Miriam hung in the void, her whole body wrapped in a black robe, and no one could fail to see her tangled expression at the moment.

"This guy Kallion, why did you go up first......"

Looking at the group of people below Albede and Shatia, Miriam became a little distressed.

"Who's going to be your opponent......"

Miriam pondered.


Suddenly, Miriam's eyes lit up.

She found that Susu, who had nothing to do, was sitting on the back of a mammoth beast watching a play.

"It's been a long time since I've played with Susu, and I almost didn't recognize it when I grew up. On

the back of the mammoth giant elephant beast, Su Su, who was originally bored, suddenly stood up for some reason when the cute fox ears suddenly stood up.

She looked around, as if trying to find something, but found nothing.

That's when it happened.


"Little fox, you were very arrogant just now, let me meet you." Then

Miriam swept towards him quickly.


Su Su tilted his head, and his big watery eyes blinked a few times.


she exclaimed, and then jumped off the back of the mammoth giant elephant beast and ran quickly in the direction where Lin Ming was.

"Who are you, why are you chasing me?!"

Su Su shouted hurriedly, the delicate little face was flushed, and she looked very cute.

"Hmm, hahaha, I'm going to eat you today, ahhh~

" "Master, help, there's a weirdo here who wants to eat me!!"

The two chased one after the other, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Lin Ming

, "......" "Listen to the voice, it should be Miriam."

Lin Ming rubbed the corners of his forehead and said helplessly, "I don't know what this guy wants to do." Soon

, Su Su hid behind Lin Ming, poked out his furry little head, and stared at Miriam with vigilance.

"You have the ability, you can come here!" the little fox shouted fiercely.

"Yo he~

" At this moment, Lin Ming frowned and asked

, "Miriam?" "Huh?!" The

man in black was stunned for a moment, and said in a little panic, "Who, who is Miriam, I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

As he spoke, the man in black quietly pulled his hood down, for fear of being recognized.

At this time, Su Su naturally reacted.

"Okay, Miriam, you dare to scare me, I'm not done with you!" she

jumped up and rushed towards Miriam.

"You, don't come here, beware I'll eat you!" said

Miriam bluffing, but her steps involuntarily took a step back.

"Hmph, don't you want to lie to me, just watch me rip off your hood.

In a flash, Susu appeared in front of Miriam in a flash.

However, in the next second, Su Su's pupils suddenly contracted, and the whole person froze in place.

In her sight, Milim wore a ghost mask on her face, and terrifying fangs protruding from her lips.


Su Su screamed, turned around and ran.


Miriam laughed out loud after his hood was removed, "It's so fun!"

Unexpectedly, Miriam actually brought a grimace mask to himself, Lin Ming couldn't help but shake his head.

"I'm the Ghost King, so I'm not Miriam!" I

don't know where Miriam got her confidence, thinking that as long as she wears a mask, others won't recognize her.

Just as the two were playing treasure, the war had come to an end.

Yamasa was already surrounded by countless orcs, and at this moment he was holding the Ice Demon Sword and was struggling to fend off countless orcs.

As for his 30,000 soldiers, they were almost completely dead and wounded.

Of course, there are quite a few who survived.

It won't be long before these soldiers, who are glad they survived, will learn that sometimes death is the best relief.

Calleone, who was still "fighting", noticed the situation of the battle, and he directly withdrew the weapon in his hand.

"Hmph, you're lucky today, Miriam, let's go!" Miriam

who heard this suddenly exploded as if she was a cat with her tail stepped on.


"Cosettes, I'll leave the rest to you, and I'll let Sebas send someone to clean up the aftermath.

"Leave it to me, sir. "

Kossets, don't kill that Yamsa, he should have a lot of information to dig up.

As the group was leaving, Dimiugost instructed.

"Don't worry!"

Immediately, a portal opened, and Lin Ming returned to Nasalik with the guardians.

The first thing he did when he came back was to ask Sebas to go to the battlefield to help deal with the aftermath.

After all, the corpse is not fresh after a long time.

This is the favorite of some people in Nasalik, and it is rare to encounter a great war and cannot be wasted.



Kleiman angrily threw the crystal ball in his hand to the floor in an ornate room.

"Rubbish, all rubbish!!" he

gritted his teeth, his eyes as cold as a viper.

This battle can be said to be a fiasco, in just a few dozen minutes, he lost 100,000 troops.

And that's not all.

The attitudes of Callion and Miriam also made Kleiman unusually irritable.

"These two bastards! Fool me like this!Damn!

" A cold light bloomed in the depths of his eyes, "In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

At this moment, a clown figure suddenly appeared in the shadow of the room.

"Babble, it looks like the plan has failed, Kleiman. "

Hmph! I was careless, Laplace. "

How's going on Grumid's side, the Pig-headed Emperor should have almost evolved, right?"

"No, Grumid is dead......" ......

On the battlefield, Yamsa stood trembling in front of Cosetus.

Looking at the appearance of him bleeding profusely, it is obvious that this product is almost dead.

Still, he held himself on to the ground with his sword.

"You ...... Can't kill me, my master is the Demon King Kleiman

!" Cosettes squinted at the embarrassed guy in front of him, "As you wish!

" "Any existence that defies the Supreme Supreme will be punished like hell

!" "Take it away!"

Amu Amu

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