
Vol 2 Chapter 236: Listen to the heartbeat, merge the world

As if going home, Ye Jiangchuan smiled and said:

"Are you going to have a drink?"

Ye Jiangchuan slowly entered the tavern.

The tavern on the first day of each lunar year can communicate with guests. Other taverns appear in April, July, and October, but they don’t have this ability.

Sitting there, a glass of water wine, a pot of Tianguang wine, it is very simple.

Ye Jiangchuan drank it lightly, taking a breath.

"Thank you for your patronage, a godsend money!"

Ye Jiangchuan is a bit speechless, this wine is really expensive!

But if you can drink it, it's worth it!

"Guests, every time you enter the tavern, as long as you are here, something must happen!

But it's a good thing or a bad thing, it depends on your chance! "

"But this time, forget it. The tavern has just been restored. There is a mixed place, thousands of worlds are connected, and the past and the future are uncertain.

You are still young, it is not suitable to drink more, come less, go quickly. "

Bob rarely persuaded Ye Jiangchuan.

Ye Jiangchuan nodded and said, "I know, I'll leave now!

"I'm promoted to Dixu, how do you sell miracle cards!"

Every time you are promoted, there must be a change!

"Card pack, five cards, there must be a legendary card in the guarantee, and there is a high probability that a legendary card will appear!"

"The price is two celestial money!"

There is no increase in cards, but there is a high probability that mythical cards will appear, but the price has risen.

However, this price increase is still acceptable to Ye Jiangchuan, not much.

"It hasn't changed much?"

"The tavern has just recovered, even if it is promoted, it will not change.

However, the card competition mechanism has changed. If you say your needs, you can double your investment and make additional investments again and again to get the most benefits, until the card can reach the limit. "

Ye Jiangchuan smiled and immediately understood.

"Come on, get a card pack!"

Suddenly the card package appeared, and two celestial rules were made.

Ye Jiangchuan prayed silently: "Promote to Dixu, Promote to Dixu!"

As he prayed, he felt it, and he could add it.

Five cards seem to have become one...

There are two more celestial coins, a total of four celestial coins.

Ye Jiangchuan felt that he could continue to add.

Keep praying!

"Promoted to the earth market, promoted to the earth market!"

Eight celestial money, it seems that one card has become two...

Can continue to pray!

Sixteen celestial money!

There are still two miracle cards, but they seem to have changed again.

It seems that I can still pray!

Thirty-two sky rules money!

The card becomes three.

Ye Jiangchuan prayed again, this time it was sixty-four celestial money.

When investing, it will cost a great deal of money!

The cards seem to have become four.

But Ye Jiangchuan felt that he could no longer pray for more money.

Sign up!

Immediately in front of Ye Jiangchuan, four miracle cards appeared

Card: Holy Beast Golden Tiger

Class: Myth

Type: Biological

Explain that there is this sacred beast in the realm of the earth market, which is infinitely helpful.

Break the talk: the golden tiger roars, the golden ten thousand

Ye Jiangchuan was taken aback for a moment, this is another holy beast?

So far, besides Tianlong and Shui Qilin, one more?

Like the Tianlong controlling everything, the water unicorn controls the water system. This golden tiger should control the metal veins.

Card: Map of Earth Market World Construction

Class: Legend

Type: Item

The explanation records the mystery of the construction of the local market.

Break the talk: there are pictures to prove

This Ye Jiangchuan's rejoicing should have recorded the construction of countless earth market worlds, and the experience of predecessors can save him countless efforts.

Card: Unity of Heaven and Man

Class: Myth

Type: Adventure

Explain that when you are promoted to Dixie, heaven and man are united and perfectly blended

Stop talking: practice less for ten thousand years

After being promoted to the Dixie Ruins, you need to merge with the world. This card quickly reduces this process, leaving at least ten thousand years of merit.

Card: Good Wish

Class: Myth

Type: Adventure

Explain that when I was promoted to the Dixu, I prayed silently for good luck

Stop talking: what you want will come true

This is luck. It's so long and again, it's completely on the face.

Ye Jiangchuan was very happy when the cards were in hand.

Back in the real world, he stopped waiting and started.

Activate the card: Holy Beast Golden Tiger, a golden tiger suddenly appeared and roared, shaking the world.

But Ye Jiangchuan didn't care. Tianlong and Shui Qilin appeared. This tiger suddenly became honest.

He took the tiger into his holy beast mansion.

Immediately he had an extra Taoist holy beast.

These three sacred beasts are actually not used for combat at all, and they will be the main force in the construction of the market and the transformation of the world in the future.

Ye Jiangchuan activates the card: the map of the world of the ruins, an extra book in his hand, check it carefully.

I can't help but nod, knowing the construction of the market.

It's almost time to see, Ye Jiangchuan flashed, and returned to the highest peak of the mountain range where he had landed!

There is a temple he built.

He yelled:

"I, Ye Jiangchuan, become a local market here!

I, Ye Jiangchuan, have now become one with this world!

I, Ye Jiangchuan, live and die together with this world, and never give up!

I, Ye Jiangchuan, are here! "

After the roar, Ye Jiangchuan slowly merged into the earth and disappeared.

He meant that he could not help but expand, and be perfectly one with this world.

The places he once walked, the earth, mountains and rivers, everything became part of him.

At this point, man and the world are perfectly united.

There is no difference anymore!

In this process, Ye Jiangchuan activates the card: the unity of nature and man, and the card: a good wish.

At this moment, he is the world, the world is him!

Suddenly, Ye Jiangchuan had a feeling. At this moment, he activated the miracle card, the card: Lord of the universe!

He would immediately absorb the power of the universe, instantly jump out of the realm of the ruins, and become a heavenly sovereign.

Step by step!

But Ye Jiangchuan smiled, he did not.

Why bother?

So what are the benefits of a crash course.

Each step of cultivation is an evolution to become stronger.

I just want to be here to slowly complete the cultivation of the Dixu, relying on my own strength to advance to Heavenly Sovereign.

At this point, he became the Great Heavenly Sovereign, the kind of Great Heavenly Sovereign who could kill Dao Yi!

I am going forward, step by step, not rushing, not impatient, not vain!

Gradually, Ye Jiangchuan and this world are perfectly united and completely integrated.

He is heaven and earth, heaven and earth are him!

Suddenly, Ye Jiangchuan heard a heartbeat.

Boom, boom, boom...

This heartbeat ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Jiangchuan listens carefully, it is not someone else, in fact it is his own!

This heartbeat is the lungs of the earth, the core of the world, beating constantly there!

Induction of the lungs, this means that Ye Jiangchuan has completely controlled the world.

In this state, this can only be achieved by the mid-level Dixu.

And Ye Jiangchuan, promotion to Dixu, is only one step, that is, it is done!

At this point, the middle level of the ruins!

But Ye Jiangchuan smiled and listened to his heartbeat, but he was not in a hurry.

The realm has regressed, and it is still a normal early stage of the earth market!

What's the hurry, the days go by, and the accumulation is silent!

Cultivate silently here, accumulate your own strength, and reach the sky in one step!

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