
Vol 2 Chapter 179: Resurrection, resurrection, the fate of !

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Ye Jiangchuan is extremely speechless, but the good thing is that Master is also among the ninety-nine people.

The bad thing is that a few apprentices, younger brothers and sisters, and a few senior brothers, one no longer counts.

Is it Taiyi, this is the end?

Ye Jiangchuan is unwilling!

The prison was also unwilling, and couldn't help but shout: "It doesn't make sense!"

"We Taiyi, Taiyi of Destiny!

How can you perish if you have destiny!

But, however, the ancestors have all died in battle, and our destiny has become stronger!

Alas, it turns out that destiny is not allowed!

Everyone, go back and prepare for the battle tomorrow. If you can contribute, you can kill one by one!

We fight them to the end, the more tragic, the more they share the crime of destroying the world. "

Everyone left, all in silence.

It was just a night's rest, and early the next morning, the battle began.

This time the battle was even more tragic than before.

Thousands of miles in front of Taiyizong's formation was blood-stained.

Ye Jiangchuan suddenly saw the blood ancestor Zhong Shou and the great flame demon Yan Gnarros all out of the battle.

The great flame demon Yangnaros even blew himself up, killing one Dao Yi of the opponent's Jade Dingzong.

However, it was considered deliberate, it just died in Taiyizong's clone and repaid Taiyizong's favor.

Taiyizong has only five Tianzun who can be promoted to Dao One, three succeeded, bamboo wine failed, and the last one, Luo Wei, was extremely unlucky. On the way, he did not run into it once.

This battle really did his best, Ye Jiangchuan all shot, under the black evil, a big kill.

But the other party led Jizong, a shameless Daoyi, staring at Ye Jiangchuan.

As long as Ye Jiangchuan appeared, he would kill.

Ye Jiangchuan died three times and could only leave the battlefield.

Back to Taiyi Xiaozhu, extremely depressed.

Several disciples participated in the war, and there was no one here.

The old man was also dead, Ye Jiangchuan was indescribably sad.

However, he always feels inexplicably that there is something wrong.

"Don't mess with me, mess with me again, I'm a scorching robbery, the sky is falling!"

Suddenly, Ye Jiangchuan's eyes lit up.

He checked his miracle card.

Now Ye Jiangchuan Card: Card: Vigorous Core Oonas, Level: Legend, once terrifying existence, Oonas, the most terrifying behemoth in the Dark Nightmare universe, Ye Jiangchuan feels this card is dangerous, so it has not been activated.

Cards: Fusion spell seal, common; Cards: Mining skills are rare; Cards: Repeating miracles, epic; These three have never had the opportunity to be used, and their effects are just average.

Card: Delightful Enemy; Card: Illuminate the Darkness; Card: Empowerment; Card: Requisition; Card: Burning World; Card: Resurrection. These are all miracles of the same order. .

Cards: Supreme Power; Cards: Ultimate Summoning. They are all miracle-levels and have been used.

Card: The ultimate summoning, directly kill one by one.

Then Ye Jiangchuan looked at the card: Resurrection!

Card: Resurrection

Rank: Miracle

Type: Miracle

Explain that the remains of the dead, no matter how many years, are mutilated, here I am resurrected.

Stop talking: There is no sequelae, no extra effort, just so overbearing!

Who loves who can be resurrected with a little wreck?

Master Taiyi is dead?

Taiyizong's destiny is stronger?

Suddenly Ye Jiangchuan understood what was going on.

The old man Taiyi is dead, there is no whole body, but there is a little remains.

When he was leaving, he sent a drop of golden blood and fell on his shoes, blessing himself, and fleeing far away.

Later, what's the escape? It's useless.

Ye Jiangchuan looked at it immediately, and sure enough, was there still some golden blood on his boots?

Old man's back hand?

Ye Jiangchuan was extremely ecstatic, and immediately took out the miracle card and activated it.

Card: Resurrection, dissipated in a flash, and the entire card shattered.

Then I saw that the blood stains just lit up and instantly turned into an old man.

This change is extremely natural.

There is no astronomical variation, nor any flash of thunder, as if it should be.

Seeing his resurrection, Ye Jiangchuan was ecstatic.

There is no need to flee, no need to be destroyed, Taiyi is alive!

No wonder he died and his destiny was greater.

After his death, those tenth-tier eight-chengdu left, only a handful of Eastern Emperor Taiyi were there, so Taiyi's destiny was even greater!

The old man resurrected and shouted:

"It hurts me so much!"

After speaking, he cast the spell quickly, Ye Jiangchuan couldn't understand what he was doing.

He is suppressing the fluctuations of his own resurrection, and even in the sect, the Patriarch Hall will not change.

After a long time, he laughed and said:

"During the war, my destiny directed me to leave a little blood!

I thought this was a chance to win, but I didn't expect it to be resurrected!

Ye Jiangchuan, Ye Jiangchuan, you are so unexpected to me!

You have to know how much effort they took to kill me, how much magic weapon they used, and how much power they consumed.

And the tenth-level resurrection, how much vitality is needed, how many universes will be changed, and how many laws of heaven are involved, but when I was resurrected, I was resurrected, and it seemed that I had never died?

What power is this? "

Ye Jiangchuan replied: "The miracle card, the miracle card of the miracle of the same order!"

Madam Taiyi took a breath and said, "Miracle, miracle, miracle!"

"Nothing wrong!"

"However, I live, hahahaha!"

"Let me see the situation!"

Madam Taiyi began to check, and as he checked, his brows furrowed.

"The Zongmen card storehouse cannot be opened, this rebellious."

"80%, she also used the miracle card, which confuses me! Otherwise, she did so many tricks, why would I not know?"

"The Zongmen Great Array has already lost to this level, it is difficult to defend!"

"Reinforcements, alas, don't count on them!"

"Good guys, these **** are hiding in the dark, waiting for Taiyi to die, delicious meat!"

"Good guy, so many siskins!"

"Tianja, alas, to be honest, it's really not as good as the real, and even the king's room and Jinzhen are worse!"

"Miao Feng..., he has been killed in battle, now this is a fake, it is the disguise of Succubus Sect..."

"Well, how can this be good?"

Madam Taiyi was also dumbfounded.

But Ye Jiangchuan never expected that Dao Yimiaofeng had already died in battle, and was disguised by the opponent to break Taiyizong at a critical moment.

Fortunately, the plan to escape from Tianjao, the plan to frown, even he concealed it.

"Master, what shall we do?"

"You should call me old man!"

"What to do? Cold!"

"We Tai Yizong, in this situation, there is only one way!"

"any solution?"

"Hey, you are Taiyi disciple? What is our poem title?"

"Taiyi Taiyi, wonderfully transformed, my heart is like a sword, and I live forever!"

"Do you think the poem name is for fun? Every word has its meaning.

When we Taiyi encounter something that cannot be solved, then we will ask the destiny and it will be over!

Give fate to God! "

After talking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the old man started to cast the spell, and the fate asked.

Then he was taken aback, looked at Ye Jiangchuan, and said:

"Destiny, it means you!"

"I can't help it! But you do!"

"You can save Taiyizong!"


Xiaoshan, I've been writing desperately, and I would like to ask fellow Taoists and book friends to support me and ask for a monthly pass. The rest will be more exciting!

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