A week later.

The Demon Federation is bustling with activity.

At this moment, after more than four months of construction, the city has already become prosperous.

The streets are bustling with shops, high-end shops and restaurants scattered throughout the city.

A thriving landscape.

After the efforts of Yum and his party, as well as the propaganda of Fitz, the head of the free trade union branch.

Merchants and adventurers from the surrounding area flocked to the area.

Merchants and adventurers come here to buy cheap recovery potions, which are diluted potions that are different from Nassalik.

A large number of Hippocut herbs in the Sealed Cavern are used to make healing potions.

Although Rimuru was able to extract 99% of the concentration of the Advanced Recovery Potion directly from his body with the help of the "Great Sage", a country's economic resources could not always rely on him as a leader.

The technology of the Dwarven Kingdom can only extract a potion with a concentration of 98%, and the difference is only 1%, so the effect is very different.

It can be said that as long as there is one breath left in Rimuru's potion, the severed hands and feet can be resurrected with full blood, and the effect is similar to Nassalik's healing potion.

The dwarven country can't do it, and can only recover from injuries, but there is no way to regrow hands and feet.

After Besta's research, the problem of the concentration of the potion was solved, and 99% of the potion was successfully produced.

In order not to steal business with Nassalik, Rimuru had people dilute the potion, which was less effective, but cheaper and cheaper.

Nassalik's potions are expensive and suitable for powerful and wealthy adventurers, and after the advent of this type of potion from the Demon Federation, it has been favored by a large number of ordinary adventurers.

The policy of small profits and quick sales also made Rimuru make a lot of money.

And most importantly, Limulu built roads leading to the various cities, with sentry posts set up every few hundred meters.

As soon as a merchant is attacked by a monster, the merchant can shoot a flare into the sky, and the goblin warriors standing guard inside the sentry box will destroy the monster.

It can be said that with this policy, the safety of businessmen has been greatly guaranteed.

This is also the reason why merchants are willing to do business near the Demon Federation.

Of course, there is also a fee to provide security, and the toll fee is understood.

This made the Demon Federation make a lot of money again.

There are also shopping streets, ramen restaurants, hot springs, hotels, etc., which are also very profitable.

Although the area of the Demon Federation is not large, it can only accommodate a population of two or three hundred thousand, but it has everything.

In just two months, he has amassed a huge fortune that is enough to make anyone blush.

Today's Demon Federation is particularly lively, because today is a small step for the Demon Federation to officially enter the world stage.

At this moment, Limulu was dressed in formal clothes and led a group of subordinates to an empty square in the city.

This is where the teleportation circle of the colony is located.

The group didn't wait long for the circle to light up, and then several figures walked out of it.

"Hahaha, it looks like I'm early.

King Gazeru burst into laughter, followed by five or six of the high-ranking members of the Dwarven Kingdom.

"Your Majesty. X2

Cajun and Besta took the lead and saluted.

"It's you, how about it, it's okay here.

King Gazeru patted them on the shoulder, looking like friends for many years.

"I am in the care of His Excellency Rimulu during this time. Besta replied.

King Gazeru bowed slightly, and then walked towards Rimuru.

"Yo~ Senior brother, why haven't you come to me for a discussion in the past few days?"

he said teasingly, without the shelf of the lord of a country at all.

"I'm busy organizing today's ceremony, where do I have time?

Rimuru shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

The two got along quite well during this time, because of the relationship between Bai Lao, the two of them are usually called brothers.

After returning from the previous battle with the Storm Demon Vortex, Rimuru began to seriously learn Xi combat skills from Bai Lao.

It may be because of King Gazeru's swordsmanship, which has surpassed Bai Lao in the three hundred years he has been cultivating hard.

At the suggestion of the White Elder, let Rimuru have nothing to do and communicate with Gazeruddo.

Anyway, it is very convenient to have a teleportation array now, and after coming and going, the two of them will become acquainted.

However, with the guidance of the two kendo masters, Rimuru's strength has grown rapidly.

After the two chatted for a few words, the teleportation array lit up again.


Miriam scurried out of the formation, followed by the Grand Priest Midre and Hermes, the dragon-worshippers.

"Now, Rimuru, do you have any honey from before?

She came to Rimuru's side, grabbed his arm, and asked coquettishly.

"I remember giving you a can last time.

"It's only one can, and I'm going to eat it all at once."

Rimuru looked at the glutton in front of her speechlessly.

Some time ago, the Fish-People who lived in the great river of the Great Forest of Gula came to ask for help.

It is said that a large water monster has appeared in the river, and he wants to ask Rimuru, the alliance leader, to help and kill the water monster.

And the price is that the whole clan is loyal to the Demon Federation.

Considering that trade with the dwarven kingdom would be much easier if they took the waterway, Rimuru took Gobuta and the others to harvest a wave of delicious grilled fish ingredients.

The Fish-Folk will henceforth become the escort of the trading ships.

On the way back, Rimuru and his party encounter two magical magic worms.

A fifty-centimeter-long beetle-shaped demonic worm and a thirty-centimeter-long bee-shaped demonic worm.

In order to protect the bee-shaped demon worm, the bee-shaped demon insect fought with the B-class monster Lone Tiger, and killed the Lone Tiger, but he was also dying, and his body was torn in half from top to bottom.

Luckily, the two demon worms were rescued by Rimuru who was passing by.

He repaired them with his own Universal Cells and Magic Block Steel, and named them Zechien and Yapitto.

After this, Zechin's carapace became living magic steel, with the hardness of diamond and the softness of living beings.

The Twelve Guardian Kings, the Phantom King, were born.

Of course, Rimuru didn't do it casually.

Although the other party is two worms, they still have to pay the price.

Rimuru ordered the bee Yapitto to collect high-purity honey for himself, and of course, it was not ordinary nectar, but extremely rare flowers in the Sanctuary.

Zechien was in charge of guarding Xapito.

This extremely precious honey is collected in very small quantities, and basically only two or three cans can be produced a month.

As a result, he was bumped into by Miriam, who was bored running around, and the ending naturally went without saying.

Miriam shook his arm.

"Now, Rimuru, we're good friends, aren't we?"

"Of course. "

Then I want to eat honey.

Milim blinked expectantly at Rimuru.

MVP honey

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