Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1127: Load forward

Before the voice fell, a gray-haired, energetic old man with square glasses walked out from the station building, and even after seeing his mobile phone, he stared blankly at his deputy editor of Nanfang XX newspaper, and immediately became angry. He raised his hand and pointed at his student: “Mr. Wang, it is him, the deputy editor of the Southern XX newspaper. A few days ago, he wrote the article about Mr. Zhuang Jianye, Mr. Lin Guanghua, and Mr. Lin Qi. He personally handed it to Let me look at it. I disagreed and criticized him at the time, but I didn’t think that this man’s conscience was eaten by a dog, and he sent it out..."

   After finishing speaking, the old man looked at Wang Heping who had personally sent him out of the station with a look of guilt: "President Wang, it is the level that I have not guided the public opinion well. Please tell Mr. Zhuang, and I will definitely reorganize it seriously when I return."

"Lao Wei, don't be angry, I'll send the supplies to your hotel later. As for your daughter's affairs... Don't worry, Mr. Zhuang and Mr. Ning Xiao and Dongning of Qiongzhou Airlines are not outsiders. Will help, will help."

Wang Heping is now middle-aged, slightly blessed, but that dark face is indeed as black as always. As the veteran who came out of the 23rd branch, Wang Heping can handle this situation. If not, Zhuang Jianye It was impossible to arrange for him to come to J City, so what he said was polite and not leaking.

   Teacher Wei knows that he can't take advantage of the loopholes, so he can smile and nod his head: "That would take care of you."

   "This is what we should do." Wang Heping responded with a smile.

Then the two chatted for a few more words, and then they said goodbye. When Teacher Wei walked to the deputy editor of Nanfang XX newspaper, he reached out his hand and nodded the other party's nose twice before gritting his teeth and squeezing out a sentence: "Waiting to go back. See how I clean up you!"

   After talking about walking quickly, he didn't even mean to stay a little bit.

   This time, whether it is the deputy editor of Nanfang XX Newspaper or Jiao Hepeng, it is not just a daze, but a complete brain downtime, stubbornly pushing the Nth power.

   There is only one brain cell that keeps flashing on the screen. One problem is that when did Teacher Wei become so magnificent?

   Yes, if the so-called public intellectuals in the country can become chameleons that cater to the mainstream, Mr. Wei is definitely the only exception.

   There is no way. It is because Mr. Wei has been a well-known opinion leader in China since the beginning of reform and opening up. Under his promotion, the so-called scar literature, Western victory theory, European and American superiority theory, Chinese dross theory, etc., have been advocated one after another.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   What’s more important is that Mr. Wei couldn’t help advocating by himself. He actually gathered a group of so-called "like-minded" opinion leaders, and they are playing cultural freedom and press freedom. The slogan of public opinion supervision, the founding of Nanfang X newspaper, as a base, published countless articles and comments criticizing domestic current affairs and promoting foreign beauty.

   After gaining sales and making money, Mr. Wei simply expanded this "cultural front" to form a cultural media system that integrates newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.

   Jiao Hepeng and the deputy editor-in-chief of Nanfang XX Newspaper are the major publications of this system.

   All in all, Mr. Wei is considered to be a double boss with ashes and godfather among the "opinion leaders."

   is such a person, actually pointing at his student to yell at Chong Yang, sitting on the crooked buttocks, this is not pointing at the monk to yell at the bald donkey!

   Even if the Nanfang XX newspaper adds up and down and multiplies it by 250, there is no such thing as Teacher Wei's **** swaying to the moon, but the result...

   "Editor in chief, Chairman Wei he..."

   "You ask me, who do I ask?"

Seeing that he was scolded and cursed by his own boss pointing his nose, and looking for trouble when he turned his head, Jiao Hepeng panicked at the time, and quickly asked his deputy editor, but the deputy editor didn't have a good voice before he finished speaking. Interrupted.

   "Then our manuscripts and life..."

   It’s not Jiao Hepeng’s talk. You don’t need to post 500 yuan a word, but you have to eat 500 yuan instant noodles, so I really have to ask.

   The deputy editor-in-chief heard that he was even the first two big people, and he deliberately entered the station to ask about the situation. Thinking about Mr. Wei’s righteous extermination of his relatives just now, the deputy editor’s heart would be fuzzy; but if he doesn’t enter...

   "Dingling bell~~~"

When the deputy editor-in-chief was in a dilemma, the deputy editor-in-chief’s cell phone rang and had no choice but to pick it up. As a result, it turned out that the editor-in-chief who was far away from Yangcheng called him, but he hadn’t waited for the deputy editor to tell the matter here To tell the truth, I listened to the editor-in-chief over there shouting more violently: "How did you do it? A three-year-old pupil? Do you know Wei understands instructions to report positively, okay? Immediately, immediately , Give me the photo of the vomiting of the little warrior you took today. It is obviously hard work. I would rather endure the severe airsickness and strive to be the first batch of steel warriors to support the flood fight. Look at what you gave. Shit angle? Quickly rewrite it for me!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I... Editor-in-chief...I..."

The deputy editor wants to say something, but the editor-in-chief has hung up the phone without hesitation, the deputy editor is hello~~ After a few words, he can only put down his mobile phone, and then look at the logo of Tengfei Aerospace and only feel his own worldview. It collapsed completely.


   "Yo~~Wang Li~www.wuxiaspot.com~You are famous!"

In the evening, as a Zhi-12 helicopter subordinate to Tengzhou Air Express took off, the pontoon bridge brigade’s supplies arrived officially today. Not only that, among the numerous supplies, there were also various supplies from various places. Newspapers and magazines.

   As the so-called material civilization and spiritual civilization are grasped with both hands, both hands must be hard. Even the evening papers and magazines everywhere can relieve the fatigued spiritual world of officers and soldiers.

   And one of the Nanfang XX newspapers immediately became the focus of the soldiers rushing to circulate. There is no him, because there is their comrade-in-arms Wang Li.

The title of the front page headline is still very literary, but the content is quite different. Although it starts from small incidents and small people as always, it contrasts Europe and the United States horizontally with the South XX newspaper in the past, and ultimately devalues ​​the domestic system and promotes foreign freedom. The main thrust of this time is different. The headline of the XX newspaper made a big turn of 180 degrees.

   is still a small person, but it is not about human nature, but about the feelings of the family and country that belong to the Chinese alone; it is still a small incident, but it is small and big, showing the Chinese people's wholeheartedness.

   Especially the last sentence: China has been up and down for five thousand years, and there has never been a shortage of people who have faced difficulties. Now Wang Li and the others are here to face the retreating people in J City and go retrograde to defend J City and defend the embankment.

  My friends, the reason why this society is always peaceful and good is because people like Wang Li are carrying the burden for us!

   At the end of the article, there is a photo of soldiers carrying marching rucksacks marching into the levee. The young soldier in the middle who is walking and wiping the corners of his mouth is the little soldier Wang Li who just finished vomiting due to airsickness and discomfort!

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