Redbeard and Kliman were unwilling, but they knew that today's things were no longer possible.

Because of Admiral Lun's strength, it is also the peak of the Earth Wandering Immortal.

And the strength of his fleet, its various equipment and firepower, is much better than that of a pirate group like yours.

After forcing the two pirate groups back, you had a good conversation with Admiral Lunn.

Although Admiral Lunn helped you relieve the siege, Wan Gaozhan still did not give him a good look.

First, because pirates and the military are inherently antagonistic.

Second, he and Admiral Lunn are also old acquaintances, and they have had a lot of dealings with each other.

He knew that Admiral Lunn's move was not kind, he definitely had another plan!

Indeed, the military's response to pirates, in addition to suppression, can also be divided.

Especially now is this good opportunity.

The name of you as a pirate hunter has been around for a long time.

Even Admiral Lunn knew.

If I can win you into the military, for Admiral Lunn, it will be earned.

If you can be used as the starting point to win over the entire Silver Dragon and Elephant Pirate Group, it can be regarded as a big profit!

Of course, this is more difficult.

Even if the Silver Dragon and Elephant Pirate Group is relatively well-behaved in the pirate group, in the end, it is a pirate.

However, even if they can't win over, give some support, and completely divide them from the rest of the pirates.

For Admiral Lunn, it is also a matter of steady profit.

Even if the Silver Dragon and Elephant Pirate Group fails, subtracting one of the three major pirate groups is a good thing for the military.

If the Silver Dragon Elephant can continue to stand strong, it will be able to involve and fight more pirate groups, especially the other two large pirate groups.

This kind of internal consumption is naturally what the military is happy to see.

Now you have made too many enemies, and in the face of Admiral Lunn's solicitation, you did not immediately refuse.

Even if it had been before, you would probably have joined directly.

It's just that because there is now more of this layer of relationship, if you join, it will be more embarrassing.

So you did not promise and did not refuse.

Admiral Lunn didn't push too hard, and after admonishing you something, he left.

In this galaxy, you took a break to repair the broken hull, and the injured entered the repair capsule to repair it.

After this great battle, the losses you have suffered are really not small.

[69 years old: After constant searches, various forces clashed and finally targeted a galaxy in the Gan Zuodi galaxy group.

This galaxy is named the Cave Galaxy.

There is even a planet of life with civilization.

The level of this civilization is not too high, but it already has space technology.

Although they can observe the universe, they are still far behind you in science and technology.

As long as you intentionally block it, they will not see anything.

Even driving a space battleship past their planet, they won't notice anything.

But most of the people gathered in this galaxy at this time are a group of lawless pirates.

Others are mercenaries sent by major capital forces, or subordinates and the like.

Finally, there were some military fleets headed by Admiral Lunn.

So there are some pirates who think that this low-level civilization has no effect on them at all.

Without even turning on the shield, he swaggered around the galaxy.

This can directly frighten that civilization.

However, after a simple search, he did not find the treasure of the pirate king.

This made many pirates and various forces feel a little impatient.

Finally, people set their sights on that civilized planet.

So a large number of fleets directly surrounded it.

That civilization thought that it was going to invade them, and directly waited for them, and was even ready to die together.

Of course, in fact, they think too much, and they are not qualified to die together.

Any group of pirates can wipe out their entire civilization.

If it is a larger force, it may also have star destroyers.

A single shot can smash an entire planet.

Everyone agrees that the Pirate King's treasure is likely to be buried on this planet.

But how to develop it has become the biggest problem at present.

You come from all forces, and neither of you will obey the other.

Finally, after a series of confrontations, a plan agreed by everyone was finally made in the talks of the bigwigs of all parties.

That is each big force, divide a piece of area, in which to find the whereabouts of the treasure.

As for other forces to grab after they are found, it depends on their respective abilities.

In short, before the treasure appears, it is not suitable for a decisive battle.

Otherwise, if there is no treasure, or you can't find it, or you cheapen others, wouldn't you lose your wife and break the army.

Although the Silver Dragon and Elephant Pirate Group is resisted and hostile by everyone, it is also a deterrent because of its own heritage, plus your presence.

and Admiral Lunn's intentional or unintentional words.

So you still got into a big area.

This planet, like a piece of cake, has been divided up by you.

As for the civilization above, it is not in your eyes at all.

If they cooperate, that's it.

They can also help find it together, after all, they have lived here for so long and know enough about this planet.

If you don't cooperate, it doesn't hurt to kill them all.

This planet, like the name of the galaxy, is also known as the Cave Star.

As for the creatures above, they are called the Cave Starsman.

After coming to the cave star, you found that the cave star people here are not much different from humans.

In addition to having four arms.

The rest is basically exactly the same.

One head, two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth.

And two legs.

Only the arms are four.

As various forces descended on the cave star, the armed forces above were instantly paralyzed, and these things were like children's toys.

Including what the Cave Kidnappers called a nuclear bomb.

None of you have the slightest deterrent.

With a large number of pirates and people from various forces stationed in the cave.

Directly brought disaster to the people of this planet.

Many pirates are lawless guys, and these indigenous civilizations still want to resist, and they are directly slaughtered.

Even after surrendering, he was arrested and sent to servitude.

Although Wan Gaozhan is not the kind of person who loves to kill, as a pirate, he also knows that kindness cannot be exchanged for good results.

His solution is to go directly to the highest level of leadership on the ground and then use absolute force to control it.

The civilization and race on this planet does not matter.

What really matters is whether the Pirate King's treasure is really on this planet! 】


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