After arriving at the designated destination, Cosetes began to lay out the defensive line according to his own tactics.

The army that could not be seen at a glance was densely packed all over the plain, which made people tremble.

After a night of traveling, it was early in the morning.

The sunlight sprinkled on the army, reflecting the golden light, reflecting the solemn faces, which looked particularly solemn.

No one spoke at the scene, and they were quietly waiting for their prey to appear.

A clearing was left in front of the large array, on which a huge magic array was arranged.

This is the Stronghold Teleportation Magic, which is for the huge Golem Gao Kangda.

Exactly like the information of Dimiugos, the army of the puppet kingdom of Kistau arrived at this moment.

An army of 100,000 people was also rushing towards this place.

At the head of the battle was a white army of 70,000 skeletons, and in the rear was a disorganized subhuman army of 30,000.

Yamasa looked at the neatly arranged array in front of her, and her heart was a little worried.

But thinking that there were still two bigwigs on his side pressing the formation, he felt a little calmer.

"Two adults, the strength of the other party seems to be a little beyond expectations.

Yamsa turned and said to the two big men behind him who were completely obscured by black cloaks.

Under the cloak, Callion was a little glad and almost fell for Kleiman.

After all, he is the Demon King, and he can still see a little bit of the reality of the other party's army.

What about a maximum of 10,000 troops? 200,000 troops

can't be taken out even by the Beast Kingdom.

"You are the commander of this time, you can just watch it, if necessary, we will take action.

"Calleone directly shook the pot, who he loved, anyway, he decided to paddle on the side.

As for Miriam, she didn't react much, she already knew that.

It's just an attitude of going through the motions, so naturally I won't say anything.

Yamasa was also a little helpless when he received such an answer.

"Understood. "

Kleiman's methods are known to him, and he can only bite the bullet and start commanding the army in formation.

"The whole army is in formation

!" "Yes!" After

a chaotic commotion, the 100,000-strong army finally looked a lot more tidy.

The two armies faced each other on the plain.

At this moment, the magic array in front of the Nasalik array began to light up with brilliant blue light.

Under the gaze of 300,000 people at the scene, a yellow stone giant slowly rose from within the formation.

The tall body covered the sky and the sun, and the giant's eyes shimmered with scarlet light, exuding a strong threat.

The appearance of the stone giant immediately attracted everyone's attention.

They couldn't help but swallow their saliva, and they didn't dare to move.


The stone giant raised his head and howled angrily, and his voice shook the four fields.

Then he lifted the huge ball of his foot and stepped on it violently, and a huge gap opened in the ground.

The huge body bent down slightly, and the stone giant stretched out his hands and directly grabbed the end of the gap and lifted it hard.

A mountain-like square rock was pulled straight out of the ground and hurled into the distance.

With a bang, the rock slammed into the open space in the middle of the two armies, and debris flew all over the sky.

The strong winds caused Kistau's army to retreat three or four steps.


The matter is far from over.

The light of the magic circle lit up again, and Cosetus took a few steps back, giving up his position directly ahead.

The brilliant splendor is gone.

The Guardians of the Nasalik Estate, all of them are here

!Mare Are, Yaura, Dimiugos, Shatia, Yarbed, Cosetes.

Together with Gao Kangda, the seven people stood respectfully in a row.

And in front of them is the supreme supreme of Nasalik.

Dressed in a pitch-black robe, he hunted in the wind, and wore ten magic rings on his hands, showing his noble status.

The golden scepter slowly hovered beside him, a staff that symbolized Nassalik's power.

Although it is an imitation, it is natural to have this thing.

Lord of Nasalik, Supreme

Lin Ming!"Superposition!Heaven and Earth Change!"

Lin Ming slowly spoke, his voice low and deep.

The next moment, the sky was overcast, and rolling thunder sounded, as if the end had come.

In this environment, Nasalik's soldiers showed unusual qualities.

Under this majesty, he stood quietly and did not say a word.


the earth began to shake, and ravines spread across the ground.


, the earth shattered, and countless pieces of earth and gravel emerged from the earth, covering the original plain with rocks.

The cracked ravine gradually closed, and a smooth staircase led directly to the square boulder in the field.

Behind him, a group of soldiers in golden armor, holding the banner of Nasalik in their hands, quickly ran to the sides of the steps to greet them.

This is a passage that belongs to the king.


Lin Ming stepped out and slowly walked up the steps with the guardians behind him.

The thunderclouds behind him followed his pace, like a wild beast, crushing towards the army in front of him.

The terrifying momentum overwhelmed the other party.

Coming to the front of the square platform, a black throne appeared behind Lin Ming, and he sat down slowly and gracefully.

The Guardians consciously stood on the left and right sides of the throne.

Lin Ming was like a monarch looking down on everything in front of him.

pomp and circumstance

, and then he waved lightly, and a fourth-order magic came at his fingertips.

Thanks to the long hours of Xi, this magic is completely unleashed at will.

Cloud Manipulation!

A dozen black heads full of human faces immediately appeared in the dark clouds.

The black head flew into the sky above the 100,000 army in front of him, and then said.

"Here to convey

the will of the Supreme Supreme!" "The Supreme Supreme asks for dialogue

!" "The delegates are immediately out of line!

" "Wasting time will only anger the Supreme Supreme!" The

voice resounded through the sky, echoing above the battlefield, and clearly reaching the ears of all life.

Yamsa was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, she felt slightly unhappy.

"It's just to spread the word, it's such a big battle......

" "Oh~ what a big show, it looks so fun!" Callion

and Miriam said at the same time.

Miriam's eyes were shining with stars at the moment, and she wanted to join the other side ......

She couldn't help but scold Kleiman in her heart.

"It's all this guy's fault, if you fight, you will fight, why did you call me here!"

"Otherwise, I should be on the other side now!!".

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