Neptune looked at Gu Qing and smiled bitterly.

He said, "Gu, what you said should be good news, right?"

"I'm ready, what's the bad news?"

Gu Qing nodded and said, "That's right, successfully preventing the water lizard from transforming Gunaba and turning into a doppelganger is indeed good news for the next news." Subsequently

, after Gu Qing solved him in Gunaba, he returned to Iranic City to see what he saw.

and the matter of Quentin's master and servant, explained to Neptune again.

After Neptune heard it, he was also stunned for a while.

A little unresponsive.

"You mean to say that there is now an unknowable Quentin lurking in places we can't see?"

"And the guy named Baptster, who already has the strength to surpass the peak of the blazing sun, even if I lost my hand and was trapped by it, is just his pet?"

Gu Qingqian said, "That's right, so you have to pay extra attention next."

"I don't know why that being named Quentin didn't choose to strike before, but he is now hiding in the shadows, and he is always a threat."

Neptune let out a long breath and felt very stressed.

Because in Gu Qing's mouth, he learned that Quentin was just a junior brother who was sent into the Dream Realm.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is the unknown existence that has surpassed the unknowable level!

Suddenly, Neptune smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, looking at things from a different angle, this is not a bad thing."

Gu Qing raised her eyebrows slightly: "Oh? How to tell?

Neptune said: "We previously speculated that the mastermind behind the scenes was Naiarathotep, one of the famous three-pillar gods, a powerful foreign god!"

"And now, whether it is according to the warning given by the master or the truth that we have found out ourselves, it shows that Naiarathotip is not the leading person behind this matter."

"It just helped the waves."

"And the real dominant person, the incomprehensible green being, may just have some connection with the water lizard."

"Although it is very powerful, it is not the old dominator, nor is it an external god."

"In this way, the enemies we need to face are easier to deal with than previously speculated."

Gu Qing also felt a burst of laughter for Neptune optimism.

Then he said: "But for you and me now, whether the opponent is Naiarathotep or something else does not seem to have much impact.

"Because no matter what, once they choose to do it themselves, we will definitely not have the slightest chance."

When he said this, Gu Qing also felt very lost.

He originally thought that after successfully promoting to the unknowable level, he would definitely be able to turn things around.

Catch all those guys in the shadows and completely cut off this conspiracy.

Unexpectedly, the green unknown existence that I saw at the beginning actually surpassed the unknowable level and reached a level that was enough to shake time.

Suddenly, Gu Qing's expression moved.

He said, "I had heard of the green taboo before, and later observed part of his origin in Baptster's memory.

"In the distant past, he should have fallen long ago, but a trace of true spirit will not die, residing in the river of time, waiting for the day of awakening."

"Then Quentin found the mudstone slab, pronounced his real name on it, and awakened it from the long time of Hanoi, and was revived!"

"I always wondered why he kept sending the ancient unknown or even unknowable Quentin into the Dream Realm to carry out the plan, but he didn't do it himself."

"Now that I think about it, this forbidden being has not been awakened from the river of time for a long time, perhaps because it is in some kind of restriction, or it is afraid of something, which makes it impossible for him to personally strike."

"If that's the case, then we still have a glimmer of life!"

Neptune was startled, and then nodded slowly: "You are right."

"If that forbidden being can't enter the Dream Realm in person, then we really still have a glimmer of life!"

Saying that, Neptune set his eyes on Gu Qing.

Because that glimmer of life is Gu Qing!

In the face of Quentin, Neptune must not have any way to fight back.

And the reason why Quentin has not made a move until now, in Neptune imagination, should also be afraid of Gu Qing's power.

After all, Gu Qing is a person who absolutely cannot be guessed with common sense!

Who could be as good as him, in such a short period of time, from the peak of the blazing sun to the agnostic level?

Even if Quentin had already achieved the agnostic level, he would not necessarily be Gu Qing's opponent.

Even, Gu Qing may wait a while longer to defeat Quentin!

Anyway, with his Neptune strength, there must be absolutely no way to fight back when he encounters Quentin.

But Gu Qing was different.

The same is unknowable, in the case that the green forbidden existence cannot come in person, Gu Qing is the only vitality!

Suddenly, Gu Qing said, "By the way, since the ancient gods and the evil gods are mortal enemies, and now that green taboo exists, vainly wanting to unlock the seal of the water lizard and release it, why don't you see other ancient gods appear to stop it?"

Neptune said: "Under normal circumstances, the ancient gods did not participate in mundane things.

"For example, Buster, even if her temper is as explosive as her, most things are just believers."

"As God, He does not show his face easily."

"Moreover, the ancient gods have their own rights and responsibilities, and it is the responsibility of our Lord to seal the old rulers in the fantasy dreams."

"It's a pity that now my lord may be a secret means by Naia Ratotip, causing him to fall into a deep sleep and maintain the stability of the seal, so he can only rely on me."

"Moreover, the ancient gods are not completely absent, but things have not yet reached the worst point."

"Actually, when you fight Gunaba, Katanid doesn't need to shoot."

"Maybe it's just because of his hatred of the old dominator that prompted him to help you at that critical time."

After Gu Qing heard this, there was also a silence.

Although the ancient gods are more orderly than the evil gods, they are not completely worthy of relying on.

In this world, the most reliable person is after all.

Standing up, Gu Qing looked out the window.

I saw that the chaos outside had calmed down a lot.

Perhaps because the city lord of Iranik City had announced that he had probed the bottom of the pit and found nothing.

Perhaps because the civilians who wanted to escape had already left Iranik City as they wished.

In short, the noise outside has subsided a lot.

Gu Qing turned back to Neptune and said, "Let's continue to stay here first, Quentin is still hiding in the shadows, we must solve him first."

"In my hometown, there is such a proverb: Only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no thousand days to prevent thieves!"


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