In addition, there are various skills related to formations, spells, alchemy, refining tools, etc., all of which have achieved very good results.

If all of them were exchanged, it would definitely allow Gu Qing to directly break through into the ranks of the supreme divinity.

Although in terms of level, it can probably only be at the Yuguang level.

But its real strength, real combat ability, is definitely much stronger than the ordinary Yuguang level.

When he really reached that step, Gu Qing no longer needed to be as afraid to face the old dominators as before.

The old dominators are no longer the real upper echelons of the world.

Because Gu Qing will truly possess the strength and qualifications to defeat or even kill them.

But now it seems that Gu Qing still has an obstacle, that is, there are not enough points.

This time, the Tian Yuan Realm simulation, although in the end gave Gu Qing an SSS-level rating, and was rewarded with a lot of points.

But if you really want to exchange the half-immortal body, this little point is simply a drop in the bucket, and it is simply not enough.

Therefore, Gu Qing must find a way to get more points.

Fortunately, there are many, many more simulation points, and this thing is even increasing.

Although his Royal Beast Legion will not bring him simulation points when killing those evils, some existences who have concluded a contract with them, such as Little Rokuko.

When killing monsters and evils, even millions of favored people, it will bring him gains.

So his current simulation points can definitely be used to splurge at will.

And Gu Qing now only wants to exchange the harvest in this Tian Yuan Realm simulation, so next Gu Qing found an ordinary primary world to simulate.

And all accelerated, instantly.

Only those points that can be earned at the end will be earned.

In the process of waiting, Gu Qing reviewed the simulation in the Tian Yuan Realm this time.

Because of the invasion of the shadow realm, this time the simulation, the stand-in is not even a person in the immortal cultivation world.

Because he lived for tens of thousands of years, in the end, he actually didn't see much of the rest of the Immortal Cultivation World.

The number of immortal cultivators I know is extremely limited, and most of the time, it is a scattered cultivation that is silently groping and cultivating silently.

It is precisely because of this that it has taken a lot of detours, coupled with the change of the general trend of heaven and earth later, resulting in the unsuitability for cultivating immortals, coupled with the disappearance of various heavenly materials and earth treasures, so that the stand-in has been stagnant in cultivation for a long time, and it is difficult to cultivate.

But even so, relying on the Immortal Dao Fruit, the stand-in finally managed to reach the Tribulation Period, which was a height that had not been reached when the Tian Yuan Realm simulation was carried out before.

Seeing that he is about to ascend to the immortal realm and become an immortal body.

Unexpectedly, he was stabbed in the back.

Pain! It hurts so much!

Seeing the immortal body slipping away, although it can still be exchanged for the half-immortal body, the difference is still very big.

"Abominable immortals... Next time I have the opportunity, I will definitely enter in person and kill the Immortal Realm!" After

accumulating enough points, Gu Qing exchanged all the cultivation and magical spells and so on this time.

Then he exchanged all the knowledge and cultivation such as refining spell formations.

In an instant, Gu Qing only felt that thousands of touches connected countless worlds and dimensions, and he could feel everything.

It was a strange feeling after raising his gaze up continuously, as if he was originally in a small box, no matter how powerful his vision was, his vision was limited.

And now that he has come out of the box, he can see the existence of the box itself, and he can see what is outside the box.

It was as if he had jumped out of the chessboard, and that wonderful feeling made Gu Qing feel a wonderful feeling that he had never felt before.

Now, he has successfully entered the ranks of the Supreme Divinity.

Although it is only the lowest Yuguang level, the life form and consciousness are all reborn, which is not comparable to before.

Even he said that he changed someone is a very appropriate thing.

"So it is, it's just amazing."

Many problems that Gu Qing couldn't figure out before, but now they are all solved.

It was as if the height was different, and what he couldn't see before anyway, he could now see very easily.

Gu Qing originally thought that after he officially entered the Supreme Divinity, it might cause a very sensational scene.

Even let everyone know, alarm the whole universe kind of.

After all, this universe is actually to be honest, and the class is very solidified.

The old dominators, the outer gods, these powerful beings monopolized all the upper resources of the entire universe.

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