Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1125: Takeoff Aerospace

Jiao Hepeng also didn't expect that as soon as he spoke, he was thrown up all over the face, and he was about to go mad, but before he could speak, he listened to the deputy editor on the side screaming to the reporter next to him: "Quickly, write it down, take responsibility. The supporting troops are all wounded soldiers. They vomited after getting off the plane. The disaster relief must be humanitarian, not blindly squeezed. Soldiers are also humans. They must also be caring. Well, I quickly conceived a report based on this idea, and the evening paper made the headline. ."

   The reporter on the side hurriedly wrote down the deputy editor's words in a shorthand notebook, while the reporter on the other side quickly took pictures of Jiao Hepeng, who was covered in filth and Wang Li, who was still pale and vomiting.

  At this time, Wang Li had already calmed down. Hearing what the deputy editor said, he was immediately furious. What kind of wounded soldier was there, but it was because of airsickness when he was on a plane, and he didn't control it.

   How did TM become a wounded soldier?

So Wang Li was going to stop which deputy editor-in-chief to explain, but before he went to the squad leader, Cao Bo, he stopped the deputy editor-in-chief who was about to leave: "Comrade, you were a bit biased just now. Our soldiers are just getting airsick. This is also true. No way, the comfort of military transport aircraft is inherently poor, so..."

   "Poor comfort?" The deputy editor of Nanfang XX newspaper raised his brows and asked in surprise.

   Cao Bo nodded: "Yes."

"So and so, in the last one, the troops are equipped with poor performance, risk carrying officers and soldiers to support the front line, remember to compare the description with European and American countries." The deputy editor of Nanfang XX newspaper turned his head and added one without hesitation, and then turned around. He smiled cordially at Cao Bo: "What we do as the media is to play a role of public opinion supervision. Thank you for your support!"

   After speaking, he passed by Cao Bo.

Cao Bo stood there for a while. He really didn't expect that the person just now would be able to reverse black and white to this point. As a result, the deputy editor-in-chief had already taken the person away. He was trembling with anger and wanted to catch up with the theory, but Waiting for the action, the commanding officer called him.

   Cao Bo reluctantly followed the troops and boarded the car heading to the breach.


As for Jiao Hepeng and other reporters from Nanfang XX Daily, they "raided" the officers and soldiers of the Pontoon Bridge Brigade of the B Army Engineer Troops that were urgently supported, obtained two out of context news materials, and hurriedly left. There is no way, it is really theirs. "Raid" interviews are a risky move to break through the police blockade. If you still stay where you are, you will probably be invited to have tea, so it's better to stop as soon as you see it, take advantage of the chaos they cause, and run away.

   What's more, Jiao Hepeng was vomited all over and his face was flushed, right?

Because of this, the group of them quickly returned to the hotel where they were staying. After Jiao Hepeng finished washing and changed his clothes, the deputy editor of the Southern XX Newspaper had already summoned other reporters to take out the two press releases without mentioning them. After finishing the picture, seeing that Jiao Hepeng had finished cleaning up, he handed the manuscript in his hand to Jiao Hepeng: "Go to the post office immediately and send the two manuscripts to the agency overnight. I have already told the agency, one headline and one supplement, all It’s a heavy page."

Jiao Hepeng took the two manuscripts and scanned them a bit, especially the one that accompanies him with filth. It directly criticizes the basic rights of people in the disaster relief by the authorities from the perspective of human nature, even if it is an army that belongs to a violent organization. We must also start from human nature.

   It can be said that the whole article fits closely with the current guidance of Nanfang XX Newspaper.

   Jiao Hepeng was very angry at the little soldier who spat on him before. Seeing this article, the anger in his heart has naturally disappeared halfway, dare to vomit him? I wonder if they hold the so-called fourth power in their hands, are they called uncrowned kings?

   Then he nodded and prepared to respond, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly remembered something and hesitated again.

   "What's wrong?" The deputy editor asked when seeing this.

   Jiao Hepeng quickly replied: "Editor-in-chief, I just remembered that because the 6th flood peak is about to arrive, the city of J is organized to evacuate, and the post office..."

   "The post office has also withdrawn? How come these service units have also withdrawn? I really don't have a sense of service, I can't learn from the United States or Europe? Even if you can't learn from Europe and America, you can learn from Australia!"

   Hearing that the manuscript might be released, the deputy editor was a little frustrated. After spitting out a few words, he continued to ask, "Is there no emergency solution?"


   "What is it?"

   "There is a communications satellite agency nearby that can send press releases to Chinese and foreign reporters." Jiao Hepeng looked a little weird: "It's just...the charges are a little bit...a bit expensive!"

   "Satellite communications, it's normal to be a bit more expensive." The deputy editor understands: "How much is an article?"

   "500 yuan!"

   "500 yuan is reasonable, remember to ask them for an invoice." The deputy editor nodded.

   "No, the editor-in-chief~~~" Jiao Hepeng's expression became more and more weird: "It's 500 yuan a word!"

   "Damn, why don't they grab it!" The deputy editor immediately exploded.

   I have to scold my mother. The two manuscripts together are nearly two thousand words, 500 yuan per word, and two thousand words 1 million. This is not four pictures.

   1 million, their Nanfang XX newspaper smashed the pot and sold iron is not worth that number.

But if these two articles were not published, the Nanfang XX newspaper, which was finally reliant on public intellectuals and opinion leaders, had to be forgotten. There is no way. You don’t report on the great floods that have not happened in a century. Return to NM opinion leaders. TM Public opinion supervision, shit.

   So this article has to be sent out anyway, but this money...

   "Do you know the location of this communications satellite company? You take me over, and I'll see if I can find a rapport." No way, the deputy editor can only bite the bullet.

   Jiao Hepeng was relieved when he saw his deputy editor-in-chief himself. If he went on his own, it would be unclear whether he could talk about 500 yuan a word. However, it is not necessarily the case of a well-connected deputy editor.

   It is said that an editor-in-chief of CCTV personally passed by not long ago, and people gave a discount of 600 yuan for a one-minute image of 6000 yuan.

   This shows that the face of the boss is still acceptable.

   So Jiao Hepeng hurriedly went downstairs, started the N-hand jeep borrowed from the local newspaper, and drove the well-connected deputy editor all the way to the station of the communications satellite company.

The satellite communications company’s location is located in an abandoned military airport on the outskirts of J City~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is only 8 kilometers away from the crevice, but the abandoned airport’s site is not a storage place for communications equipment, but the company’s work Personnel’s accommodation area,

   The core equipment here is a huge system consisting of 12 heavy container trucks; 4 TY-6 large UAVs; 2 straight 2 light helicopters and 1 straight 12 helicopters.

Looking at the helicopters and drones parked on the slightly dilapidated runway, as well as the 12 heavy trucks that have been deployed, both Jiao Hepeng and the deputy editor were a little dazed, thinking that they were not in China, but the foreign country they were longing for. It was not until they saw the logo of Haidongqing flying in the starry sky on the truck and the artistic characters of "Tengfei Yuhang" below, that they brought back their trance thoughts.

Immediately after stopping the car, the deputy editor-in-chief looked around the surrounding equipment from the position of the co-pilot, and estimated the position of the space to take off. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided who to look for, so he took out his mobile phone and was about to dial. I saw a middle-aged man with messy hair being pushed out of the station building.

While pushing, the few staff members still dismissively mocked: "800 yuan can't afford a single word, and still have a face? Some time ago, who said that the market economy is coming? Didn't the prices have risen? Ah~~ It’s my turn to stop the market economy? No money to get out of here, we are not a shantang here!"



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