You lead them all the way to the enemy country, and all the obstacles along the way cannot stop you in the slightest.

Along the way, the generals of those enemy countries have been stunned by you.

Originally, they were united, and they wanted to take advantage of the weakness of the Demon Dragon Dynasty to attack from both sides and divide your land.

Even if you can't destroy the Demon Dragon Dynasty, you can gnaw down a large piece of fat.

But they really didn't expect that you not only resisted their invasion and attack, but even fought back.

And with such great strength, they can't block your attacks at all.

The most important thing is that as a commander, your strength is simply unmatched.

Once in the middle of the battlefield, it is like a meat grinder.

If it is just high strength and martial arts, even if it enters the battlefield, it will not cause much impact.

Even innate-level masters will be grinded to death in the face of constant consumption surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Reaching the strength of the grandmaster level can only change the victory or defeat of a local small battle at most.

Even if he reached the level of a grandmaster, he could not really influence a large-scale battle between the two countries.

But you are by no means a Great Grandmaster, you have already surpassed the Great Grandmaster and reached the level of a land immortal.

Your strength is also far beyond their estimates, making it difficult for them to imagine and guess that there are such powerful people in this world.

But you know that although your strength has reached the peak of martial arts in this world, it is only the beginning for those immortal cultivators.

It is no wonder that those immortal cultivators do not appear in the world, when the strength is strong to a certain extent, they treat ordinary people as humans look at ants.

Some people may wonder, why do immortal cultivators have such great strength, but do not rule the world?

Do not repeat the establishment of great deeds, do not create dynasties, or even continue for tens of millions of years?

In fact, this is a matter of mentality, when you are only a little stronger than the average person, you may use this power to achieve your desires.

You will run for fame or profit, and even cause endless killing.

But when you are too strong, not even at one level, not in one dimension, you will lose this interest.

It's not that you don't have desires anymore, but your desires are more advanced.

You can't expect a human to run to the territory of ants, build a great deed, and dominate those ants, right?

After truly becoming immortal cultivators, they may yearn more for more advanced fame and fortune, but there is always only one peak of the most yearning point.

That's Chengxian!

Becoming an immortal represents ease, immortality, and longevity with heaven.

However, all the immortal cultivators did not know that when they were struggling to pursue their goal, this goal had already been obtained by a mortal martial artist who had not even officially stepped into the path of cultivating immortals.

This person is you, and at this time you are killing and slaughtering all sides on the battlefield.

No one is your enemy, even if it is a powerful general sent by the enemy country, this will have a grandmaster-level martial arts cultivation, but it is still as easy for you as slaughtering a chicken.

Very easily, you killed all the way to the capital of the enemy country.

The emperor of the enemy country personally went out of the palace to surrender, but you did not accept his surrender at all, and you directly slaughtered the entire palace.

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