It turned out that the leaders of the three major pirate groups that crisscrossed the Silver Nether Passage were all the crew members of the original pirate king Jack Sparrow!

Redbeard, Wan Gaozhan, Krieman.

All of them were the crew of the pirate king Jack Sparrow's Black Pearl.

Later, because of some things, Wan Gaozhan was captured by the Martial Saint Group and imprisoned as an experimental subject for many years.

It was not until he returned to the Silver Channel that he found that Jack Sparrow had disappeared, along with the Black Pearl.

And in the past, most of the crew members went their separate ways.

Among them, Redbeard and Krieman, the strongest, formed their own pirate group.

He wanted to find out the truth and didn't believe that the former pirate king would fall so easily.

But there have been no available clues.

In this process, Wan Gaozhan established his own Silver Dragon and Elephant Pirate Group.

Along the way, it even became a powerful pirate group that could compete with Redbeard and Krieman.

It is also known as one of the three strongest pirate groups on the Silver Nether Seaway.

But in his heart, he has never forgotten the former pirate king.

Now that he heard that the treasure of the pirate king appeared in the Styx system, whether it was true or not, he had to go and see it.

Not for the so-called treasure, just to find the truth about the disappearance of the Pirate King! [

67 years old: You entered the Styx system, and you experienced a series of twists and turns.

Even while resting halfway, he accidentally encountered the Zerg.

This is the first time you've seen the Zerg, and this race has shocked you greatly.

The fact that humans were able to win the battle against the Zerg gave you a deeper sense of the strength of the Federation.

According to Wan Gaozhan, the reason why human beings were able to achieve victory was mainly because some warriors had entered the realm of pure yang true body.

In addition, there is also the development of biological weapons, which has made considerable progress.

In this regard, it benefits from those heroic martyrs who died one after another.

There was a major general in the Federation.

Drive the battleship Hades deep into the Styx system.

Implement the 'Gene Collapse Project'.

What is carried is only the first generation of 'exterminators' biological bombs that are still in the experimental stage and are not fully mature!

But it still caused a lot of damage to the Zerg master.

It is precisely for this reason that the federal determination to develop biotechnology has been strengthened.

When he said this, Wan Gaozhan paused.

Then he said that perhaps it was precisely because of the wave of all-out research and development of biotechnology that induced the revival of the Martial God Group, which had been destroyed back then.

It became the later Martial Saint Group.

Everything always has two sides, and although biotechnology has helped the Federation, it has taken a lot of credit in defeating the Zerg.

But for the Federation, there are also many hidden dangers.

So when the Zerg were driven out of the galaxy and scattered, forming no longer much threat, the Federation began to ban the research and development of biotechnology.

Until later, the Federation swept across the Styx system, and the three strong men of the Pure Yang True Body fought the Zerg master.

In the end, it was killed, and the Zerg could not form a threat at all, and the war between humans and the Zerg, which lasted for thousands of years, was completely over.

However, with the characteristics of the Zerg, it is still very difficult to completely eliminate it.

The difficulty is no less than when you fought the Zerg head-on and defeated it.

So now in the Styx system, there are still some zergs hidden in all corners.

It's just that under the oppression of the Federation and various pirates and private armed forces, it is not too large.

After all, the Zerg are the main source of compound No. 5.

Some people have even asked whether it is possible to raise Zergs to produce more compound five.

Yes, it was a capitalist who made this hypothesis.

A great man once said: Capitalists are afraid of no profit or too little profit, just as nature is afraid of vacuum.

Once there is a proper profit, capital is bold.

If there is a 10% profit, the capital is guaranteed to be used everywhere; With 20% profit, capital can become active; With 50% profit, capital will be desperate; For the sake of 100% profit, capital dares to trample on all human laws; With more than 300% profit, capital dares to commit any crime, and even risks hanging!

Therefore, it is understandable that some capitalists have raised the topic of raising zergs as a dangerous and even possible self-immolation with fire.

This proposal was naturally unanimously opposed by the Federation.

And give clear laws and regulations, clearly prohibited!

After dealing with the Zerg for so many years, the Federation has long known the power and destruction of this creature as the Zerg.

We must find everything we can to completely exterminate it!

Even if you lose the source of compound No. 5 because of this, you will not hesitate!

But whether anyone is secretly raising Zerg, no one knows.

Anyway, when the time bomb explodes, they will know what regret is.

You asked Wan Gaozhan why the Federation had a strong person in the Pure Yang True Realm, but would still indulge you pirates.

Wan Gaozhan tells you that the existence of pirates is not entirely negative.

For the federation, it also has a certain positive effect.

This world is not a black and white world.

Moreover, the entire Federation now only had two powerhouses in the Pure Yang True Body Realm.

And they all went into permanent retreat.

In order to break through the apex of this martial path, I want to break through to a whole new realm and level.

For them, even pirates, it is not worth their shot at all.

Unless there is a significant danger to the entire Federation, they are unlikely to leave the customs. 【68

years old: Because of the treasure of the pirate king, it has not only attracted pirates from all over the world to gather in the Styx system.

It has attracted many other forces, or the private armed forces of big capital.

Even the federal military sent some people to participate.

In short, all the powerful people appeared, and the situation was extremely chaotic for a while!

In the past two years, under the search of everyone, the scope has gradually been narrowed.

Locked in a group of galaxies.

This group of galaxies, named the Gan Zuodi Group, contains about thirty galaxies.

There are a handful of two or three galaxies that also host intelligent life.

Even civilizations that rushed out of their home planet.

Silver dragons are even more dangerous in this environment.

Because you have no allies!

Whether it's the Federation or the pirate groups, they are your enemies.

As for those private fleets that belong to capital, they are even more mercenary.

In case of last resort, short-term cooperation is okay, if long-term cooperation is absolutely not possible.

No one knows if they will suddenly stab you in the back at a critical moment because of profit.

Wan Gaozhan was determined to find the truth about the sudden disappearance of the pirate king.

Since you have already followed here, you will naturally not abandon him and leave.

You can only face the danger together!


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