This command is already full of masters.

And it seems that there are also secret means of calculation specifically aimed at warriors.

Even if you have increased your vigilance, you still accidentally landed.

You felt extremely frightened, but you did not expect that even the copy headquarters had been completely controlled by the other party.

For the first time, you feel that this so-called Martial Saint Group is just an extremely large behind-the-scenes force hidden in the shadows.

This invisible big hand has completely covered the entire local galaxy group.

It is even possible that they have their forces in other galaxy groups!

After you were caught, you were also injected with the virus by them.

Luckily, you quickly adapted to the virus and even developed a tendency to evolve yourself.

This is a symptom that none of the other subjects have ever had, and you are immediately listed as a first-class watcher. [

28 years old: This year, your consciousness has always been muddled.

Most of the time, they are in a state of ignorance.

You know those people have done a lot of experiments on you.

But you don't know what these experiments are.

The only thing you can be sure of and feel is your strength.

Unknowingly, he broke through to the realm of the Yin Fire Yang Rune!

This year, you haven't practiced at all.

Moreover, breaking through the Yin Fire Yang Talisman was a great difficulty.

Ordinary martial artists, even martial arts geniuses, need at least ten years, even decades, to be able to break through successfully.

But in the confusion, you broke through to the realm of the Yin Fire Yang Talisman.

It's really surprising to you.

But unfortunately, your breakthrough seems to be in the control of those people, who have increased their control over you.

As a result, even if you have broken through to the realm of the Yin Fire Yang Talisman now, you still can't get out of here and break free from the shackles.

[29 years old: Your cultivation is still climbing, and occasionally you wake up a few times and find yourself transferred again.

The shackles that trap you get more powerful upgrades.

And you feel a mysterious force that is constantly eroding your brain.

You understand that the other person wants to control your thoughts!

Turn you into a puppet of theirs!

Fortunately, you have never slackened in cultivating the spiritual cultivation method you got from the Purple Gold Imperial Academy before.

As a result, your mental strength is exceptionally strong.

Coupled with your cultivation of the supreme sword path, the kendo is engraved in the depths of the divine soul, blending with the powerful spiritual power.

This gives your Divine Soul great resilience and attack power.

As soon as that mysterious force came into contact, it would be strangled into smashes by the sword qi stimulated by instinct!

At this time, your cultivation had already climbed to the peak of the Yin Fire Yang Rune.

Only one step away, you can enter the realm of the Earth Immortals.

It's just incredible.

The further back the martial arts went, the more difficult it was to cultivate and break through.

But in just two years, you have broken through from the Spirit Qi Wolf Smoke to the peak of the Yin Fire Yang Rune!

This kind of speed is basically unprecedented.

You can feel that they seem to have given up trying to control you.

But this will be even more dangerous for you.

Because they intend to seal you directly.

It may even destroy you!

You feel that your cultivation has stagnated, which means that they have stopped investing in you.

You want to struggle, you want to break through the shackles, and you almost succeed several times.

But in exchange for this, it further aggravates the shackles that trap you.

There was even a time when you regained your sanity and heard two people who seemed to be arguing.

One wants to continue experimenting on you, while the other claims that you can't use them and can only destroy them.

In the end, you were sent for destruction.

It's a huge melting pot.

The temperature inside is even higher than that of most stars.

This is the place that the Martial Saint Group uses to destroy defective products.

You can feel the feeling of being wrapped in intense heat.

That feeling makes you extremely uncomfortable.

You feel very painful.

You start struggling desperately.

You begin to regain your sanity.

You have finally completely broken free from the original shackles, regained your mobility, and regained your complete sanity.

But at this point you are already trapped in this furnace.

Can't get out at all.

It's not a flame, it's a kind of light energy.

This light energy is extremely lethal and burning!

Take a chestnut.

The average high-quality star surface temperature can reach 5,000-10,000 degrees of high temperature.

The interior is higher, capable of reaching around 15 million degrees Celsius.

However, this is not the hottest cosmic phenomenon.

At the end of their lives, massive stars collapse into a neutron star or black hole through supernova explosions.

The process of supernova explosion will release huge amounts of energy, and will also produce unimaginable high temperatures.

Supernova explosions can produce temperatures 150 times higher than the internal temperature of massive stars, or 150 billion degrees.

And that's not the highest temperature in the universe, because the activity of another celestial body produces a warmer temperature than it is, and that is neutron star collisions.

When two neutron stars collide, it is a spectacular sight.

The spectacular spectacle is accompanied by high temperatures beyond supernova explosions, and neutron star collisions can achieve twice as high temperatures as supernova explosions, that is, about 300 billion degrees.

This is the powerful temperature created by the natural landscape of the universe, and the furnace you are in is only a little cooler than the neutron star collision explosion.

But it can also surpass the supernova explosion!

Because the temperature in this furnace can reach a staggering 200 billion degrees Celsius!

In this kind of heat, even the powerhouses of the Yin Fire Yang Talisman Realm could not stop it.

Even if he can really be promoted to the Earth Evil Immortal, he may not be able to stop it!

So they are very confident in using the furnace to destroy you.

However, because of the special nature of the furnace, they could not observe the situation inside.

In fact, in the furnace, you don't die in the first place.

On the contrary, under the pressure of ultra-high temperature, the original shackles were lifted.

Regained his sanity.

We are looking for a way out of our predicament.

It's just that the ultra-high temperature makes you too miserable.

There is no way to break free from the prisons of the furnace.

If you continue, you feel like you'll be burned to ashes eventually.

You just have hope, but then you have to face despair.

You feel very angry and helpless.

But things turned around again.

Your flesh became radiant under the calcination of this intense heat.

It seems to be constantly strengthening.

Originally, you thought that you would be burned to ashes quickly.

But now not only is it not burned, but even the pain is getting less and less. [

30 years old: You are calcined in a furnace.

[31 years old: You are calcined in a furnace. [

32 years old: You are calcined in a furnace. 】


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