
Chapter 53: Observing Buddha in a Dream

"Uncle Li has been silent for these years, but now he is back to his original state and is more out-of-the-box than before!" Ji Chunxi looked helplessly at Li Wen holding his daughter on the bow of the golden boat. Li Wen excitedly pointed to the clouds in the sky and the birds that appeared from time to time to explain to Li Qing. Li Qing, who was born with great wisdom, clapped her little hands and giggled as she looked at the birds flying by in the sky. Li Qing has phoenix blood in her body, and the phoenix essence spontaneously escapes, and the surrounding birds fall on the bow of the ship one after another, and they can't help but chirp at Li Qing.

A hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix is ​​nothing more than that.

Ji Chunxi has known Li Wen since childhood and is also familiar with Gong Yu'er. When Ji Chunxi was at Kunlun Peak, Li Wen and his wife often came to visit him. After all, the two had no children for a long time, and Gong Yu'er poured maternal love into Ji Chunxi. Ji Chunxi also felt deeply for Gong Yu'er's death.

Now that Li Wenwen has an extra girl, the melancholy of the past few years has been completely wiped away. He was very fond of holding his daughter in his arms. He wandered around the mountains for the past two days, asking for gifts from everyone he saw. In the end, Xun Yang got so annoyed that he asked him to go to the Danyuan Conference with Ji Chunxi and others.

This Danyuan Conference was led by Ji Chunxi, who led several disciples, including Li Wen and his daughter Li Qing, a total of twelve people.

Zhang Zimu listened to Ji Chunxi's complaints but did not dare to interrupt. Ji Chunxi was someone Li Wen had grown up with. She was familiar with him and didn't need to worry about what he said, but he was not familiar with Li Wen. Moreover, Zhang Zimu is very scheming and does not have Lin Zixuan's heroic demeanor at all. He is as cautious and cautious as Yang Ling once was.

hypocrite! Ji Chunxi saw Zhang Zimu nodding and smiling without saying a word, and unconsciously thought of Hong Ling's evaluation.

He looked at the other disciples, forming small groups one by one, but cast him aside.

"Forget it, how much more waves can these junior brothers and sisters make?" Upon seeing this, Ji Chunxi closed her eyes to rest and steered the golden boat to Baicao Mountain.

Let Zhang Zimu lead his fellow disciples to the Changqing Pavilion to rest. Ji Chunxi and Li Wen's father and daughter went to meet Ran Weng. Ran Weng entered Taoism through alchemy. Over the years, he understood the mystery of the Yuanshen and became a real person. Baicao Mountain has truly become a holy place for alchemy cultivation. Ran Weng took charge of the overall situation and became the leader of the alchemy cultivation alliance.

Alchemy Alliance. Originally there were only ten elders presiding over it, but Weng only represented the non-commercial cultivators and the nine alchemy cultivators from the Nine Immortals Sect. But as he became enlightened, he directly became the uncrowned king of alchemy.

Ran Weng had a good relationship with the Taixu Taoist Sect. Master Li Wen and Xun Yang had known Ran Weng for many years, so they came to ask for a meeting gift. Ji Chunxi brought a letter and handed it to Ran Weng instead of Jiang Yuanchen.

Ran Weng first hugged Li Qing and took a look: "This girl has a strong fire spirit, which is almost comparable to the innate Taoist body. Moreover, this kind of phoenix spirit body is rare in thousands of years, and the phoenix blood can continue to be passed on to future generations. In the future, her lineage He can be regarded as a descendant of Phoenix blood."

Ran Weng gave a small red gourd pendant to wear on Li Qing's wrist. Then he said to Ji Chunxi: "I already understand your master's intention, and I will make good preparations."

Ji Chunxi bowed and said, "This disciple also brought a gift from Master Yuanqing, which he wants to give to some senior spiritual practitioners. Can you please introduce me to him?"

Yuan Qing and Jiang Yuanchen had a good relationship, so Ji Chunxi called him uncle. Although Yuan Qing is older than Jiang Yuanchen, Jiang Yuanchen is obviously more mature in terms of his behavior and personality.

