You and Wan Gaozhan are already very familiar, and you have been together for a long time.

He also teaches you to use the second stage transformation.

So you quickly understand what happened to him.

Strictly speaking, although Wan Gaozhan has become stronger, he has great potential danger.

This kind of becoming stronger is not desirable for you.

The Martial God Body sounds very good and majestic, but in fact, it is to give up his original control of the flesh.

Instead, give control to the Valkyrie Virus!

In this state, the Valkyrie virus can exert its maximum power.

The strength will naturally be strong.

It can even support Wan Gaozhan to be in a three-stage transformation state for a long time.

Although it is not permanent, it does not matter if it lasts for a few months.

Even you can't do that much.

The Martial God Body has brought such great benefits to Wan Gaozhan, and the disadvantages themselves will not be less.

First of all, the biggest and most obvious is that it is easy to ask God and send God.

Give control of the body to the Martial God Virus, so how to take back the control?

This is not a simple matter.

Perhaps Wan Gaozhan can forcibly take it back, but in the state of the Martial God body, the virus will still leave some 'secret doors' and the like.

When he uses the Martial God Body more times, then he may no longer be him, no longer this person as Wan Gaozhan.

Rather, it is a completely new creature composed of the Valkyrie virus.

Not even human anymore.

But now the situation is critical, and Wan Gaozhan has no way.

Had to use the power of the Valkyrie virus.

At least after he entered the three-stage transformation and transformed into the state of Martial God Body, his strength was greatly enhanced.

It's not even weaker than you, who draws a lot of stellar energy.

The two of you joined forces together and completely suppressed the Insect Emperor.

It's just that the Bug Emperor is too tough, no matter how you attack, he is still only injured and does not die.

Until a tipping point is reached.

You suddenly seem to realize something, and you want to pull Wan Gaozhan to leave this galaxy immediately.

Because you thought that since Wan Gaozhan was in a state of serious injury, he entered the three-stage transformation, and also opened the Martial God Body.

Then will the insect emperor also use you to make you constantly seriously injure him.

So that he was forced into a whole new form?

This point is easy to verify, you deliberately sold a few flaws, but the insect emperor seems to have not seen it.

It's still just passive defense, not actively attacking you at all.

It is clear that he is waiting for something, perhaps some tipping point.

Wan Gaozhan was injected with the Martial God virus because he had been an experimental subject of the Martial Saint Group.

And the Bug Emperor is obviously stronger, he was bred by the previous generation of Zerg masters.

It is also because of the explosion of the genetic weapon 'Exterminator', some mutations have occurred.

Although the explosion caused him pain, it delayed his birth for a long time.

But it also brings him an unknown mutation that may allow him to surpass his mother, the Zerg Master!

With this origin, it is normal for the insect emperor to have any more powerful hole cards.

So when you realize this, you plan to pull Wan Gaozhan and run.

As for whether the Zerg Emperor will lead the Zerg to make a comeback and continue to fight with the Human Federation.

What does that have to do with you?

Anyway, the local galaxy is far away from the Styx system, and there is at least half of the Federation in between.

If even the Federation could not hold up, you would have run away with your family long ago.

The universe is so big, and the Zerg is just a drop in the ocean.

As long as you run fast, the Zerg can't catch up with you.

Moreover, the Federation is a powerhouse with a true Pure Yang True Body realm.

That level of existence, although they are in retreat, do not ask about the world.

But if the Federation is really in danger, they will not sit idly by.

So now you run straight away, basically without any psychological burden.

As for Wan Gaozhan, don't forget, he is a pirate who is an enemy of the Federation!

He is also the pirate leader of one of the three largest pirate groups on the Silver Nether Channel!

Unfortunately, you realized it too late.

The Worm Emperor seems to have reached some critical value, or perhaps he has accumulated enough energy.

In short, he completed the preconditions for another transformation.

Now he has entered the state of second stage transformation.

If we say that the human form with a white carapace at the beginning is the first form.

Then later, after the transformation in the first stage, it is the second form of the insect emperor.

And now, he has fully activated the gene as the dominant offspring, completely lost his human appearance, and returned to the appearance of the zerg.

That is, the two-stage transformation, the strongest transformation.

Third form!

This time, he was completely unable to maintain his human form.

Become a giant bug floating in space.

It is covered in a black carapace, which looks extremely hard.

It seems to be able to merge with the nothingness of the universe.

The Bug Emperor seems to have gained great confidence and did not attack you immediately.

Instead, he began to sneer, saying that he wanted to thank you.

Because on his own, it is difficult to enter the second stage transformation.

It was his mother's greatest treasure.

It is also the true form of being a Zerg.

Now he has almost stepped into the realm of pure yang true body.

The reason why it is 'almost' is mainly because he must have time to adapt and digest the great strength brought by the second stage transformation.

I believe that after devouring you, it won't be long before he is completely integrated, and he will be able to obtain the powerful strength of the Pure Yang True Body.

Although it can only be achieved when the second stage of transformation is achieved, this is already very strong.

It's fatal bad news for you.

The situation has been reversed again, and you feel that this battle is really the hardest and longest since you were born.

You fought for a long time, and you don't even know how long it has been.

The battlefield also moved from the original galaxy to another unknown galaxy.

This galaxy is different from the one where the cave star is located, and no civilization can be born here!

Because there is a huge star here, emitting endless light and heat, scorching all the planets in the entire galaxy.

In the galaxy, there are occasional solar storms and powerful gamma rays.

And your arrival has made the situation in this galaxy even worse.

At this time, you and Wan Gaozhan have basically reached the limit, and they can't fight and fight, and they can't escape and escape.

It can only defend against the attack of the insect emperor as much as possible, which fully reflects the tenacity of human beings.

Under the forced real help, your ferocity is also aroused.

Decide to die together!

On the other hand, Wan Gaozhan very directly agreed with your plan.

Because for him, nothing is more important than killing the Bug Emperor.

Of course, he is not the kind of righteous and awe-inspiring person, although he is very serious, but this does not mean that he will sacrifice himself for the so-called justice, the so-called all mankind, the so-called federation.

The reason why he is willing to sacrifice is mainly because of himself.

Now Redbeard and Krieman are dead, and the Bug King is the real murderer who killed the Pirate King.

As long as he can destroy the Worm Emperor, then he can be regarded as repaying the pirate king's life-saving grace and knowledge of him.


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