Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1104: 1 pot of rice, earn 2 shares

Tian Jun's cheeks twitched at what Zhuang Jianye said.

I really don’t know how to evaluate these words, but who can be blamed again? Who made Zhuang Jianye say that the S-300 air defense missile battalion can see the DZ-1500 air-launched cruise missile and talk about other things, Tian Jun I was aroused by curiosity, and kept questioning how it is possible.

Zhuang Jianye naturally told the truth.

The DZ-1500 air-launched cruise missile is indeed a three-no product with no speed, no range, and no mobility.

The aerodynamic shape is even more embarrassing and has no aesthetic feeling, let alone a layman, even a senior expert will shake his head when they see it, and give a comment such as a living target in the sky.

However, what everyone doesn’t know is that the biggest reliance on the DZ-1500 air-launched cruise missile is not the speed, range, and power that traditional penetration weapons like squeezing the head can get on the body, but using a kind of domestic subversion. The way to do this is stealth.

It should be understood that since the Ascendas Group Material Research Center inadvertently discovered that carbon fiber composite materials can produce subtle mirror emission of radar waves when the fibers are weaved, thereby achieving the so-called "absorption of radar waves" effect, the Ascendas Group has become stealthy from the aircraft radar. The aspect has been studied for more than ten years.

I dare not say that it is a domestic leader in this regard, but it is definitely a first-class.

For this reason, Ascendas Group has accumulated a lot of achievements in this area.

If this is not the case, Ascendas Group cannot become an important supporting unit designated by the chief designer of the next generation fighter jet.

With such a good accumulation and such a high level of participation, according to Ascendas Group's past high-efficiency technology transformation, how can there be one or two revenue-generating ace products after so many years of research on stealth.

However, apart from the domestic next-generation combat aircraft and the so-called True Dragon MAX that fudges the UAE and Algeria, it seems that Ascendas Group has never seen any product transformation related to stealth technology.

Is Ascendas not wanting to make a good profit with such advanced technology?

Even if the rest of the Ascendas Group didn't want to, how could Zhuang Jianye, the head of the family, leave Jinshan indifferent.

The problem is that Zhuang Jianye wanted to move but couldn't move it at all. The reason was simple. Ascendas Group's accumulation of aircraft stealth technology was firmly targeted by the superiors.

That posture is hundreds of times stronger than high-end laser mechanics.

There is no way to know who makes aircraft stealth technology the real high-end frontier of aviation technology, the core technology that can influence the strategic direction of a country and even a region.

Not to mention selling it to outsiders, it just doesn't give outsiders a look.

Not to mention anything else, some time ago Abdullah and Mahmoud came to the Ascendas Group to visit. Have you seen the stealth technology?

Mao didn't see one.

Is it Ascendas Group? Of course not, but the water involved is too deep, even if it is a local tyrant who gives a small amount of money, I'm sorry, I can't see it at a glance.

And this again proves a simple truth, that is, money cannot buy technology, let alone core technology.

However, although this has protected the technology, it has caused Ascendas Group and Zhuang Jianye to scratch their hearts, and spend so much money, but they can’t be converted into small amounts of money. What has become a proper loser?

How can this work!

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye always thinks about how to use the existing stealth technology to get a product that can quickly transform, and earn a vote.

So Zhuang Jianye kept complaining to the headquarters in recent years, hoping to loosen the technical restrictions, and then researching policies day and night to see if there are any loopholes.

As the so-called effort pays off, after a long period of research, Zhuang Jianye really caught one.

That is, under the current policy, the stealth technology of Ascendas Group is forbidden to be sold overseas, but it does not say that it cannot be tossed in China.

Civilization is prohibited, but it does not say that it cannot be applied to military equipment.

At that time, the Ascendas Group had torn off the skin, incorporated the use of violence to control violence into the framework of world peace and human development, and began a grand march into military product manufacturing.

So Zhuang Jianye seized the business opportunity in this loophole. If foreign and civilian products can't be done, then can it be done exclusively for the country or the army?

Found a breakthrough, the rest is what products to transform.

At first, Zhuang Jianye and others did not think about making cruise missiles. Instead, they sacrificed the ability of the Tengfei Group to build a drone with stealth capabilities.

Soon a concept of a small stealth reconnaissance drone with a length of 4.2 meters and a take-off weight of 1.5 tons, using a WD-16SM small turbofan engine, was soon released.

But just as Zhuang Jianye was about to take this drone solution to Beijing to sell it to the army, Ascendas Group suddenly received an order from a superior, requesting Ascendas Group to cooperate with relevant units of the aerospace industry to do a good job in the production of important parts of the DZ-2000 cruise missile. .

Although Tengfei Group is not the leading unit of this type of missile, it is responsible for the production of the composite missile body used in the DZ-2000 cruise missile, the small laser gyro for inertial guidance and the WD-12SM small turbofan engine and other key components~www.wuxiaspot .com~ And there are hundreds of sets once produced, large orders of billions, and more importantly, a steady stream.

In the words of a certain leader of the Air Force, the DZ-2000 cruise missile is also ammunition, and ammunition is a consumable. Of course, it must be continuously supplemented.

There was nothing in other people's ears when I heard these words, but Zhuang Jianye was awakened by a word here.

Isn’t it right? Consumables are constantly flowing. In contrast, durable goods that can be reused are not enough. If you use it for ten or twenty years without changing it, wouldn’t it make less money?

So Zhuang Jianye returned to the Ascendas Group to immediately hold a technical meeting and directly changed the durable unmanned aircraft into a cruise missile that exploded.

One cruise missile needs to be replenished once it blows up. UAVs can be reused for many years. Who knows when they can be replenished?

As for the technical problem of changing drones to cruise missiles, no one from Zhuang Jianye to ordinary technicians is worried.

No way. In a sense, cruise missiles are just an alternative branch of UAVs.

The two have too much in common, which is not a big problem at all for the Ascendas Group, which started with drones.

The only estimate that needs to be considered is how to differentiate it from the DZ-2000 cruise missile.

There is no way, who would let Ascendas Group still make a small profit with the DZ-2000 cruise missile. Naturally, he can't eat his own food and smash his own pot.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye is very particular about it. He directly controlled the range of the DZ-1500 cruise missile to within 350 kilometers, and at the same time set it as a special ground penetrating bomb in combat missions.

In this way, there is no competition between the two missiles, and the Ascendas Group can also earn two shares of food in one pot.

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