul Dharma Body was insignificant in front of him, and it was eclipsed.

Gu Qing could clearly feel that the eyes containing golden brilliance looked at him.

Then, it completely dissipated without a trace.

Looking at it again, it's just a normal nebula.

It seems that everything I just saw is just an illusion.

But Gu Qing could be sure that it was real.

The one just now, although the appearance is very similar to Cthulhu, but it is definitely not Cthulhu!

First, Cthulhu was sleeping in Lalaye.

There is simply no way to get out of there.

Before the big alarm clock of the universe, the stars have not returned to their correct positions.

It is absolutely impossible for Cthulhu to wake up and break away from Lalaye.

Moreover, Gu Qing did not feel any chaotic attributes from the existence just now.

On the contrary, it was that orderly force, which had been felt in Nordens.

This is a strong man who is not weaker than Nordens!

And most likely an existence belonging to the camp of the ancient gods!

Maybe when I see Neptune again, I can get an answer from him.


This time, with the help of the mysterious ancient gods, the ending is still relatively good.

At the same time, it also made Gu Qing once again feel the strength of the old dominators.

Even if he is in a sealed state, it is still not comparable to him now.

After returning to the ground, Gu Qing glanced at the wide lake from a distance.

At this time, it is as quiet as an ordinary lake.

There is occasionally a mist floating on it, but it is just a natural phenomenon.

Anyone who looks like it will only think of it as a leisure resort.

I would never have imagined that under this lake, there was a terrifying old dominator!

Gu Qing saw that the current crisis was lifted, so he left here.

I plan to go to Iranik City.

At the time of the previous war with Gu Naba, Gu Qing's divine mind had already expanded, wanting to search for Neptune 's whereabouts.

Unfortunately, there was no trace of him at all.

Not even the underworld.

Now you can only go to Iranik City first.

First, you can always keep an eye on the movements on the water lizard's side.

Beware of further surprises.

The second is to wait for Neptune .

As long as he reappears, he will definitely go to Iranik City again.

However, when Gu Qing rushed to Iranic City, he saw that a major change had taken place here.

In the midst of the huge city, a deep pit appeared!

The pit is circular in shape and about a kilometer in diameter.

It suddenly appeared in the city of Iranic.

The houses and people in the deep pit have naturally disappeared completely.

Maybe it was destroyed, or maybe it was swallowed into this deep pit where the bottom could not be seen.

At this time, the entire city of Iranic had completely fallen into madness.

Everyone was scrambling to escape.

The official forces of Iranik City want to stop all this and want to maintain stability.

But it can't be done at all.

Because many people feel the tremor of the earth when the deep pit appears.

There were even many people who saw with their own eyes the collapsed ground and the deep pit that swallowed everything.

A person who was alive a moment ago fell into a deep pit like this.

Never to be seen again.

In addition to those who want to escape, those who want to maintain order, and those who want to fish in troubled waters.

Some of them want to go into the pit.

Because their relatives or friends were in the realm of being devoured by a deep pit.

So they want to go into the pit and look for their relatives or friends.

Even if others told him that in this case, their relatives and friends would definitely die nine times.

It may even be ten dead and lifeless!

But people are all lucky, and if they don't see it with their own eyes, they still have a trace of luck.

But now the edge of the deep pit has been surrounded by the city lord of Iranik City.

Any civilian approach is strictly prohibited.

If these people wanted to enter the pit, they would have to clash with the soldiers.

So the situation became even more chaotic.

High in the sky, Gu Qing overlooked all this.

I couldn't help but frown.

Naturally, he could see what existed beneath the pit.

It's just that he can't understand what this thing is.

Inside this deep pit, there is indeed a special power.

If Gu Qing was still at the peak of the blazing sun, he might really be hazy and unable to specifically perceive what was at work at the bottom of the pit.

But now, Gu Qing's divine soul power has been greatly enhanced, and he can see through things that could not be observed before through another dimension.

In fact, this deep pit is not too deep, its depth is only about 300 meters.

But because there is a special force that is entrenched in it, if someone wants to go down, it may go down for a long, long time, but there is still no way to go down to the bottom.

It looks like a bottomless abyss.

At the bottom of this deep pit is a huge red plain.

The red thing looks like it's gum.

It's a bit like jelly, but much tougher than jelly.

This gelatinous thing blocked Gu Qing's penetration, and he couldn't observe more things.

Rubbing his chin, Gu Qing said to himself: "Neptune disappeared, will it be related to this thing?" "

All kinds of phenomena are really too strange.

And this pit did not appear anywhere else, but appeared in the city of Iranic.

It really made Gu Qing can't help but think like this.

Anyway, just go in and find out.

However, in the fantasy dream, there are too many unknown dangers.

If this deep pit has no connection with those ancient unknowns, and water lizards.

It just happens to appear here, and it makes sense that there are more terrifying creatures at the bottom.

Therefore, Gu Qing did not rush into it in person.

I saw a figure move out of Gu Qing's body.

He wore a robe and had long flowing hair.

A little flame sign in the center of the eyebrow.

The whole person looks rich and handsome.

It's Ōichi Shin-kun!


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