Fitz and the others were startled and became vigilant.

"Don't get excited, I'm here to deliver an invitation. The

man was dressed in black, with a black horn on his forehead, and his body was tall and slender.

"Ghost people?!"

Fitz was well-informed and directly recognized the race of the person who came.

"I am the Six Paths Payne, a messenger sent by the Supreme Being.

He took out a letter and handed it to Ailian, "This is an invitation for the Supreme Lord to ask me to come and hand it over to you." "

Please be sure to be there at the founding ceremony in four days.

Ailian, a few people looked at each other, took the letter and looked at it, and then understood.

"It turned out to be Master Lin Ming!" "

Oh, so is this preparing for the official founding of the country?"

"Ah, I didn't expect the master to think of us......"

Everyone talked about it, and they were quite surprised by this invitation.

"This is Lord Fitz. "

Hmm, you know me?" Fitz

looked at the black-robed messenger in front of him, puzzled.

In the past two years, Nassalik's intelligence network has spread all over the world, and except for some special territories that cannot be penetrated, there is almost nothing to hide from them.

The corners of the black-robed envoy's mouth drew an arc and did not explain.

"This is another thing that the adults have explained, so let's do it along the way. A

photographic crystal was handed to Fitz, which recorded the entire process of how the 100,000-strong army of Kistau had been destroyed.

Not only free trade unions, but also people with a little bit of identity around the world received the image.



Although I knew that Lin Ming was extraordinary, I really didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"If Your Excellency Fitz wants to participate in the celebration, you can come together when the time comes.

"Well, then, I'll take my leave. The

black-robed messenger arched his hand and turned to leave.


Ailian, at this time, stopped him.

"Is there anything else Your Excellency does?"

"Well, it's only four days before the celebration starts, and we can't seem to make it in time.

"Even if you leave now, it will take more than half a month at the earliest.

"There's no need to worry about this, the invitation card also has a purpose as a teleportation scroll. The

black-robed emissary chuckled, "Although it is a one-time thing, as long as you inject energy, you can directly teleport to the Duchy of Nasalik." "

That's great!" Ai

Lian slapped her face excitedly, "But the master is also too rich, and he actually used the precious magic scroll directly......

" "Your Excellency the messenger, can I ask you a thing or two?"

Fitz asked with a moment's hesitation.

"Please say!"

"About the Pig-headed Emperor and the 200,000 army......

" "It turns out that you are worried about this, the Pig-headed Emperor has solved it."

"You can talk directly to the person concerned about the specific situation, and when the time comes, that person will also be there."

"Well, then, take your leave.

After the black-robed envoy saluted, his body turned into black smoke and disappeared instantly.

Placing the photo crystal on the table, Fitz had a complicated expression.

"The world is changing so fast!" he

sighed and looked at the three heartless guys next to him.

"Remember to call me when you go, it's time to go out and relax when you're almost retired.

"Mr. Fitz is trying to be lazy.


didn't bother to pay attention to them, Fitz reported the current news of the Pig-headed Emperor to the headquarters, and within two days, the Western countries received this news.

Although the intelligence says that the Pig-headed Emperor has been eliminated, no one has confirmed it yet.

The countries around the Gula Forest are in turmoil.

Among them is the familiar kingdom of Falmus.

King Edmar is in a meeting with his ministers to discuss the drastic decline in the country's power due to financial problems.

A month ago, I don't know which Wolong Phoenix Chick proposed a plan against the dwarf kingdom, which made the already not wealthy family even worse.

Hundreds of years of agreement were unilaterally torn up by them, and the price of food in the dwarven kingdom was raised.

As a result, half a month ago, the dwarf kingdom directly lifted the table and stopped working.

The territory of the current kingdom of Falmus can be said to be chaotic, and the large number of taxes and conscriptions has caused the people to complain.

Many civilians have been displaced.

But King Edmar didn't panic at all, because Archbishop Resim had given him an idea.

Anyway, the storm dragon also disappeared, directly leading people to attack Nasalik, and directly snatching back their wealth by force.

Moreover, how could a small country with a population of only one million be an opponent of a country with a population of more than 40 million?

With that in mind.

The kingdom of Falmus began to levy troops and prepare to arm a powerful cavalry regiment to sweep through Nazarik in the middle of the war.

As a result, today suddenly received a message.

The news of the Pig-headed Emperor appeared in the forest, and not only that, ......

In the conference room, everyone had gloomy faces.

There were two things on the huge conference table, an invitation and a crystal.

When they finished looking at the picture in the crystal, they fell silent.

"Damn!It's only been two years!, this bastard has only been away from our country for two years!"

"How could he have such a great military force!!"

The king stood up sharply, his face full of anger.

He knew very well in his heart that with the 50,000 soldiers now recruited by his country, there was no chance of victory at all.

Once again, their plans were shattered.

At this time, the kingdom of Falmus has really reached the point where it is in danger.

"Your Majesty, what about this invitation...... Are we going to participate?" the ministers asked.

"Well, are you trying to get into the tiger's mouth, fool!" roared

the king.

The ministers fell silent, not daring to say more.


Earldom of Nider McGarm.

It was the closest territory in the Kingdom of Falmus to the Gula Forest.

At this time, Count Nidel's face was very gloomy.

The knight who was originally used to defend against the invasion of monsters was forcibly requisitioned by the central government for some reason.

Relying on the hundred private knights in his own hands alone is a drop in the bucket.

There were still many adventurers from the free union, but Nidel was reluctant to spend money to issue commissions.

This resulted in heavy casualties in the surrounding villages.

Today, he received a notice from the Free Trade Union, and it was said that the Pig-headed Emperor had appeared.

And that's not even the worst of it.

Franz, the head of the Free Trade Union, was sitting across from Nidel.

"Your Excellency, if you would entrust us to go into the forest to find out the news, I can give you a good price. "

Count Nidel was almost out of breath.

This old fox actually hit the abacus to his side, damn

it!! This matter is not trivial, and his territory will have to be finished if he is not careful, and he must not ignore it.

If he does not agree, for the safety of the territory, the earl can only send his own knights to investigate.

The mission is very dangerous, and the knights will not be able to come back if they are not careful, this is his last strength, and Nidel is a little reluctant.

But he was unwilling to spend a high price to entrust the adventurer and get entangled.

It was then that Nidel suddenly thought of a solution.

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