Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1111: Dare to be called a stealth leopard just by low-altitude penetration?

The leader of the air defense force is someone who has something to say, even if he is facing the head of the headquarters, since he has thought about the problem so thoroughly, there is nothing to hide, so he straightened his body and responded in a low voice: "The chief is right. The scary thing about the invisible leopard is not only that, but its true power lies in its universality and versatility..."

   "Universal and versatility?" The head of the headquarters was a little surprised when he heard the words, and then frowned and nodded: "Tell me."

"Yes." The leader of the air defense unit responded, and immediately said what he had thought of. The head of the headquarters listened to it and nodded slightly: "Bulk invisible leopards, um~~ this idea is indeed to hide. The horror of the leopard is vividly displayed. "厽厼

Before the head of the headquarters spoke, the several directors who came along with him nodded without disapproval. No matter how high the technology and how difficult the aircraft automatic collision avoidance system is, it is an industrial product after all. Since it is an industrial product, it can be mass-produced. , Capable of mass production can equip troops in large quantities.

You must know that it may take years, or even more than a decade, for the army to train an ace pilot with ultra-low altitude and long-distance attack capabilities. It is not very universal. However, the mass-produced aircraft automatic collision avoidance system is combined with the aircraft platform. , But it can make a large number of ordinary pilots become an ultra-low-altitude long-range penetration mission no less than ace pilots, so that domestic aviation has a tactical strike method with both power and concealment.

   If this is not terrible, then what is terrible?

   Not to mention anything else, once the southeast coast enters a state of military struggle, domestic aviation troops equipped with a certain number of stealth leopards can completely use ultra-low altitudes to conduct long-range incursions from 800 to 1,200 kilometers.

  You can enter the open sea and carry out anti-ship missile raids on ships interfered by a large power outside the territory. You can also use anti-radiation missiles and radar positions arranged in the mountains to open the way for the air to bypass the air.

Of course, low-altitude breakthrough radar surveillance, deep into the theater, the important strategic goal of combating theater is also the traditional art of stealth leopards, even because of its excellent low-altitude penetration capability, it is the only domestic aviation that can perform such tasks. Models. Wanbar novel network wanbar.net 厺厽

In other words, in the future, the stealth leopard is very likely to become the core of the tactical aviation ground attack in the military struggle in the Southeast China Sea, or even stop it. After all, in a sense, it is equipped with a new type of medium-thrust aero engine and automatic collision avoidance. The systematic FBC-1A fighter-bomber is no less than the Su-30MKK fighter-bomber imported from Russia in performance, and even in a sense, it has a slight advantage.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   More importantly, all production and assembly of the FBC-1A fighter-bomber rely on the complete domestic industrial chain, so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck in the neck during wartime. Continuous production supplement.

   If this hidden element is added, the invisible leopard is more than terrifying, it is terrifying to an explosion.

   Therefore, the directors, including the heads of the headquarters, all agreed with the leadership of the air defense forces, and this allowed the leaders of the air defense forces to regain their confidence in the past.

   What if the judgment was wrong before? What about the eccentric S-300 air defense missile battalion?

   In the end, the head of the headquarters hadn't agreed with his idea. What does this show?

I don’t have a bad vision, and I don’t have much to say about my ability. The only thing I missed is the FBC-1A fighter-bomber and DZB-1500 air-launched cruise missile. The two equipments are too unwarranted. The tricks are one after the other, making people hard to defend. However, when he has mastered the rules, grasped the characteristics, and then elevated to the strategic level, and then looked at the effect, the head of the headquarters has to look with admiration.

   So the leader of the air defense force, who was stable on the face, but overjoyed because he was able to show his face in front of the head of the headquarters, prepared to strike while the iron was hot, and continued to analyze the combat characteristics of the stealth leopard from the perspective of air defense operations.

