The day before the start of the founding festival.

In the underground caverns of the wetlands, Rimuru finally wakes up from the nightmare of the 150,000 pigmen.

"Ah~ It's finally over.

Rimuru lay on Ranya's back, and the slime's body immediately went limp.

At this moment, the shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Oh, isn't this Your Excellency Cangying, didn't you go back?" Cangying didn't

explain, and directly took out the invitation.

"Lord Lin Ming sent me to send an invitation to the celebration. "


?" "What celebration?" Rimuru

looked at the invitation in his hand puzzled.

"Founding Ceremony?!"

he exclaimed, and then wondered, "Tomorrow?"

Cangying nodded indifferently, "I saw that you were too busy before, so I didn't bother the adults." "

This ......"

happened so suddenly, and Rimuru was really a little confused for a while.

"My lord also asked me to tell you, please be sure to be there, and when the time comes, I will show you the world, and you can use it later. "

That's what you said. "

Lord Rimuru, my mission is complete, and I will take my leave. The

shadow saluted, and disappeared with a bang.

Rimuru stared blankly at the invitation in his hand for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"Well, in that case, I'll go check it out.

Rimuru turned and walked towards the underground cavern hall.

After the pig-people finished naming, they left the wetland and walked towards the area that had been arranged.

Torenee's sanctuary contains a large number of magic fruits, and eating one can satisfy the amount of food for seven days.

Since the Treants don't eat their own fruits, there are a lot of precious magic fruits stored in the Sanctuary.

These foods were the development resources of the pig people in the early stage.

When they settle down, they will need to rely on their own labor to earn food.

The pig-headed general Klute had already returned to Goblin Town with his men ahead of schedule, and had already begun to learn the building techniques of Xi dwarves.

Soon, they will become the ruthless infrastructure freaks of Rimuru.

The wolf cavalry of the Gobta, after helping the pig-people transport the magic fruit of the Sanctuary, has also returned to the town.

Fortunately, the pig people have a very convenient skill, "stomach bag".

Similar to a common storage space.

As long as a pig man is asked to carry food into the "stomach bag", the pig people can pass it directly to various parts of the forest in this way, regardless of distance.

Although there are only two or three thousand people with this ability, it is enough.

The transport network in the forest has been built invisibly, which is of great significance to Rimuru.

As for all the matters after the crusade against the Pig-headed Emperor, Rimuru has already taken care of it.

He made his way to the hall to say goodbye to the lizardfolk patriarch.

In the hall, the lizardman patriarch was still sitting on the throne, and behind him was the captain of the guard and several guards.

"Oh, Rimuru-sama, you're done.

Hearing the slightly gloating words of the lizardfolk patriarch, Rimuru shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"I don't know which guy spread the news, causing me to name so many people

, it's really ......" "Hmph, there's nothing bad about it, adults are invisibly equivalent to an extra army of 150,000, and you don't lose anything." The

lizardman patriarch's gaze was farther, and he said it directly.

By the way, in the past few days, Rimuru has also given the lizardman patriarch a name, called Tverul.

Now, strictly speaking, the major races in the Grand Alliance of the Gula Forest are all under the control of Rimuru.

"Alright, I'm here to say goodbye to you, and now that things are taken care of, it's time for me to go back. "

Lord Rimuru, I have a reluctant request before that. The

lizardmen patriarch stood up and bowed slightly.

"Hmm, anything else?" asked Rimuru in surprise.

"That's right. The

Lizardman Matriarch coughed lightly and continued, "I want my child to follow the grown-up, and it can be considered an experience for her." "


the captain of the guard shouted with some urgency, but was stopped by the patriarch waving his hand.

"Eagles are always to be released, and following adults can make you grow better.

"Silly girl, if you stay in this cave all the time, you will never see Lord Cangying in your life. "

Father, what are you talking about...... "

What is the vision, what is the pattern."

The old lizard's path is getting wider and wider.

"Lord Rimuru, can you see it?" the

lizardman patriarch looked at Rimuru with a wistful face.

"That's fine.

Rimuru pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

By the way, they were also named.

The captain of the guard is naturally called Canghua, and there are four subordinates who follow together, namely Donghua, Xihua, Nangun, and Beigun.

After naming, the five of them burst into a golden glow that only had evolved at the time of evolution.

The next moment, three beautiful girls and two men appeared in front of Rimuru.

They have evolved from the original lizard-people to the Draconians, and their strength has also grown from the original B-level to the A-level.

With that, Rimuru returned to Goblin Town with five of his new men.

After evolving into the Demon King species, Rimuru gained a large number of skills, including teleportation in spatial magic.

With just a thought, they returned to Goblin Town.

It's to make it difficult for the shadows hidden in the shadows.

This workload has directly increased N times.

Can I still know where Limuru has gone this time, and what about the next time?

Cangying decided to go back to Lin Ming to talk about this matter.

At this time, the town was in full swing with various works, and everything was being built in an orderly manner.

As soon as Rimuru returned, he was warmly welcomed by the crowd.

He then began to discuss with Ligurud that he would go to the Nasalik celebration tomorrow.

Gifts, attire, accompanying people, etc.

How can I say that our Limulu is also the leader of the Grand Alliance of the Gula Forest, and he is a decent person, but he can't lose his identity.

And just like that, the time came the next day.

The founding ceremony of the Principality of Nasalik has officially begun.

third sister

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