Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1129: Take someone else's surgery

Of course, Teacher Wei didn't think about solving this problem through other channels.

The problem is the chaos in Southeast Asia, especially in Cambodia, has not stopped since the retreat of the Vietnamese army. It can’t be said that the chaos has become a pot of porridge, but there are also many princes and mountains. The local tycoons said nothing.

   Teacher Wei is, after all, an intellectual with a crooked butt. It is impossible for everyone in China to buy his face, let alone abroad.

   So I could only ask people everywhere, and finally I found the pinnacle of the domestic opinion leaders, such as Ju Tao, Master Ju.

The reason why Ju Tao is said to be the pinnacle and weird of the opinion leaders group is because of the simple reason that when he wrote an article praising how and how opinion leaders in Europe and America can only make up for life abroad, Ju Tao relied on his excellent aerial photography and success. His cultural entrepreneurship has already realized his embrace of beautiful women from all over the world.

Especially the love legend between Master Ju and Christina, a well-known left-wing independent filmmaker in Europe and the United States, is envious of the large number of opinion leaders and public intellectuals in China, so that Ju Tao does not have to say anything deliberately, and take out a few photos. When the scrapped photos or short videos are thrown out, there are countless opinion leaders scrambling to cheer.

   Teacher Wei is one of the most active among them. Without him, his only daughter can get the admission letter from the Oxford Institute of Modern Art, Oxford, without him. Ju Tao has contributed a lot to it.

   Because it was Ju Tao who wrote a sentence on the little girl's random graffiti canvas: This is the richest oriental innocence, mysterious, surrealist modern work I have ever seen.

   You must know that Ju Tao's influence is not only large in China, but also outrageously internationally. Judging from the comments of the most prestigious art appreciation magazine in the United States, Ju has conquered the world with his rich charm.

   Because of this, Ju Tao's comments cannot be said to make everyone worship, but it can also raise the value of the evaluator in a wide range.

   Together with Ju Tao’s girlfriend, Christina, who is also very influential in the field of art, ran from it. Oxford University opened the door to Wei’s only daughter without even thinking about it.

  Since Ju Tao has such a great influence in the world, how can he say a word about Cambodian affairs, no matter how bad he is, he is better than him who can’t help at all, and can only do something in a hurry.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   It’s okay if Teacher Wei doesn’t look for Ju Tao. After asking for a few visits, Ju Tao gets out of control of the entire Southern media. The two were taken together.


   If you don’t give it to me, which Hong Kong brother named Ning Xiaodong Ju Tao asked to leave, he didn’t even bother to take care of it. The reason is very simple.

Therefore, Teacher Wei had to give or give or not. Even if he went to Ning Xiaodong’s brother-in-law, Zhuang Jianye of Ascendas Group was not working well. The reason is simple. In the early years, these teachers often wrote articles and scolded Ascendas Group. He Zhuang Jianye, at this time Baba comes to the door, who will care for you.

   When Ning Xiaodong heard the news, he just picked up and didn't say anything, and asked them to speak to Cambodia so that they could do whatever they want, as long as he kept his breath.

Teacher Wei was almost insane at the time. Not only did he hand over the huge media empire he founded, but he himself was like a puppet. He was asked to do whatever he wanted. Not only was he obedient, but he also had a high degree of cooperation. You can use any posture, and you can speak as you want.

Even the big guys are like this. Needless to say, I don’t need to talk about it. After Ju Tao took over, he took the money thrown by Ascendas Group, Qiongzhou Airlines and WHNB Semiconductor and took a picture on his chairman’s desk. Whose drafts? In accordance with the wishes, take away 10,000 yuan.

   If you are not satisfied, I have three chances to revise it. What should I do if it is better?

  Don't think that the Southern Media Department is full of loyal people who insist on ideals and beliefs. They really regard money as dung. That is because they have never seen the dung look like, especially the dung above 10,000 pieces.

   When this kind of dung piled up in front of them, ideals and doctrines all turned into two words of solidity, really fragrant.

   So Ju Tao didn't talk about the transformation, let alone the direction, just relying on his likes and dislikes and a pile of dung to make the Southern reporters change their course.

Of course, there are also a few ironclad ones. If you don’t listen to Ju Tao, Ju Tao is not polite. He cut the funding and the transmission channel of publications is stopped, deduct a self-financing hat, and wait for the publications to fend for themselves. .

   You must know that since Ju Tao took charge of the Southern Department, the communication satellite transmission link of Ascendas Aerospace has been introduced, so that it does not need to be printed from the head office and shipped to the country as before.

   Every day's manuscripts are directly transmitted to various substations across the country through the communication satellite link of Ascendas Aerospace, and then printed separately and spread out on the spot.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Because of this, if Ju Tao breaks the transmission channel of a publication, it is equivalent to breaking the lifeblood of that publication.

   Even if this publication does not stop publishing for two months, it will not be far from bankruptcy.

Lingnan XX magazine has encountered this kind of predicament now. If it weren't for this, the editor-in-chief of the magazine would not be able to run the front line in person. There is no way. , So if his editor-in-chief is not down the line, there will be no one.

In fact, Nanfang XX News wanted to make a big deal, but it was seen that other brother media had been disabled one by one~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ju Tao created one after another from these corpses, and took those old men who stood on their ground. After being swept into the garbage piles by batches, a global ban will be implemented, not to mention it.

   Yes, not the whole country, but the whole world.

You know, Ju Tao’s girlfriend, Christina, is a senior adviser to several international non-governmental organizations. The influence is just now. Southern reporters who can’t mix at home want to plan food abroad. Sorry, Christina has a letter. It can ruin this person.

What's more, it is impossible for Ju Tao to use this last hole card, because at the moment these people were swept away by him, Ning Xiaodong had already dealt with all kinds of things such as hooligans, life style problems, and debts. , Bigamy, etc. Some didn't hit these people.

  In the light, the wives are scattered, the middle-level bankruptcy, and the more serious is the family broke down.

   It's hard to have a good ending anyway.

It is precisely because of this that the editor-in-chief of Nanfang XX newspaper is busy changing his course, because he really does not want to lose a large sum of money in Macau casinos when he is confused; he does not want to suddenly open the door when his wife opens the door one day. I found the new female reporter intern and lay tenderly in his arms...

   So just change it, it's better than begging for eggs in a muddle.

   Of course, these things are not even known to Cao Bo and Wang Li, even the head of the headquarters.

After all, this time Zhuang Jianye, who is hiding behind the scenes, is playing capital routines. There is no way. The volume of the Ascendas system has reached this point. It also needs one or two media to speak for itself. No, the official media can’t move. We can only use the position of public intellectuals and opinion leaders to attack.

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