Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1022: Playing with drones, take off is the ancestor

"Unmanned early warning aircraft?"

Abdullah and Mahmoud were shocked. They had heard of the early warning aircraft, and the carrier-based early warning aircraft were not unheard of. Even the early warning helicopters can accept them, but this early warning drone... they are really the first. Seen again.

To be honest, the data and images on the TZB-2000 early warning drone control station of the underground air defense command center at this moment really show the seemingly powerful aviation force of New Delhi in front of them. Abdullah and Mahmoud did not believe that UAVs could take on the role of early warning aircraft.

"Don’t be surprised, two of you. The TZB-2000 early warning drone you see now is just a special model tailored by Ascendas Group to meet the needs of our Pakistan. In fact, this is a large TY-6 drone. There are many models of drones derived from the platform.

Among them is an aerial refueling type, which impressed me the most. The entire aircraft is twice as large as the TZB-2000, and can carry about 5 tons of aviation fuel, which is enough to provide air for about 4 light fighters or 6 helicopters. Refueling operations; there is also an integrated detection and attack type, which is slightly smaller in size than TZB-2000 and has a maximum bomb load of 1.5 tons. It can carry a variety of ammunition including ground missiles, anti-tank missiles and laser-guided bombs. Ground strike mission..."

Since the introduction of TZB-2000, Zarif’s mouth is the same as Avanti, who met Master Bayi. It can’t be compared anymore. What kind of early warning type, aerial refueling type, electronic warfare type, relay communication type, Chasing and hitting integrated type...Speaking of them one by one, they directly dazzled Abdullah and Mahmoud, two local tyrants in the Middle East and North Africa, who are more arrogant than Master Bayi.

If it is the usual air show, daily promotion, even if it is a real display, the two will not be so confused. The problem is that Pakistan really puts the TZB-2000 into a real confrontation with the New Delhi Air Force. Not only that, but also in its I don’t know how much better the New Delhi Air Force will be in terms of the control and situational awareness of the rhythm of the entire battlefield.

This makes it difficult for both of them to believe it or not.

But thinking about returning, the two of them still hesitated, not for other reasons, just because the two of them were a little worried about such a complicated drone model.

It is necessary to know that an aviation manufacturing company is already very powerful when it can make a model of UAV. Ascendas Group has launched seven or eight at once, even the so-called shipborne attack.

Nowadays, China doesn't even talk about aircraft carriers. There are not many larger surface ships. It is not proficient to take off your pants and fart to engage in carrier-based aggression.

Therefore, the two felt that so many models of Ascendas Group might be more gimmick than actual.

Zarif is a man of many thieves. These years, he has been embarrassed with Zhuang Jianye...Bah, he has worked closely with him. He has already trained his own eyes, and coupled with the high profit commission provided by the Ascendas Group, it is even more so. Reeve's eyes performed a kaleidoscope-like miracle under the stimulation of money.

Yes, Anthony can take the huge rebate from IAI, so he does not hesitate to use military exercises as a guise for the "Heron" drone; why can't Zarif act as a face for Tengfei Group for the high profit sharing What about the world's gold sales manager?

In fact, as early as three years ago, Zarif and the Pakistan National Aviation Industry Corporation under his leadership had already undertaken the sales agency business of Ascendas Group facing the Arab world.

At first, the top executives of a number of companies, including Zarif and Ali Khan, were resistant to the business that Ascendas Group approximately imposed on them. After all, the Arab world is different from other places. In addition to business logic, it must pay attention to personal connections. There is no way. Who left most countries in the Arab world still under the backward system of tribal chiefs?

As a result, it is useless to simply please the so-called unified government, and you have to deal with local tycoons or chiefs to sell things.

The local tycoons and the chiefs are also local emperors, and they are very bullish. They have nothing to do with each other.

And this kind of personal relationship is the same as spreading a pancake, which becomes thinner and thinner.

Zarif and others do have deep connections, but they don’t want to be squeezed out by the Ascendas Group, and they plan to leave it to future generations so that Pakistan can’t get along and they can go to a certain tribe in the Arab world. Worry through my life.

The problem is that Zarif and the others quit, and Zhuang Jianye can't do it.

Then let Pakistan's long-range launch vehicle stretch its hips!

The reason is simple and lofty, that is, Ascendas Group has recently upgraded its business and cannot maintain and upgrade the equipment of Pakistan National Aviation Industry Corporation as planned. The specific upgrade and maintenance plan will be notified separately.

With this announcement, Pakistan’s long-range launch vehicle project, which has invested heavily in recent years, can directly stop production.

Because more than 70% of Pakistan's special equipment and raw materials for long-range launch vehicles are provided by Ascendas Group, Ascendas Group has to take special personnel to the Pakistan National Aviation Industry Corporation's long-range launch vehicle production base to maintain and upgrade related equipment every month. , To ensure the normal production of Pakistan.

Regardless of other things, take Pakistan’s US$100 million introduction of the NB-998 plasma laser spraying machine. This equipment specializes in the production of fiber-reinforced rate-based composite materials. Because of the different parts of the launch vehicle, the effect is different. There will be different parameter choices in the selection.

This requires Ascendas Group to continuously adjust the software system and operating parameters of the equipment in accordance with Pakistan's needs to adapt to Pakistan's production plan.

As soon as the announcement of the suspension of maintenance and upgrade by Ascendas Group came out, the core equipment responsible for the missile body and internal support of the long-range launch vehicle had to lie down. Not to mention the long-range launch vehicle, even an ordinary water cup could not be made.

How to do?

Looking for European and American countries to replace Ascendas Group? People in Europe and the United States simply don’t bother to take care of you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Where can I go to the superior of Ascendas Group? Ren Tengfei Group did not say that it would not provide you with maintenance and upgrades, but it was delayed for technical reasons. How do you tell?

The most important thing is that they haven't complained yet, but Zhuang Jianye is the first to express his dissatisfaction to the Pakistani government. In summary, I will take you Pakistan like brothers, but what about you? Don’t you think we are brothers to Ascendas Group if you help to sell some goods and push back and forth?

So Zarif was pulled over by the Pakistani government and gave him a severe meal.

After he came out, he hurriedly contacted Zhuang Jianye. If he wanted to sell, he said that Zarif would go out and return to zero in his next life and then continue this hot potato.

There is no way, if you receive a big deal, your contacts will be destroyed, and you will be able to keep your prosperity and wealth; otherwise, the Pakistani government and military can directly let him go to another world to maintain contacts.

The right of two evils is the lesser one. In this case, the agent is the agent.


Zarif became addicted to selling. There is no other way. Ascendas's products are really fragrant. Not only are the products of good quality and reasonable prices, the profit sharing from Ascendas Group is not bad.

After several times, Zarif fell in love with this new business of the gold sales manager. Without Zhuang Jianye's requirements, he began to create various conditions and plan various sales routines.

No, the TZB-2000 unmanned early warning aircraft is a large-scale product show played by Zarif. The two local tyrants were confused when they came up. Now seeing the two hesitate, Zarif coughed slightly, and the conversation turned: "I can understand the two suspicions. After all, there are a lot of models. However, Ascendas Group really did it completely, ensuring that each model is good enough, because playing with drones, Ascendas is the ancestor!"


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