"Okay." Ran Weng received Jiang Yuanchen's letter. I am also going to discuss the plan mentioned in it with King Shen. After all, this is a killing plan against King Shen. So the two went to the back mountain to find a group of spiritual practitioners.

Ji Chunxi gave a gift. After meeting several spiritual seniors, I walked out of the back mountain alone. I only heard two people chatting in a low voice in the distance.

"Senior brother, isn't it good for you to talk to your uncle like this? When you go back, it's better to stay with your uncle for a while."

"Hmph! What are you afraid of? He's just a guy who relies on his old age to show off his old age." Then he added: "In terms of cultivation, that old man is worse than me. I really don't know what the master thinks, but he actually lets him preside over it. I heard that Taixu Taoist Sect This generation of senior brothers is all in charge, and the people from their previous generation have long since retired!"

When Ji Chunxi heard the two men mention Taixu Dao Sect, he looked at it carefully. Realizing that they were two disciples of Qingli Temple, they secretly shook their heads.

"In terms of seniority, after you surpass your master, don't you have to ask him to call you master?" Ji Chunxi thought with disdain and walked away on her own.

"Speaking of which, the disciples of our generation are impetuous and think they have great luck. They have no respect for the previous generation." Ji Chunxi shook his head. Nowadays, children of luck appear frequently. It is obviously the spontaneous response of heaven and earth to the evil calamity and even later. The vast sea world is dealing with this, so the various sects treasure these disciples very much, which also makes many people develop arrogance and arrogance.

"Practice quickly, but the mind cannot keep up. This method is not adopted by our Taixu Taoist Sect." After Ji Chunxi turned around, he concentrated on studying Jiang Yuanchen's Bagua. The head of Qian Gua is vaguely consistent with his Qian Yuan gold plate.

"Perhaps my path to enlightenment lies in this Bagua."

With the moon in the night sky, Mu Qingyi paid attention to Baicao Mountain and saw some black air appearing in the air clouds on Baicao Mountain.

"Is Baicao Mountain in danger? I hope senior brother and the others can prepare early."

Jiang Yuanchen had already made plans for Baicao Mountain, and now he was concentrating on looking at a dream in the land of nothing.

"Immortal Da Mi left three thousand dreams, and now this destined person seems to have failed?" Jiang Yuanchen stood outside the golden dream and waited for a long time, only to see that the mana fluctuations inside completely dissipated, wisps of spiritual light began to fall from the dream, and there was a A golden butterfly is pregnant again and ready to fly to other worlds.

"Hey!" Jiang Yuanchen stretched out his hand to grab it, and the power of colorful dreams firmly locked the golden butterfly. With a flick of his sleeves, he took the fragments of spiritual light that fell off the dream into his hands to find out the identity of this destined person.

"Eh? He's actually a member of the Buddhist sect?" Jiang Yuanchen was surprised. Now that the Buddhist sect is in decline, it can only be compared with forces like the Shenxiao Emperor, without the majestic heritage inherited by a Taoist monarch. In the void, I heard Pu Yushu say that there are not many worlds controlled by Buddhism, and the great road is not open, and there is no Taoist method spread.

Unexpectedly, this destined person turned out to be a Buddhist practitioner.

"Three thousand butterflies fly into all the worlds. It is normal for people from Buddhism to get opportunities." Jiang Yuanchen watched the remaining message of the spiritual light. This Buddhist cultivator's name is Mulian. There is a Buddhist Bodhisattva teaching the Dharma in his world. He has listened to the Dharma preached by Weiyin Bodhisattva twice. After understanding the Dharma, he has now become a soul and was pulled into a dream state. Moreover, the dream about the evolution of the dream butterfly he obtained seems to be somewhat related to Buddhism.

"Buddhist? You can place a chess piece." After Jiang Yuanchen thought about it, five hundred wisdom beads flew around him, and finally synthesized into a golden wisdom bead, evolving wisdom into a dream.