   After all, there are not too many things facing the head of the headquarters to explain the concept of combat. If the head of the headquarters is attracted by the head of the headquarters and promotes himself from the headquarters, wouldn’t it be...

The more the leaders of the air defense force think, the more beautiful they are in their hearts, and the more powerful they can speak. If it is not for a clear mind, they also know that the head of the headquarters does not want to make a noise, and the leaders of the air defense force want to raise the loudspeaker and engage in the observation area of ​​the empty command center An equipment and tactics analysis report meeting is here.

However, while talking, the leader of the air defense force suddenly felt that something was wrong. It was not the head of the headquarters. On the contrary, the head of the headquarters had been patiently listening to him talk about it, and sometimes even went deep into certain issues. Two questions.

What made the leader of the air defense force notice that something was wrong was the attitude of several other directors, especially the leader of the aviation force who was very familiar with him. The look in his eyes would be the same as that of a new unit. The recruits who don't understand are similar.

   This made the leader of the air defense unit very puzzled. Every word he said got the point. Even the head of the headquarters said yes, you guy in the director department, why do you look at me with that kind of eyes? Do you think I'm acting well and jealous?

However, when the leader of the air defense force was thinking that there was nothing in his mind, two thick clouds of smoke suddenly appeared on the screen of the observation area in front. At the same time, the broadcast of the director’s department also sounded: “According to the rules of the exercise, An anti-radiation missile hit the tower-type low-altitude detection radar of the S-300 air defense missile battalion and was judged to be destroyed, but the remaining detection equipment of the S-300 air defense missile battalion was intact and did not affect the subsequent combat effectiveness."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   As soon as this decision was made, the observation area suddenly became an uproar.

  Because everyone thinks that the stealth leopard is an ultra-low-altitude long-range penetration, the anti-radiation missile launched must at least knock out the guidance radar of the S-300 air defense missile, so that this high-level air defense missile battalion can truly become blind.

   It took a long time to destroy a low-altitude search radar. The core combat capability of the S-300 air defense missile battalion was not destroyed, even the roots of the fur were not injured.

   Although such an attack cannot be called a failure, it cannot be said to be a success either.

   Is it possible that the technical and tactical level of the air strike force is so poor? It's not right. How could the equipment and personnel capable of flying 600 kilometers at an ultra-low altitude be poor?

Those who hold this idea are not only the cadres and leaders of the observation area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The leaders of the air defense force who are reporting their ideas to the head of the headquarters are the same, and they have not even made the mistakes of the air strikes. Be joyful.

So that even the important report that I was fancy was stuck several times, which shows the ecstasy in the hearts of the leaders of the air defense forces, there is no way, who made the previous two anti-radiation missiles so shocking, so that everyone felt This time, the exercise is GG. It turned out to be a turnaround. The air strike force breakthrough was excellent, but there was a lack of fire on the door, so...

"The key to the fog of the battlefield is to let people forget the core and key points. Therefore, as a commander, we must know what our mission is. Take this exercise as an example. Strike against the air defense missile battalion is not the focus of the exercise. Ground bombs attack the weak link of national defense engineering."

Just as the leader of the air defense force thought cheerfully that the S-300 anti-aircraft missile battalion he had high hopes would be able to use this to flop, the head of the headquarters' plain words popped out between his lips and teeth, and he ignored the air defense soldiers after he said it. The leader of the troops, passing by him, immediately walked towards the front of the observation area.

   The leader of the air defense force was a little confused to be honest, and did not understand what the head of the headquarters meant.

   However, when he reacted, the head of the headquarters had already gone far, so he quickly grabbed the aviation unit leader who knew him well: "Old man, the head of the headquarters he..."

   The leader of the aviation unit looked around and looked at no one. Then he hated iron and steel in a low voice: "If the stealth leopard only relies on low-altitude penetration, dare to be called a stealth leopard?"

  The leader of the air defense force was startled when he heard the words, and then reacted immediately, and then dumbfounded!

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