Yamsa rolled on the ground in agony, her face the color of pork liver, and her lips purple.

But there were no wounds on his body.

The pain that strikes the soul is several times stronger than the pain of the body.

In just a few seconds, Yamsa couldn't bear it.

"Help me


Calleon sighed softly, ready to strike.

Kleiman must be silently watching this side, paddling is paddling, and he still has to pretend to be what he should be.

"That's enough!"

Calleon stepped out onto the battlefield, reaching out and grabbing Yamasa's arm and pulling him over.

The golden light on her hand blocked out Shatiya's spiritual magic.

The black hood was removed, revealing Kallion's true face.

"It's the Lion

King Calion!" "Isn't this the Demon King of the Orc Kingdom?, how could he be here?"

"It seems that he is here to help us, it is a friendly army!" "

There is hope...... there

was an exclamation from the army behind him, but their words were directly ignored by Calion.

At this moment, Yamasa's face was extremely pale, and if it weren't for Kalion's pulling, he would be absolutely paralyzed on the ground.

Shatia looked at Callion with interest, "Oh, do you want to play games with your concubine too?"


these words, Calleone turned and walked away, not wanting to stay longer.

"You guy......

" "Come back, Shatia

!" "Yes, master!"

Lin Ming's voice came from behind him, Shatiya didn't continue to entangle, and returned to the platform with a teleportation.

The army on the opposite side thought that Lin Ming's stop was because he was afraid of the Demon King Calleon, and the confidence that had been lost was reinvigorated.

"That's the end of the conversation!" Lin

Ming stood up and glanced coldly at the army in front of him.

"Unfortunately for you, there will be no persuasion in this battle, and your end is already doomed. "

The war will officially start in four hours," "

Enjoy the last time!"

With that, a portal appeared behind Lin Ming, and he disappeared as soon as he stepped in.

The Guardians followed closely behind.

"Goodbye, poor man!"


," "Goodbye!" "Shatia, "there will be a time later!

" "Marley, "that, this...... Please take care. "

Dimiugos," "foolish, thank you for the mercy of the Supreme!"

"Cosettes," "hum!!"


With the disappearance of the people, the sky and the earth returned to their original appearance.

The original powerful sense of oppression also disappeared, and all the soldiers of Kistau breathed a sigh of relief.

Yamsa turned pale and trembled, and it was evident that he still remembered the torture he had just received.

"Are you alright?"

"Thank you, I'm fine."

Finally, Yamsa slowly stood up and leaned against the thick trunk of a nearby tree, feeling a little more comfortable.

He gasped, his eyes glinting with malice and resentment.

"I won't

let you go!" "I will kill you, I will let you taste the cruelest punishment in the world, let you know what it means to not survive, not to die!"

Yamasa gritted his teeth, his fists clenched, his muscles exposed, and he could predict how strong the anger in his heart was.


On the other side, Lin Ming came to the rear of his army.

A simple wooden hut was built there to serve as a makeshift command room.

Inside the command room.


!" "Su Su misses you so much!" Su Su

, who hadn't returned to the Nasalik Principality for a long time, threw herself into Lin Ming's arms and hugged him and didn't let go.

"Susu, don't be rude to your lords!" Albede scolded.

In normal times, Albede would have gone with her, but now it is not possible on such a formal occasion.

"Got it, slightly!"

Su Su spit out his cute tongue and reluctantly left Lin Ming's embrace.

Lin Ming touched her head and smiled, "When this battle is over, you will be able to come back."

"Okay~!" Su Su jumped up with joy.

"Alright, Cosetes, I'll leave it to you. "

Yes, my lord!" As

the commander of this campaign, Cosetes faced the commanders of the major corps in the command room and began to make the final strategic deployment.

Because he found the figure of the demon king Kallion, Lin Ming, who was originally going to leave, stayed on the battlefield for the sake of safety.

It's not good to avoid accidents.

In the blink of an eye, four hours have passed.

The melodious sound of the horn "Woo ———!!"

resounded throughout the land.

The war begins!

Yamsa commanded an army of 70,000 undead to charge Nasalik.

The white skeleton soldiers were mighty, shouting and killing shook the sky, and there was no end in sight.

These undead are the cannon fodder he sends to consume the enemy's living forces.

Although the strength is not strong, it is superior to the huge number.

"Spell Legion prepare!"

Cosetus ordered, and the twenty thousand spell masters behind Zhu Cai raised their staff in unison.

Countless brilliant formations appeared in mid-air.

"Forbidden Spell, Blessing of the Witch God!" Zhu

Cai snorted, and a wide-area magic array suddenly appeared under his feet.

In an instant, the 20,000 sorcerers lit up with five-colored brilliance.

The countless formations in mid-air skyrocketed to double in size.


the next moment.

"Meteor Shower

!", "Extreme Cold Frost!",

"Absolute Cold Snap!",

"Hurricane of Death!" "

Boom——!!! Countless

giant meteorites, ice picks, and fireballs fell.

The sky is all over the field, like a scene of the end of the world.

In just a few moments, the army of the undead suffered a devastating catastrophe, wails and roars mixed together, making the battlefield seem to be plunged into eternal purgatory.

The battlefield, which was originally covered by dense undead, was forcibly cleared out of a vacuum area by this wave of indiscriminate bombardment.

"Monster Legion, crush them!" a

loud roar rang out.

"Roaring ——!!"

a mammoth giant elephant with a huge physique, a full twenty meters high, raised its head to the sky and hissed.

Susu rode the colossus into an endless army of the undead.


the giant elephant trampled! The

terrifying power erupted, and in an instant, all the undead in front of them turned into ashes and disappeared.


With a roar, the army of five thousand demonic beasts turned into bloodthirsty beasts and rushed towards the army of the undead.

"What are these things!?" Shaman

Yam looked at the scene in a sweat, dumbfounded.


(Dividing line)

thanks to the great god certification of Longtina Na, plus a new chapter.

Don't give away the treasure, let alone move. (covering his face and crying)


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