Leading the way with a golden butterfly, he transformed into a man wearing a crown of wisdom, holding a pearl of wisdom, and walking in a dark dreamland with pure white lotus at his feet. There was a little bit of golden light shining in the dream, which was the remnant soul of Buddha Xiu Mulian.

"It's a pity that after five hundred years of practice, I have now turned into a dream and lost myself." Jiang Yuanchen held the wisdom pearl in his hand and blew gently, and wisps of silver light enveloped the golden light, merging the remnant soul of Mulian with its escaping spiritual light.

"Now I am experiencing a dream, and you come with me." Taking the spiritual light left by the Buddhist monks, Jiang Yuanchen began to experience this dream.

This dream is the understanding of the Buddha by the Holy Lord Da Luo, and then the Immortal Dami evolved into a realm of Buddhahood here.

"The universe is definitely not one. The Holy Lord should have communicated with the outer universe? Otherwise, where did these strange dreams come from? Are they really the Holy Lord's dreams?" Jiang Yuanchen did not believe that the Holy Lord had such magical powers, so he It is believed that these are likely to be the products of civilizations in other universes.

As is the old rule, the first time you see a dream is your own experience, but this time Jiang Yuanchen stayed true to his original intention and completely maintained his intelligence even when experiencing the dream.

"This is the power of fateful consciousness!" Jiang Yuanchen secretly thought, because the soul of the earth has returned to the body, his fateful memory is completely integrated into the soul, and there is no need to worry about the possibility of memory being deceived. Even after awakening to the awareness of fate, he could even recall the events of his birth. He could clearly describe any little thing he had seen, and he could recite all the books he had briefly glanced at. This is the memory of fateful consciousness.

This dreamland is a Buddhist country. In the Buddhist country, there is a Buddha, the king of world freedom, who has experienced three hundred and thirty-three kalpas. There are forty-eight Bodhisattvas and five hundred Arhats under his seat. Jiang Yuanchen was born into a family of Buddhist believers, and Jiang Yuanchen was baptized by an eminent monk when he was born.

When he was five years old, he followed his parents to the temple to worship Buddha statues. Jiang Yuanchen wandered around the temple by himself, looking at the various patterns and architectural styles in the temple.

"In terms of style, this Buddhist country is very different from the Buddhism of Qingming Daojun." Qingming Daojun was born out of Taoism and used lotus as a sacred object. But here, in addition to lotus flowers, there are also sacred objects such as bodhi trees and whirling flowers, and the architectural styles are also completely different.

"Buddhist pagodas, Qingming Daojun's pagodas have attic-style tile roofs, but here are all dome pagodas." The boy looked serious. He looked around and saw dome pagodas. It is said that each pagoda enshrines a stone. Relics.

I also secretly listened to the monks' sermons, and felt that they were completely different from those taught by Qingming Daojun.

They also preach about light. The Taoist Lord Qingming emphasizes on knowing the mind and seeing one's nature, while the Tathagata of Light and Freedom advocates the perfection of enlightenment and saves all living beings with great light and great compassion.

"Compassion, Bodhicitta, Vajra Mind, Freedom Mind, what are these?" The five-year-old boy hid in the corner and thought hard. "According to Qingming Daojun, his Buddhist philosophy comes from a holy relic, which is the legacy of the Holy Lord Daluo. Could it be that the Holy Lord got inspiration from here?"

In this way, Qingming Daojun's Buddhism is just a branch here.

Jiang Yuanchen seemed to have a clear understanding, but he did not start practicing according to the Buddhist practice method here. Instead, he concentrated on his nine senses of heaven and man and the Pearl of Wisdom method.

"We are also cultivating the mind, why should we turn to another sect? I am from a Taoist sect, so I can just listen to it. There is no need to destroy the foundation." But even so, Jiang Yuanchen was very enlightening, and he gained a deep understanding of Buddhism. Research.

"What's the difference between Mahayana and Mahayana?" Jiang Yuanchen said suddenly as he heard the experience of the earth's dream. Qingming Daojun's Buddhism is the Hinayana method, which achieves the light body and achieves the Tathagata fruit by itself. What we seek here is the Mahayana, to save all living beings with great compassion.

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