With Maritte's help, you can quickly learn about the world.

Your learning ability and adaptability are top-notch, and you will quickly integrate into this unique society.

If you look at it alone, no one will believe that you came from heaven.

At the same time, you have also asked about the evil eye demon fish in the clouds above.

Marett said she knew nothing about it.

Afterwards, you bid farewell to Marit and went to the imperial capital.

During this period, I deepened my understanding of the world.

And met more people.

In the imperial capital, you experienced some episodes, but finally managed to enter the Zijin Academy.

This is the largest academy in the imperial capital, directly subordinate to the Purple Gold Empire.

In addition to the magic department, there is also the ancient martial arts department.

However, it is worth mentioning that the way you joined the academy is not to enter as a student, but to apply to become a teacher.

Unexpectedly, when you first came to the imperial capital, a middle-aged magician you offended turned out to be the teaching director of the Purple Gold Academy.

When you join the academy, it is still difficult for you.

There are twists and turns, so there is no need to go into details.

Let's just say that as a result, although you successfully joined the academy, you were assigned to the worst class in the ancient martial arts department because of the other party's stumbling block.

The students in this class are all.

The hardest to manage.

There was even a record that a teacher could not last more than three days.

However, these are not a problem for you, and you are not really here to teach and educate.

You just want to use the library of Zijin Academy to learn more and deeper about the world.

On your first day, you were subjected to a series of 'welcome' rituals.

It's just that this ceremony is not too friendly.

These guys' ability to trick is not strong, although some organs are not powerful, but the point is that the brain hole is very large, which is unexpected.

When you underestimated the enemy, you even hit the trick twice.

He even let the head of the magic department show him a joke.

You feel a little angry.

Decided to take care of these prickly students!

Sure enough, after you are serious, these little fart children are not your opponents at all.

In this way, you turned on the love and kill mode.

But no matter how those prickly students upgrade their tricks, it will not bother you at all.

And it will also suffer its own consequences under your intentional manipulation.

During this time, as soon as you have time, you go to the library to check out the books.

Gradually, you gain a deeper understanding of the world.

According to legend, there was a major disaster in the world.

The earth is cut off from life, and demons are rampant.

While fleeing, their ancestors inadvertently entered an underground space.

Settled there.

Then, God punished the world.

The demon was baptized.

After waiting for a while, after confirming that it is safe.

The ancestors returned to the surface.

At this time, the whole land had turned into scorched earth, and there were ruins everywhere.

People thrive in the midst of this ruin.

Gradually, they converged to form camps.

After continuous development, the number of people is increasing.

Finally, more than a hundred years later, the Purple Gold Empire was established.

And the empire at that time was far less prosperous than it is now.

It took more than 800 years of development to reach today's point.

You're incredible.

I have also learned a little about the records.

It seems that in addition to those who were picked up by the Federation, and those who set up the space station.

There was also a small group of survivors who missed the Federation fleet by hiding in the so-called underground space.

By the time they came out, the fleet had left and the space station had been built.

Instead, they became abandoned orphans whose father did not love their mother.

You can only survive here alone.

But the most incredible thing was that they were never infected by the virus again.

Land that was identified by the Federation as uninhabitable turned out to be a threat to them at all.

And there is also a time error.

For the people on the space station, this matter has only passed a hundred years.

But for these people, it turned out to be a thousand years ago!

In addition, about those demons, that is, mutant creatures.

Gu Qing's guess was not wrong.

Although the fleet used kinetic railguns to carpet bombard, it only wiped out most of them.

There are quite a few who survived.

Now, after breeding and evolution, these mutant creatures have become the existence of what these people in the Purple Gold Empire call Warcraft.

At the same time, you notice things called magic.

You feel a little curious, and after watching, you find that this thing can actually exercise mental strength.

Unfortunately, you don't have a talent for magic.

It is impossible to communicate the elemental power between heaven and earth.

But after some research, you find that you can still improve your mental strength through that meditation method.

This provides some help for your martial arts cultivation to break through.

Time passes, and you search for the root cause of it all, and the virus that spread around the world in the first place.

While looking for the whereabouts and clues of his father and others. [

19 years old: In this year, you have found very few clues.

Not only has there been no news about the virus, even your father has not found any useful clues.

During this period, there were several suspected clues, but after some verification, they all proved that they were not related to your father.

You feel a little discouraged.

In comparison, your grades in the academy are very good.

Because of your means, as well as your great strength, those prickly students are submissive to your governance.

And you are only one or two years older than them, and you can basically be regarded as your peers.

It's also easier to get close.

After a long time, you find that these students are not bad in nature.

It's just that for various reasons, it seems more rebellious.

Their own personalities, including the family behind them, are more or less unusual.

Some families are in business and are very wealthy.

Some families were even high-ranking officials in the empire.

Others are extremely talented, but rebellious in nature.

In short, they are not ordinary people!

That's why such a sting-headed class was formed.

The probability that all the classes are thorns is of course extremely small, they are all famous thorns in each class, because the teacher can't teach, so they are thrown together.

This formed the thorn head class that made the entire Zijin Academy fearful.

However, what no one expected was that you, an unknown young man, could easily subdue them!

Not only surrendered, but also recognized by them as the boss, all day long, looking like only your horse is the leader.


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