[72 years old: You have finally given up your illusions.

It seems that the group of people who entered before will not come back at all.

At the same time, everyone knows the danger of this underground space.

You've done a lot of experiments.

There was even a pirate leader who had kidnapped a large number of Cave Kidnapped Star Hunters and let them enter them as pathfinders.

As a result, without exception, there were at least 100,000 people who entered the cave, but none of them returned!

This underground space is like a devouring abyss!

Devouring everyone who enters.

Simply terrible!

Everyone was deeply wary.

But since you have all come here, you have seen a clue to the treasure of the Pirate King.

So much time was wasted, and it even cost a lot.

Now that the treasure seems to be within reach, it is naturally impossible for you to give up at this time.

So after you have tried everything you can, whether it is sending masters, or sending cave abductors, or sending bionic robots, or using small unmanned spacecraft to probe.

After all invalidity, you made a final decision.

That's a desperate bet and go straight into it!

Whether it is life or death, it is the fate of each one!

This decision was approved by the majority.

Especially when pirates, they are all characters who have today and no tomorrow, and who have drunk today and drunk today.

These guys are able to work hard for fame and fortune.

Naturally, it will not back down at this time.

It's just that some mercenary groups employed by capital seem more rational.

He expressed his unwillingness to wade through this muddy water again, and planned to leave here and no longer participate in this matter.

However, as soon as these people left on the front foot, you all sneaked up on them.

Kill it all!

Even Admiral Lunn acquiesced to this matter without the slightest expression.

You naturally understand why.

These mercenary groups, whether they really retreated, or disguised retreats.

Since you refuse to go down with you, you must die!

Otherwise, when you go down, if they stay here, wait for your crushing victory, and sneak up on you.

Snatch your gains.

Isn't that Barbie Q?

What's more, when you go down, they will shake people.

After several battles, you finally obtained the treasure, but you just came out of the underground space, but found that the outside was surrounded by a large number of fleets.

Isn't that Barbie Q?

So no matter what, as long as the people who come here, they are already tied to a rope.

We have to advance and retreat together, and no one wants to stop halfway.

If you want to quit, then the best outcome is to die directly.

In the early stage of entering the underground space, you unexpectedly broke through!

Successfully entered the middle realm of the Earth Evil Immortal Realm.

After opening a stage of transformation, the strength can reach the later stage.

And after opening the second stage of transformation, the strength can directly reach the peak!

It's just that when the strength of the warrior enters the Earth Evil Immortal, the slightest slight advantage will become an insurmountable gap.

Sometimes in the same realm, there is a clear difference between high and low.

Even if you open the second-stage transformation, you can successfully reach the peak combat power.

I'm afraid it's not the opponent of a senior peak powerhouse like Wan Gaozhan, Redbeard, Krieman, and Admiral Lunn.

But in any case, after you successfully break through, you always strengthen your own strength and increase your self-protection ability.

And it adds a little more possibility to seize the treasure.

When you enter the underground space, you find that it is extremely vast.

It's like entering a different world.

At first, there was no big crisis, and everyone seemed cautious.

But as time grew, everyone's hearts became more full of doubts.

Because there is really no danger here, even if there are some underground creatures, their strength is not strong.

Perhaps for the cave people, these underground creatures are unrivaled behemoths.

But to you, these are just wild game.

Among them, the strongest underground creatures are only equivalent to the strength of the Cangjing Realm.

Soon, you found some clues, apparently left by someone who had been sent down before.

You followed these clues and found an underground volcano along the way.

Traces of the Pirate King can be clearly seen here.

Even saw his message!

It turned out that the Pirate King was one of the Federal Army Commanders who had killed the Zerg master.

Has the strong strength of the Pure Yang True Body Realm!

It's just that in that battle, the pirate king suffered a lot of trauma.

The strength fell to the peak of the Earth Wandering Immortal.

I'm afraid it's hard to get back to my peak state.

After that, the Federation won the war with the Zerg.

Because of the decline in strength and his own personality, the pirate king has offended many people in the Federation.


So in a fit of anger, he directly broke away from the federation and established a pirate group between the silver and underworld channels.

The people who followed him at the beginning were all old subordinates brought out of the federal military.

The strength and discipline are excessive, and it is not at all comparable to ordinary pirates.

Therefore, the pirate king can rise quickly and eventually become the pirate king above the entire silver channel!

As for Redbeard and Krieman, they were forced to join when he was on war.

They were originally the leaders of the pirate group, because they were defeated by the pirate king, plus they admired the strength of the pirate king.

Only then joined the Black Pearl.

And Wan Gaozhan was not a pirate before that.

It is a Black Pearl that was saved by the pirate king in distress and willingly joined because of his saving grace.

And according to its message, you finally know why the Black Pearl sank in the first place, and why the pirate king disappeared.

It was at the time when Wan Gaozhan was caught by the Martial Saint Group for experiments, and Redbeard and Krieman, together with some other crew members, actually betrayed the Pirate King en masse!

The reason was because they had heard that the Pirate King had participated in killing the Zerg Lord and obtained some special substances from the master's body.

You know, the No. 5 compound, which is very useful for warriors, is extracted from the Zerg.

Then as the master of the Zerg, it is not surprising that there are some more precious and useful substances on its body.

Redbeard and Kliman firmly believe that this substance is the key to helping them enter the realm of pure yang true body.

So he attacked the pirate king.

After all, the Pirate King is an old powerhouse, and although his strength has long ceased to be at the peak, it is not something that ordinary Difu Immortal peak powerhouses can shake.

Direct Kill Special Kill!

Kill most of those who betrayed him.

At the same time, he also suffered a lot of injuries.

Under the pursuit of Redbeard and Krieman, he encountered a wormhole, threw himself into it, disappeared without a trace, and never appeared again.

Redbeard and Kliman did not get their wish, naturally dissatisfied, this time heard about the treasure of the pirate king, but also came for that special substance.

After this secret was revealed, Redbeard and Krieman suddenly became the target of everyone!

After all, the pirate king has always been a spiritual symbol in the pirate group.

The two of them turned out to be traitors, which immediately aroused the anger of the crowd.

Especially Wan Gaozhan.

He didn't expect that during the time he was captured by the Martial Saint Group, such a big thing happened!

No wonder how he asked about the whereabouts of Redbeard and the Kreeman Pirate King after his return.

These two just don't say!


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