"How can this be ......!"

Yadaruman belonged to a small state in the Holy Imperial State, and his status was still that of a prince of the state.

The small nation had no army and relied on the Templars sent by the Holy Church to protect its country.

The trade-off is that the state must believe in the Luminass religion and make it the state religion.

And to provide the Order with money and good talent.

At that time, the Church was just starting, and its strength was far less powerful than it is now, and even the Holy Knights had not yet been founded.

Only the most outstanding people could be awarded the title of Templar.

A thousand years ago, Adaruman handed over the kingdom to his brother, and the next stepson had already been born, so he devoted himself to the propaganda activities of the Luminas Cult.

Infected by the divine technique, he firmly believed in the god Luminas in his heart, and never doubted the existence of the god.

Because of his strong faith, he learned the "miracle of the gods" at the level of the Grand Priest, and became the only person in the country who could use divine magic.

Not only that, but in addition to divine magic, he also learned all other magics Xi as well.

He will also discuss the true meaning of magic with his friend Gadra at the time, and move towards the ultimate of magic guidance together.

(Larsen's master, the former head of the Magic Legion of the Eastern Empire, and the one who invented the arcane method of reincarnation.)

Eventually, through the efforts of Yadaruman, he transcended the boundaries of humanity and became a powerful being at the level of an immortal.

(Immortal Realm: Cultivating with the physical body of a human to a semi-spiritual life form comparable to that of a superior elf)

Yadaruman, who had reached the Immortal Realm, was suddenly promoted to the cardinal of the Imperial Kingdom and entered the center of ecclesiastical power.

As the years passed, Yadaruman continued to cultivate and Xi, and was only one step away from the highest peak of mankind, the "Saint" realm.

But at this moment, he was summoned by the Yexiang Palace at the top of Lingshan.

Yadaruman was thrilled to see the god Luminas, but when he came to the scene, he was waiting for him by the seven church instructors, Teacher Nanayao.

Betrayal, at this moment, begins.

Entrusted with the mission by Qiyao, Yadaruman brought his friend Alberut, the Templar, the carrion swordsman who blocked the sword of the Shadow, and the expeditionary force.

For the sake of the people, they are ready to go to the edge of the Great Forest of Gula to suppress the massive necromantic catastrophe.

But when they arrived at their destination, all that awaited them were countless undead monsters, and the necromantic dragon that ruled over the apex of their dead monsters.

There is no so-called people who need to be saved at all, everything is a conspiracy of the psychologically twisted Qiyao.

Eventually, Yadaruman and the expeditionary force were exhausted and died.

Until the last moment, the god Luminas, whom Adaruman believed in, did not lend a helping hand to them, which shook his faith.

Later, with the help of his friend Gadra, Yadaruman was resurrected.

However, due to the miasma of this place, and because he was trapped by the resentment of the dead, he was reincarnated as a dead spirit in his current form.

In this form, Yadaruman was favored by the demon king Kazarim, and cast a curse, and was bound here forever.

Now he can only be said to have become a weapon, and he can only act on orders, unable to save himself.

He could only move freely within the range of orders, so he enjoyed the conversation with Zhu Cai.

And there is another reason why he is bound here, and that is that these companions who have become necromancy, he cannot leave them alone.

Yadaruman wanted to use divine magic to free his companions, but after being reincarnated as a necromancy, he considered himself an evil being and could no longer use divine magic.

Neither ordinary elemental magic nor necromancy can purify the undead.

Because of this obsession, Yadaruman bound these former companions to this place.

From Zhu Cai's words, he understood the true meaning of divine magic.

I was always wrong.

Whether or not you can use divine magic has nothing to do with whether you are good or evil, but the belief in miracles in your heart.

When the power of faith reaches a certain point, God will answer your prayers.

It is a power that has nothing to do with good and evil, but only by the strength of faith.

This is the truth of divine magic.



"Why would you think I ever used divine magic?"

asked Adaruman aloud.

"Clothes, only those above the high priests can wear pure white priestly robes.

"It's really disappointing that you were able to put on this robe, but you couldn't even break this restraint of yourself.

Zhu Cai sneered unceremoniously.

"Is that why you're wearing this dress because of your nostalgia for divine magic, pathetic!"

the sarcastic Adaruman suddenly burst into flames, and the dark blue flames in his eyes burned brightly.

I was ordered by a spell not to kill myself, but if I was killed in battle, it would be fine.

Having found a way to evolve his companions, Yadaruman has no nostalgia in his heart.


, "Don't talk here!" The

powerful momentum suddenly rose, it was ten times more than the amount of magic essence of the cultivated Zhu Cai, and it was terrifying.

The slender bony fingers began to mark rapidly, and there was a determined look in his eyes.

"I sincerely pray to God

!" "Hum~!"

A holy magic array suddenly spawned from under Adaruman's feet.

"Please give me the power of the Holy Spirit!" I

saw him with his hands facing the sky, and the grassroots formation was advancing layer by layer, slowly unfolding.

"Listen to my prayers!"

Adaman said as the space around him seemed to fluctuate violently.

One after another formations shrouded Zhu Cai's head, the white witch costume was windless, and her body was illuminated by the light of the formation into gold, like a real goddess descending, majestic and solemn.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Zhu Cai, I may need you to be buried with me.

Watching his formation gradually take shape, Yadaruman said apologetically.

Zhu Cai didn't speak, she was waiting.

"Everything is over

!" "The Spirit Son Collapses

!" "The Divine Spirit Son gathered into a pillar of light, and it burst in with a speed of 30 million meters per second

!" "This is the moment I was waiting for

!" "Na!!"

Zhu Cai screamed, raised his hands to the sky, and the magic power in his body surged wildly.

"Lingzi is going berserk!" "


The entire sky suddenly brightened, and countless golden lights were replaced by pink halos.

Lingzi's collapsed formation was suddenly disrupted, and a deafening sound was heard.

In an instant, an even larger pink magic array was born, and the halo on it was dazzling, exuding an infinite sense of oppression.

Twelve pink formations slowly rotated around Zhu Cai, encircling her and forming a wonderful barrier of light and shadow.

Zhu Cai's figure stands proudly in it, like a noble and elegant goddess, overlooking all living beings.


"She actually covered my magic!?"

Yadaruman froze.

"You're doing a great job. "

As a reward, I liberate you from this land. As the

words fell, Zhu Cai folded his hands, and a soft voice spread throughout the four fields, and immediately after, twelve magic arrays began to converge.

The huge roar of "Buzz ——!!!"

resounded in the sky, and a majestic force swept through the entire forest.

Wherever the light passed, all the dead spirits were purified and disappeared as points of light.

To be precise, it turned into experience points and flew into the black gloves of Ma Lei, who was watching the play from a distance.


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