But as long as it continues to develop, it will definitely be comparable to the Immortal Dao one day, or even surpass the Immortal Dao.

At that time, I hope that they can complete the mission that was not completed in the original Immortal Cultivation Realm, and can completely eradicate to the Shadow Realm.

[5500 years old: You feel that you have reached the peak of the Mahayana period, and in this world, you have no regrets.

Without any sustenance, you decide to really go to the death pass, and you will definitely not go out until the robbery.

So you returned to your own blessed place. [

6000 years old: You have now entered the peak of the Mahayana period, and you are only close to successfully breaking through and successfully entering the tribulation period.

The difficulty of this time is probably more difficult than the last time, I don't know how many times.

You don't dare to slack off at all, the first thing you have to do is to cultivate Great Nirvana with all your strength.

In these years of cultivation, you already know how powerful this secret book you got because of the coincidence of friendship is.

It can be said that you have been able to break through various small realms and large realms smoothly over the years, and this secret book has a very big relationship.

Now that you have successfully reached the peak of the Mahayana period, it is time for this exercise to bring out its most powerful effect.

It's just that it is still very difficult to break through the tribulation period during the Mahayana period, and even if there is a great nirvana to help, it is not a simple thing.

There are still a lot of tribulations to go through.

[6500 years old: You are still in the process of retreat, and you feel that you are getting closer and closer to that realm. [

8,000 years old: If it weren't for the fact that the environment of heaven and earth had long been unsuitable for immortal cultivators, you wouldn't have been stuck in the Mahayana period for so many years.

Maybe now they will all ascend to immortal status.

You can only lament that you were not born in a good time.

When you first stepped into the Immortal Cultivation Realm, it was already after the invasion of the Shadow Realm.

It still caused a lot of damage to the immortal cultivation world, although it was not as serious as later, but it still had a great hindrance effect on the cultivation of immortal cultivators.

It was precisely because of this that it was very difficult for immortal cultivators in that period to improve themselves.

At least it was more than twice as difficult as when the Immortal Cultivation Realm was at its peak.

And now, it is even more difficult than at that time, because now after many tosses, the aura is almost gone.

Moreover, the change in the general trend of heaven and earth has also become no longer suitable for cultivating immortals.

But fortunately, you have endless years, if you don't have the Immortal Dao Fruit, your only outcome is to run out of Shouyuan and die.

When the world of immortal cultivation was relatively prosperous, there were many bigwigs who had not yet broken through the realm because Shouyuan was about to arrive, and finally had to face the end of old death.

What's more, now, the environment for cultivating immortals has become extremely difficult, even if it is a true genius of immortal cultivation, I am afraid that he will become dull now.

Moreover, in your Cave Heaven Blessed Earth, because of long-term consumption, the spiritual energy is not as prosperous as before, and your spirit stones have already been consumed.

With the Dao Fruit of Immortality, it is your greatest confidence, you don't need to be in a hurry at all, if you can't succeed in one thousand years, then two thousand years, if two thousand years are not successful, then three thousand years, if three thousand years are not successful, then five thousand years.

Anyway, you have an endless lifespan, even if the life of the planet is exhausted, the life of the sun is exhausted, and even the life of the universe is exhausted, your life will not be exhausted, there is no end.

What you have is time to spend. 】

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