Of course, you didn't spend all these years in vain.

You're also doing your own little tricks in secret.

And now, you use your invention.

You gave it a name, called the Avengers.

This is a nano-sized suit that can cover the whole body with one thought.

It is also equipped with an upgraded version of Jeanswest.

With this, you also have various skills beyond ordinary people.

Left the institute with ease.

Travel to the beautiful land.

There you find the location of Admiral Klein.

An attack was launched.

Finally, he succeeded in killing it.

Naturally, there were many obstacles on the way.

Admiral Klein not only has an army, but also has many strong guys.

A sister flower who is good at assassination, a dwarf who is good at arranging booby traps, a strong man who is good at close combat, and a small flat head who is good at marksmanship.

There is also the strongest one, a woman named Guanyin.

Holding a Tang Heng knife, he was able to dodge bullets.

Even if two submachine guns are fired at close range, they can be dodged by her.

Simply outrageous.

Fortunately, you have already integrated the various skills of the seven Soldier Kings and defeated them one by one.

Finally, wearing the Avenger armored suit, he broke into the military base.

Hard against a lot of artillery fire and gunfire.

Slaughtered a large number of soldiers, and finally succeeded in beheading Admiral Klein.

This massacre makes you feel very refreshed.

You've been passively subjected to their assassination before, but this time, you've finally fought back!

Just when you're about to get out of here quickly.

A black dot suddenly appeared in the sky.

Immediately after, it exploded in the air.

Endless light and heat, and shock waves appear.

The radiation spreads outward instantaneously.

By the time you open your eyes, it's morning again.

At this time, you are still in the research institute and have not left.

You didn't expect that group of guys to be so ruthless!

Actually directly used mushroom bombs to blow himself up.

Don't give a damn about the cities and people below.

For them, as long as they can rely on this opportunity to blow you up, even if it is to sacrifice those civilians.

Although you died once, that doesn't stop you.

You follow before doing it all over again.

This time, after success, you have Jeanswest turn on automatic mode.

He was out of the armor.

Let the warframe attract the attention of the other party.

He took the opportunity to escape.

However, considering the destructive power of the mushroom bullet, there is also the attack range.

You'll have to let the armor appear after you've almost broken away.

It didn't last long.

The other party was really fooled.

This time, they can be said to steal chickens without losing rice.

[32 years old: You married the school flower according to the agreement. [

33 years old: You gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses. 【

34 years old: The days are quiet and peaceful.

[35 years old: Children start kindergarten. 】


[40 years old: Your little daughter was bullied at school.

The eldest son helped her out and beat the other party.

Unexpectedly, the man's mother turned out to be a third-tier star.

Because your identity is top secret, the school simply does not know.

I thought you were just an ordinary researcher.

I am afraid that the little star will use public opinion and have a bad impact on the school.

So ask your son to apologize to the other person.

Your son naturally refused.

The school even threatened to withdraw from school.

Because recently you're tackling a puzzle.

So did not pay attention to this matter.

When the school informs the family, it is your wife who handles the matter.

Over the years, your wife's position has not been low.

It's just that people have always kept a low profile.

A simple phone call to the Education Bureau, the school immediately went directly to the door to apologize.

I apologized and almost knelt down and knocked one.

The school knew that you couldn't afford to offend and fired the kid directly.

But the child's star mother didn't know what was going on.

After learning that your son was not expelled, but her son was expelled, he immediately became angry!

Directly using his influence as a star, he began to write small essays in the slightest barren.

Immediately, many brain-dead fans agreed, and some people wanted to expand things and put pressure on the school.

Originally, it was just a small thing, but as they took the initiative to expand, plus touched the butt of the hot search.

The traffic for the whole thing instantly increased.

Many bloggers saw that there was traffic to rub, and they also surrounded it like cats that smelled fishy.

Verbally criticize your son.

A primary school student, in the face of this kind of online violence, could not bear it.

But your son is very strong.

And was interviewed by a news outlet.

With the broadcast of the interview, public opinion finally had a hint of reversal.

And as more information about your son is dug up, information about your wife is released.

The Internet was shocked, it turned out that this child's mother was so powerful!

is a researcher who lives behind the scenes.

He has also made outstanding contributions.

I used to dislike the little star to engage in rice circles and abuse other people's netizens online.

Spontaneously organized together and launched a scolding war with those brain-dead fans.

The popularity has also climbed again and again.

Eventually, it finally reached your ears.

Someone asked what you should do.

You casually said that is the current entertainment industry so bad?

So a rectification storm swept the entire entertainment industry in the following short period of time.

A number of tax evasion celebrities were identified, as well as the cultivation of rice circle culture, and the food waste caused by teenagers swiping products endorsed by idols.

Including that third-rate star, many stars were directly banned.

The entire entertainment industry can be described as a storm!

It's just that most people don't know how this rectification storm came about. 】


[60 years old: Your children and grandchildren are full, and the family gathers around you to celebrate your birthday. [

61 years old: You have been given the highest honorary title, and your status is extremely revered.

【62 years old: Your wife is a little unwell and often coughs.

[63 years old: Your wife's condition has deteriorated rapidly, and your best personal doctor has said that she has no more years to live. [

64 years old: When your son was young, he set up a doll for your granddaughter.

That kid and your granddaughter are childhood sweethearts.

It's a pity that the other party fell into the middle of the road later, and you didn't pay attention to it anymore.

I didn't expect that the guy who made a doll kiss with your granddaughter recently came to the door again.

He had been studying deep in the mountains before, and his medical skills were very savvy.

When he learned that his childhood sweetheart's grandmother was seriously ill.

I volunteered and wanted to give it a try.

Naturally ridiculed by many people, even the best private doctor can't cure it, how can this wild boy from the deep mountains be cured?

I wanted to drive him away, but you accidentally heard about it.

With the mentality of a dead horse being a living horse doctor, you plan to let him give it a try.

I didn't expect that his skills were really extraordinary, and he really made your wife's condition improve! 】


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