Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1033: Real Dragon MAX

The reason why the head of the headquarters is so irritable, no one else, is just because the $6.5 billion development cost will make the old man greedy.

This is also no way. Although the Asian financial crisis last year did not have as great an impact on the country as Southeast Asian countries, it caused a huge blow to the domestic exports that depend on it for survival.

Take Zhuang Jianye’s old brother, Luan Heping’s semiconductor production plant as an example. In 1996, exports increased by 16.7%, and in 1997 it had dropped by 36.9%.

There is also Ning Xiaodong’s Qiongzhou Airlines, which is directly cut in half; but this is not the business that Ning Xiaodong has lost the most. His two import and export companies and an investment company on Hong Kong Island have been devastated and closed directly. .

After more than ten years of hard work, once returned to the pre-liberation period, it was a true portrayal of the two. In desperation, the two could only raise money and stabilize the basics first.

The Ascendas Group, which suffered from Zhuang Jianye's early shareholding in China Merchants Bank, had financial support, and could also provide credit to the two of them and provide loans to ease funding constraints.

However, although the Ascendas Group did not suffer as much corporate losses as Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong, the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis inevitably affected the Ascendas Group.

The biggest piece is that the airline suffered a major blow, which caused the airlines of the originally scheduled and leased TRJ-500\\ERJ-140 series of regional passenger jets to unsubscribe and cancel their contracts, thereby reducing the overall operating costs of the airlines.

This alone led to the annual loss of Ascendas Group in 1997 as high as RMB 3.8 billion.

In addition, the export of medical products suffered heavy losses and other processing and manufacturing businesses were sluggish. In the end, the entire 1997 annual loss exceeded RMB 8 billion, reaching RMB 8.42 billion.

This is the foresight of Zhuang Jianye to avoid the losses suffered by the muddy waters of Southeast Asia. Otherwise, just deeply participate in the follow-up development of Royal Thai Aviation Industry Group, and it is possible to lose all the underwear of Ascendas Group.

Fortunately, in the middle of 1996, Ascendas Group transferred the remaining shares of Royal Thai Aviation Industry Group to Honda of Japan, giving this Japanese car with the dream of building an airplane finally have the opportunity to touch the sky on the roof of the car.

The excitement was overwhelming. Not only did it pay for the acquisition of Ascendas Group’s 3.2 billion US dollars, it also spent US$6.6 billion in the next six months to bring 55% of Royal Thai Aviation Industry Group under its command.

Just as Honda was ambitiously preparing to rely on Thai aviation manufacturing companies to realize the ultimate fantasy of car going to the sky, the blood of the financial giant directly bit off the backbone of Thailand, and then swept Southeast Asia.

The market value of Honda's Royal Thai Aviation Industry Group, which was nearly US$10 billion half a year ago, instantly evaporated 85%, leaving less than US$1.5 billion.

Subsequently, the Royal Thai Aviation Industry Corporation announced bankruptcy and reorganization. Honda's last hope was instantly shattered. The ultimate dream of a car going to the sky is still the unattainable ultimate.

Thanks to Honda’s US$3.2 billion equity transfer fee and Zhuang Jianye’s intentional or unintentional cash reserves in recent years, this has allowed Ascendas Group to be proud to resist risks when facing huge losses, while also proactively attacking and keeping close The aerospace manufacturing industry of the Daewoo Group uprooted.

Therefore, the fate of a company is closely related to the national fortune. Although the Asian financial crisis has a great impact, it did not cause much loss to the Daewoo Group. I thought that I would be able to survive this crisis and seize the opportunity to achieve a counterattack beyond the European and American industrial giants. .

But it has forgotten the extent to which the people of South Korea have to **** gold and silver jewelry for the country because of this crisis.

Without the protection of the country, the sturdy Daewoo Group is a big fat pig without resistance. As long as it has some ability, it can cut a piece of fat on it with a knife.

Of course, Daewoo Group was a bit unlucky. It met three people who didn’t speak martial arts, Tengfei, Airbus and Boeing. The latter two went crazy exporting in the capital market. They cut Daewoo’s leek again and again. As for Tengfei Group , Not so good financial skills, so he simply stared at the roots of the leek, and directly took away the aviation manufacturing hard-core equipment that Daewoo Group had high hopes for.

The value is not cheap, but it is not the living money that can flow. Therefore, the book assets of Ascendas Group have expanded, but the progress of the capital chain has not been eased. After all, the killer plan in the hands of Ascendas Group and the high-end materials for the next generation of combat aircraft , A new generation of regional airliners and medium-thrust vector engines derived from the third-generation core aircraft, which is not a behemoth that swallows gold.

In particular, the vector engine project, as the most core power unit of the next-generation combat aircraft, is a technical verification trial model. Its success or failure depends on whether the next-generation domestic fighter aircraft can be born smoothly and whether it can achieve the design goals set by the headquarters.

It can be said to be one of the most critical areas of the various subsystems of the next-generation combat aircraft.

Since it is critical, it means that funding is burning fast.

Fortunately before the Asian financial crisis, the headquarters and Ascendas Group opened in July and March. Despite the technical difficulty, the vector engine is still making a lot of progress with crazy investment.

However, as soon as the Asian financial crisis came, overall exports fell, and the foreign exchange surplus plummeted. The national finances were surprised, and the headquarters' funds were somewhat stretched.

That's all, the headquarters can still get together through gritted teeth, demolishing the east wall and replenishing the west wall. The key is that at the beginning of this year, the superiors asked the troops to withdraw from commercial activities as a whole~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no curse for the headquarters. Although the country will increase military spending from next year and prepare scientific research budgets to support the development of major projects such as vector engines, the problem is that it will have to wait until next year.

What to do this year?

Faced with the huge funding gap, the head of the headquarters sighed and his hair turned gloomy. As a result, Zhuang Jianye took a "future fighter concept model" produced by the Ascendas Group Aviation Model Factory and went out for a walk and got back $6.5 billion. Who can feel comfortable sitting in the position of head of headquarters?

I’m working hard here. For a penny of money, I quarrel with the leaders of various parts like the aunts of the vegetable market. I almost scratch each other’s faces. You Zhuang Jianye can fool so much money with a toy model. Full TM is a waste of emotions!

Carrying a forty-meter machete around the capital to hunt and kill, it is a normal operation in normal operation.

Of course, at this time Zhuang Jianye has no time to consider the feelings of the head of the headquarters. What he has to do now is very important. The 6.5 billion US dollars of votes cannot be lost. How to get a few local tyrants to get the money as soon as possible. Is the key, after all, the current Ascendas Group lacks money and is about to eat soil.

So he looked at Zarif who looked expectant, and looked at Mahmoud who was very sincere, and finally scanned Abdullah who looked calm, and swallowed helplessly: "You are making me commit a crime. Yeah, that's fine, who made me Zhuang Jianye is a layman who stabs at my friends, I will be punished when I return to China!"

Then he opened his briefcase, took out the airplane model, and said in an open-minded tone: "This is the ultimate form of JZB-119. We will name it True Dragon MAX!"


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