Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1131: If you don't believe in that evil, do it yourself!

Based on this reality, the two are very unhappy, so the Ascendas Group purchased three cesium atomic clocks that have fallen behind when they arrived and terminated the cooperation with the Swiss Space Company.

The same is true with the European Aerospace Group in France. It costs twice as much as the latest model. What I get is a refurbished vintage model. Although it is not a pit, I always feel like eating a fly. People are uncomfortable.

   So, after getting the Swiss and French stuff, Ascendas Group simply pulled up the team to tackle the problem by itself.

   The cost issue comes next. The things I make have the final say, and there are not so many **** and troublesome things.

Of course, Ascendas Group has the arrogant capital of Ascendas Group, other domestic enterprises and institutions are not so arrogant, especially some related units that plan to participate in satellite navigation, which lies in the gap in domestic atomic clocks and measurement and control stations. Advocate walking on two legs.

  , while independently researching and developing satellite navigation related systems; actively carrying out international cooperation, and mastering the core technology and voice of satellite navigation systems through this form.

   To be honest, there is nothing wrong with this idea. Spiritual civilization and material civilization can be grasped with both hands, and both hands must be hard. Why can't satellite navigation have a dual cycle of domestic and international?

  The question is whether the person who put forward this idea has considered whether the domestic and the international two sets of solutions can be affordable?

   You must know that the satellite navigation system is not a gadget, it is the infrastructure of the so-called information age. Once determined, it is equivalent to opening up the two channels of Ren and Du, turning corruption into magic so that ordinary bombs can beat snipers more accurately.

  Because of this, this thing can't help but be extremely technically difficult and costly.

   is not a country with a certain level of comprehensive national strength, and there is no chance of even getting involved.

If this is not the case, the entire planet counts with fingers, and the United States has established a GPS covering the world. The former Soviet Union and Russia barely built half of it, and the remaining one is counted as one, all of which are less than one meter, even the younger brother. .

   It can be seen that this thing is really not something ordinary people can play.

   I want to try my hand at home. The problem is that it’s difficult to build a satellite navigation system at its own economic, technological, and industrial level.

   It is unrealistic to think about it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The scholars, experts and department leaders who put forward this idea are certainly aware of this. After all, independent research and development are too difficult, and it is easier to cooperate with foreign countries. Many, when the frequency spectrum is open and mutually common, the entire input cost will be reduced by 25% to 30% compared with self-construction.

Coupled with the active promotion of the euro, Europe, where the economic growth rate has continued to record highs after the Cold War, is constantly glaring at the country, promising the benefits of joint development, and investing domestically in the European satellite navigation program and Europe’s lifting of domestic arms sales. , To further liberalize domestic investment and expand the bundling of topics such as domestic imports.

   The meaning is obvious. As long as you join the European Satellite Navigation Project, we can say anything; if you don’t join, you are concerned about a few issues, sorry, don’t talk about it!

In the face of European conditions, in fact, quite a number of R&D units and even higher-level leaders are still inclined to cooperate. On the one hand, many domestic satellite navigation subdivisions are still blank. If you are tackling key problems, you don’t know if you can get it out. The European satellite navigation plan will be deployed at the beginning of the next century, and it will be put into use in the 2010s, which is more effective.

On the other hand, the domestic economy and trade and high-tech weapons and equipment also rely on Europe. Needless to say, economic and trade. In order to become the world's factory, the country has really spent a lot of money; as for weapons and equipment, the same is true, especially after major events. The headquarters deeply feels that the main battle equipment and technology of the troops are backward and urgently need to be updated.

   So launched a large number of visionary "killer" equipment development plans.

   The problem is that these equipment have a cycle of more than 10 years. What will the troops do during this period? Do you still have to hold the treasure to eat it?

   Therefore, the army actively seeks to improve the old equipment on the one hand, and on the other hand hopes to expand the scale of procurement from the international market and introduce a batch of key equipment urgently needed by the domestic army.

   For example, the Russian "Modern" class guided missile destroyer, the S-300 air defense missile system, and the Doyle M1 air defense missile system, have successively entered the domestic front-line forces and become the pillars of the new era.

However, although the Russian goods are good, they also have insurmountable limitations. It is not only backward, but difficult to explain. Therefore, the army hopes to purchase a batch of main combat equipment equipped with advanced electronic equipment in Europe. , Such as electronic countermeasures systems, and phased array radars.

   It was a win-win situation that China and Europe paid the money and delivered the goods one-handedly. But I don’t know what kind of madness in Europe has actually banned the sale of domestic military products.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   You come and I talked about it for 6 or 7 years, and I also pulled out a reason, until Europe made conditions to join their satellite navigation plan, arms sales Questions can help ease, and many people in China are quite moved by this.

   However, if you really want to act, you have to worry about the feelings of some experts and leaders who advocate independent construction of satellite navigation systems.

   After all, the persistence of these experts and leaders is equally reasonable, and more in line with mainstream values.

  If those who advocate cooperation with Europe rashly say that independence is not enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they can only choose Europe as the kingly way, and that will definitely become the big traitor that Qianfu refers to.

   So simply, use the same language skills of spiritual civilization and material civilization to frame both domestic independence and international cooperation.

   Explain to the world, see, it’s not that I don’t value independence, but that I have to grasp with both hands and both hands must be hard. How about? Is it okay?

   But the problem is that all funds are invested in international cooperation, and you can't get even a small amount of independence. This is nothing wrong? The problem is serious, okay!

If this is not the case, how could Ascendas Group rush to establish Ascendas Aerospace, using the NB-Plus communication satellite system to be so crazy that it even manufactures pot-cover satellite TV receiving antennas, not because it is used for navigation satellite verification and interplanetary communication experiments As soon as the NB-Plus communication satellite system of the People's Republic of China went offline, relevant departments stopped most of the funds for the project.

   Then he devoted his brains to the European satellite navigation plan, and also gave a rather silly name, called Torimonzi Galileo Project.

   If this is another unit, the satellite will be removed from the fund, which means it will be dismounted. Even if the satellite has been produced, it cannot be launched into the sky. There is no way. The operating cost of aerospace is too large, and it is not affordable for ordinary units.

   Therefore, even if you are not reconciled and feel wronged in your heart, the produced satellite will either be dismantled or used as a backup satellite for other spacecraft to see the sky.

   But is Ascendas another unit? Things you have worked so hard to get into the cold palace? This is the style of Ascendas Group?

   Just kidding, if you don’t have funds, you can invest yourself. Why can’t you be independent? TNND, if you don't believe in that evil, just do it yourself!

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