In addition to the extremely strong physical strength, there is also the spiritual power that you have been practicing hard for many years.

Your strength has made them extremely curious about you.

Because the game was broadcast live, you also gained a huge number of fans here and became a well-known figure.

There are even people who want to come to you and endorse their brand.

You were also a little confused for a while, but you didn't expect that participating in a world's first martial arts conference would bring so many chain reactions.

You didn't covet these flower worlds outside, and finally decided to return to Akabena.

It's just that this time there is no warship to escort you, and if you take civil aviation, it will take longer. [

40 years old: When performing space voyages, if the distance is far away, the voyage time needs to be calculated in years, and people will enter the hibernation capsule and fall into a deep sleep.

Just a simple sleep, when you arrive at your destination, you will naturally wake you up.

And in the hibernation cabin, the consumption of life will be reduced to the slowest.

So even after many years, it will not get old.

However, you did not choose to do so, and you refused to miss the slightest opportunity to become stronger.

While others fall into a deep sleep, you are still meditating and practicing martial arts.

You have digested all the gains from participating in the world's first martial arts conference this time, plus your spiritual power is already very strong.

Your martial arts cultivation has finally ushered in the moment to break through the bottleneck.

From the early stage of the Earth Evil Immortal, promoted to the middle stage!

During the voyage, your ship was attacked.

The passengers all woke up from the hibernation pod.

Although you are in the cabin, you can see things outside with mental power.

Sure enough, another group of intergalactic pirates!

These guys, the farther away from the federal center of power, the more rampant they become.

You are very uncomfortable with pirates themselves.

Before the captain can fight back or negotiate, you will take the lead.

In three or two strokes, the other party's pirate ship was completely destroyed, shocking everyone.

However, at this moment, you suddenly feel a whim.

There seems to be a special kind of induction.

I couldn't help but turn my head and look among the ruins of those pirate ships.

Instantly locked a tiny dot floating around.

Mixed in with the broken pirate ship, if you don't look closely, you really can't see it.

This turned out to be an egg!

It has a complex texture on it.

It seems to be extraordinary.

But with your insight, you really can't see what kind of creature's egg this is.

The universe is so big.

You think maybe the eggs of an indigenous creature on a planet have been snatched by this group of pirates.

Since it can cause you a whim, you feel that there is still a fate with it.

So you plan to take in this egg and see if you can hatch anything.

Once back on board, the captain thanked you.

And you want the captain to help you identify the origin of these eggs.

It's a pity that the captain didn't recognize it either.

At this moment, one of the passengers had a mustache whose eyes shone brightly.

You notice him immediately, but you don't say it.

Instead, one more note was added.

Sure enough, after this storm subsided, the mustache couldn't wait to come to you.

As soon as he opens his mouth, he wants to buy your egg.

Of course you refused, but you didn't immediately refuse.

Instead, I wanted to know from him the origin of this egg.

It turns out that this egg is a family of starry sky behemoths, which feed on the magnetic field and radiation power of the universe.

Adult starry sky behemoths are even capable of devouring stars.

That's when you realize what a treasure you've picked up! [

41 years old: After a two-year voyage, you have finally returned to the local galaxy and returned to the planet Akabena.

It is still peaceful and quiet.

In the meantime, you've been trying to find a way to hatch the cubs of the starry sky behemoth.

But there is simply nothing that can be done.

The egg was like a dead egg, without any movement.

Fortunately, you can feel that the life inside is still beating, which means that the life inside the egg is not dead.

After you return to the City of Peace, ask your father if there is a way to hatch this starry sky behemoth.

Your father said that it might be possible to hatch near the star, which contains abundant radiation power.

You think your father is right, so you act immediately.

Come to the star of the galaxy where Akabena is located.

While practicing martial arts.

While looking forward to borrowing the radiation power emitted by the star to hatch this starry sky behemoth.

[42 years old: You are working hard to cultivate. 】


[55 years old: After the combination of martial arts and spiritual cultivation, it is like a balance of yin and yang, and each other can promote each other's faster progress.

Originally, your martial arts cultivation would not have progressed in a short period of time, but in this case, you actually took a step forward.

Successfully reached the realm of the late stage of the Earth Evil Immortal Realm.

Your strength is already very strong now, but you are still not satisfied.

You remembered when you went to the Federation Mother Star to participate in the world's first martial arts conference.

There, although briefly, although only a glimpse, you do feel an extremely large and terrifying force.

You confirm that that power should come from the stronger ones.

That strong man is likely to have achieved the highest realm of martial arts.

Reached the realm of pure yang true body! [

56 years old: The egg you have been hatching has a change, and it is really about to be hatched after absorbing a steady stream of radiation power.

You're so excited.

Sure enough, the egg became more and more restless, shaking more and more.

It seems that the things inside are constantly struggling to get out of trouble.

You know, you can't help it at all, because you can only get a new life by pecking the eggshell from the inside and coming out on your own.

And if you help yourself from the outside, open the eggshell and let it out, but it will harm it!

Whether this level can pass or not depends on its own!

Fortunately, there were no surprises.

The little guy managed to get out of the egg.

The first thing was that it was like a wolf reincarnated, frantically chewing and swallowing the eggshell.

After proceeding, a look of satisfaction appeared.

It's as if you've eaten enough.

This little guy, who looks about the size of a basketball, is crumpled, not to mention cute, and even looks a little ugly.

However, the next moment, the little one screams and falls into your arms.

You also feel a little blindsided by this, and it took a long time to find out that it turned out that it recognized you as your mother.

That's embarrassing.

But with a little starry sky beast that has just hatched, you can't explain it.

Even you can feel that there is an inexplicable connection with it, and there is a deep closeness.

It turned out that when you meditated and cultivated spiritual power over the years, your spiritual power overflowed, and it was also absorbed by this guy.

In the process of hatching, because of your spiritual power nourishment, the process of hatching can be ended faster.

That's why I feel so close to you.


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