Your physical strength has always been a strong point.

In the past two days, it has been because of the practice of meditation that has made up for the shortcomings in the spirit.

At this time, under the rage, he was able to barely fight with that demon king beast.

But soon, you will be powerless.

After all, you only have the strength of the late stage of seeing the gods, and the other party has the strength equivalent to the spirit qi wolf smoke.

If you don't kill you in the first time, you are all powerful.

You are like a spring, the greater the external pressure, the stronger the final rebound.

After a period of hard fighting, you managed to break through under the oppression of this demon king beast!

Officially enter the peak realm of seeing gods.

Only one step away, you can reach the level of Essence Wolf Smoke.

Although there is still a realm between you and the Demon King Beast, it is no longer as powerless as before.

In the battle with it, although it is still in the downside, it can occasionally carry out some return fire.

The great battle between you lasted for three days and three nights.

The surrounding environment has been completely destroyed by you.

The trees broke, the ground became potholed, and even the terrain sank a lot.

The cliffs crumbled and the stream stopped.

It's a mess everywhere.

The Demon King Beast is also extremely angry at the delay in attacking you.

Unleash your strongest move, and you'll dodge it early, but you'll still be affected.

At the same time, the earth sank directly, and you and the Demon King Beast actually fell directly into it.

When you reacted, you saw a long-lost familiarity.

The metal walls are filled with modern technological textures.

I looked up at the big hole above.

At the same time, the roar of the demon king beast was heard.

It looks like it fell like you, but it didn't fall with you.

You quickly analyze everything that is happening in front of you, and you keenly smell a conspiracy.

I really didn't expect that in this so-called forbidden Demon Mountain Range, the underground of the most powerful Demon King Beast Territory.

There is such an underground base full of technology!

Now before you, there are two possibilities.

First, this is actually a secret base, but it has long been abandoned, and it belongs to the same characteristic as the ancient ruins excavated by the adventurers of the Purple Gold Empire.

They are all products left by humans before the outbreak of the virus.

Second, there is an earth-shattering conspiracy hidden here!

This base is likely to be related to the truth behind these huge changes inside the planet Akabena!

You yourself are more inclined to the second point.

The most important piece of evidence is that you found traces left by your father in the territory of that demon king beast before!

This shows that your father was here before!

With your father's strength, this demon king beast will definitely not be his opponent.

But he just disappeared and never appeared again.

According to the information that was first detected, your father came here twenty years ago.

The time difference is the same as before, one year in the sky and ten years below.

Where did your father go for twenty years?

You think the answer may lie in the underground base in front of you.

You quickly started the action, but before you act, you need to breathe your qi and blood.

The long battle with the Demon King Beast before was also very expensive for you, and he also suffered some injuries.

In the face of this unknown base, you must adjust your state as much as possible.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of capsizing in the gutter.

You have to hurry.

The Demon King Beast also fell, which is good news for you.

If there are still people in this base, then the furious and huge size of it will definitely attract your attention.

And during this time, it is your opportunity to act.

After you quickly shifted your position, you urgently performed some pranayama.

Then start exploring this underground base.

There are some mechanisms encountered during this period, but this will not bother you.

You find that there don't seem to be any living people in this base.

But it's really working.

Keeping the base running is a swarm of robots.

These robots are also divided into a variety of different categories.

Among them, as a combat robot, its strength is not weaker than that of ordinary Transformation Realm grandmasters.

If you count the various equipment and weapons that match them, even the Dan Realm powerhouses are not their opponents.

You can also occasionally hear some popping sounds, as well as the roar of the Demon King Beast.

It seems that the other party has been surrounded by battle robots and is falling into a siege.

This is a good opportunity for you.

Those robots are drawn to it, and their attention is not on your side.

You quickly explore and discover that something is wrong with the base.

You found a monitoring room here, and you can monitor all parts of the Purple Gold Empire here!

Those people's every move is under control.

At this moment, a roar of grief and indignation came from the other side.

It belongs to the Demon King Beast!

You hear despair and unwillingness in it.

You feel even more frightened, the Demon King Beast with the strength of the Spirit Wolf Smoke has been solved in such a short time!

It seems that there are more than just robots in this base!

There must be more powerful masters!

You have to be faster!

After exploring layer by layer, you quickly find a containment room.

You find that an unkempt man is being held here.

Look closely, and you are suddenly shocked in your heart!

Isn't this exactly the father you're looking for!

You immediately intend to open the containment room, only to find that you need a key and password.

Now where is there time for you to find keys and passwords.

There is no way, you can only open the door violently!

With the strength of your peak of seeing God, you can't violently destroy this containment room for a while.

And at this time, you feel an extreme threat and are approaching.

You know you're running out of time.

Countless fist shadows frantically swung out, smashing on this containment room like a rainstorm pear blossom.

Each blow erupts with a power comparable to missile bombardment.

Although the containment room showed deformation and cracks, it was never blasted open.

At this moment, an icy voice sounded behind you.

You turn your head and see that it is a burly and tall man.

He has short blonde hair, deep eye sockets, and a high nose.

There is a visible scar on the face.

A pair of eyes looked grim and vicious.

In your conversation with him, you learned that he is the top commander of this base.

At the same time, he is also the only living person in this base.

Your father lost to him that year, so he was arrested.

In this person's body, a furnace of qi and blood has been forged.

Achieved the realm of Yin Fire Yang Talisman!

It became a semi-silicon-based creature.

Whether it is flesh and blood, fruits and vegetables, or iron stone poison juice, it can be digested by the powerful blood gas furnace.

The digestive function is completely replaced by a blood gas furnace.

The respiratory system has also changed completely, oxygen is no longer needed, and the internal organs are fundamentally changed.

Become a space creature ever since!


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