Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1027: New carrier aircraft: True Dragon II

"This... is my mistake, it's my mistake..."

Seeing that Abdullah and Mahmoud heard the word "advanced trainer", they were all stunned. Zarif immediately blushed like a schoolboy who had made a mistake and explained again and again.

"Zarif, my dear friend...my good brother..." Before Zarif could finish explaining, Zhuang Jianye spoke up here: "Our JZB-119 is an advanced trainer. This is the truth. , What's the slip of the tongue?"

After finishing speaking, I turned my eyes to Abdullah and Mahmoud with a look of sorrow: "I always treat real friends honestly, because there are no such words as lying and false propaganda in my dictionary. .

Our JZB-119 is not a fighter jet. It is a high-performance dual-engine advanced lowering trainer developed by our Ascendas Group. I have nothing to hide from this fact. Otherwise, if you buy it back and find something is wrong, you can’t poke me. Zhuang Jianye's backbone? One of our Ascendas Group is to act straight, walk straight, like the West and Russia, boasting their own things to the sky, and wishing to send a missile to knock down the moon, I don’t want to tell, nor that. Speak with the face, because if this is the case, my morals will be tarnished and my conscience will hurt..."

Speaking of the exaggerated false propaganda of some friends in the aviation market, Zhuang Jianye was so heartbroken that when he said that his conscience would hurt, he subconsciously punched his chest with his fist, as if the original heart in his chest did not change at this moment. His innocent heart is really in pain.

This scene fell in the eyes of Gu Jingyou and other escorts. First, they were surprised, then surprised, and finally, one by one, with their heads down and blushing, they started to sew in the ground, to see if it was too late to get in.

There is no way, it is really almost disintegrated by the shameless Zhuang Jianye.

This NM flicker is too shocking to the world.

Still not forgetting the original intention, but also moral taint, but also the conscience will hurt!

If this is the case, Mr. NB, let’s take out the 7MAX, which has been in-depth improvement, okay, make a temporary patchwork, and finally be eliminated by the domestic verification model, even dare to say this, if this is Domestic colleagues know that, not to mention the thunder and thunder of the sky, at least the anger of people and gods.

It is no wonder that Gu Jingyou and others would think so. In fact, the JZB-119 is not the core model of the Ascendas Group, but the headquarters felt that the navy was weak after the major incident, and the aircraft carrier plan that had been silent for many years was again used for demonstration.

Based on this, the supporting aircraft carrier-based aircraft plan was re-incorporated into the headquarters’ equipment development plan. As the successor of Yonghong Factory, the main development unit of aircraft carrier-based aircraft, Ascendas Group naturally became one of the headquarters’ preferred bidders.

As a result, Ascendas Group, together with Chenggong Group, Hongtong Factory, and Northeast Aviation Manufacturing Industry Corporation, became the manufacturer of the headquarters' new round of carrier-based aircraft program bidding.

At that time, some leaders of the headquarters hoped to convince their superiors as soon as possible to quickly approve the aircraft carrier, a major sea power project, and therefore required the four manufacturers to come up with plans as soon as possible.

Time is tight and the task is heavy. It is obviously too late to redesign the new model. So the four manufacturers have come up with carrier-based aircraft solutions based on the development of mature models.

For example, Chenggong Group is a carrier-based version designed in accordance with the No. 10 project; and Northeast Aviation Manufacturing Industry Corporation uses the J-8II as the basis and a derivative of a carrier-based aircraft program.

Hongtong Factory is a little bolder, using the dual-engine advanced trainer they are still developing as a template to propose a highly feasible light carrier-based aircraft program.

The above three plants all have a solid foundation in combat aircraft, so regardless of the performance of the program, it is very good in terms of feasibility.

In contrast, Ascendas Group is a little bit stretched.

When the Yonghong factory was merged into the Ascendas Group, the technicians who developed the carrier-based aircraft were almost gone. Afterwards, the Ascendas Group gathered the old stalls and did not follow the old path of the carrier-based aircraft, but started from the low-end trainer aircraft.

But even so, Ascendas Group still encounters a shortage of talents and lack of experience. Even with the help of experts from the former Soviet Union, it is still a minor repair. On the whole, it is still impossible to reverse the reality of Ascendas Group’s crotch in combat aircraft. .

If this is not the case, Zhuang Jianye will not be able to put aside the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation, which has a direct competition with him, and let go and destroy the Daewoo Group first. The so-called IDF fighter R&D team is not yet.

Therefore, when the headquarters’ bidding document came down, Ascendas had no mature models for reference. It could only build on the first edition of the J7-MAX released in Thailand and follow the headquarters’ new version of carrier-based fighter jets. The request was to expand the fuselage, add an engine, and redesign the intake port to make the original rectangular intake port become the semi-buried intake port today.

In addition, the entire aircraft uses static instability technology to increase the maneuverability of the aircraft, but it must be completed with a precise flight control system.

Then it is to strengthen the landing gear structure and increase the tail landing hook.

The rest is to inherit the side wing, double delta wing and single vertical tail on the first edition of Jianjiao 7-MAX.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the new carrier-based aircraft solution is a lively and lively dual-engine upgrade of the first edition of the JJ7-MAX. It is precisely because of this that the internal code name of Ascendas Group will name it "True Dragon". Ⅱ", which corresponds to the internal code of JJ7-MAX "True Dragon"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, due to Ascendas Group’s unique advantages in high-end aerospace materials and advanced manufacturing technology, although an engine has been added, the overall The total structure is not much larger than the latest improved version of the Jianjiao 7-MAX "True Dragon".

Captain: 14.52 meters

Wingspan: 8.6 meters

Machine height: 4.8 meters

Wingspan area: 25.74 square meters

Empty weight: 6652 kg

Maximum take-off weight: 12834 kg

Two sets of WD-44S small bypass ratio turbofan engines with afterburners produced by Ascendas Group are used, with a single thrust of 2.8 tons and an afterburner thrust of 4.2 tons.

The combined power of the two engines can give the "True Dragon II" a maximum thrust of more than 8 tons. Even in normal flight, it can provide a continuous thrust of more than 5.5 tons.

This is enough for a light aircraft with an empty weight of 6.6 tons.

It is important to know that the maximum thrust of the F-20 "Tiger Shark" of the same level is only 7.5 tons; the IDF fighter jet produced on an island has a maximum thrust of only 6.4 tons.

Therefore, mastering the core technology of aero-engines is so arrogant. Even if the experience is poor, the design level is low, and the high-level engine is used, the slabs can skyrocket.

Obviously "True Dragon II" is the product of the simple and crude logic of Ascendas Group.

Thanks to the power of the engine, the maximum flight speed of "True Dragon II" reached Mach 2.0; the maximum range was 3,200 kilometers; the combat radius was 910 kilometers, the climb rate was 260 meters per second, the weapon load, and the air: 1023 kg; Land: 3254 kg.

In terms of data, the "True Dragon II" can be regarded as a very good light carrier-based fighter.


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