Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1144: Standard setter

And this is why the people in charge of the "friends" do not believe that the Ascendas WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine has such an inherent logic of excellent performance.

In addition to the superstition of American technology and the belief that it is incomparable, there are huge benefits hidden behind it. You can live a happy life without suffering and suffering. Who will not work hard to maintain it?

I wish I could exhaust my children and grandchildren.

But now, the Ascendas Group is not lifting the table anymore, but blatantly digging the ancestral graves of the "friend merchants", completely letting them cut off their children and grandchildren. It's you who didn't fight with Tengfei Group.

The question is, do they dare to look for Ascendas Group to fight against the head of the headquarters?

Perhaps before the emergence of the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine of Ascendas Group, these "friends" can still use the so-called turboshaft "model" to sloppy with the head of the headquarters, so that the head of the headquarters can't do anything, and finally can't stand it. Had to compromise with them.

But now, the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine is shiningly placed there, and they dare not dare to borrow a hundred of them.

Who dares to be as aggressive as before, yes, then don't think about getting orders from the headquarters.

What? Does your model perform well? Advanced technology?

Is there any Ascendas Group?

Just this sentence can make "friends" dare not even fart.

Therefore, even if the "friends" who were called up did not discuss well in advance, they still agreed to the outside world by agreement, and all kinds of incredible and unbelievable WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engines.

They used their superb acting skills to prove one thing to the head of the headquarters, that is, the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine is not as powerful as claimed.

The high power of 3000 kilowatts is enough, and the power to weight ratio has reached 9.5.

Who does Tengfei Group think it is? American's son?

The head of the headquarters has long seen these turboshaft manufacturers not pleasing to the eye, and if it weren't for this, they would not support Tengfei Group to develop turboshaft engines.

Since it is the catfish designated by the head of the older generation of headquarters, there should be a broken altar, like a grandson monkey, to upset the Lingxiao Hall.

Fortunately, in this regard, Ascendas Group did not disappoint the head of the older generation of headquarters, nor did he disappoint the current head of headquarters.

In the face of so many complaints and doubts from the heads of the turboshaft production plants, the head of the headquarters was not used to it, and directly pulled them to Hong Kong to build the National Gas Power Laboratory in the suburbs of Beijing, because where is the WD of Ascendas Group. —63ZB high-power turboshaft engine is undergoing a series of data analysis tests.

It turns out that it’s okay if you don’t look at it. At first glance, a lot of "friends" are completely dumbfounded. Not only is the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine really as the head of the headquarters said, the power-to-weight ratio reaches 9.5, and other performance is even better The data released by the group is even better.

Take the maximum emergency power as an example. Ascendas Group gave 3267 kilowatts. In fact, the data measured by the National Gas Power Laboratory is 3406 kilowatts, which is more than 100 kilowatts higher than the Zhengzheng published by Ascendas Group.

If this is placed in other units or research institutions, it must not be blown to the sky. As a result, the Ascendas Group is good, and the maximum emergency power that can only be maintained for 5 minutes does not meet the standards of Ascendas Group, so all the data can be 3267 kilowatts for more than 30 minutes shall prevail.

When the "friends" knew the domineering and revealing explanation of Ascendas Group, they almost didn't go crazy collectively.

What is this for?

To re-establish rules for the turboshaft engine field?

The problem is to stand up right away, can you get rid of the scary people all at once.

The maximum emergency power that lasts for 5 minutes is not counted, it can only be regarded as lasting for 30 minutes. If this is adopted as the standard by the headquarters, the maximum power of the turboshaft engines produced by their "friends" will all shrink by 20% to 35%.

The model of a certain factory even shrank by 55%.

Is this still digging the ancestral grave? Obviously, I'm giving them a blow, okay?

You must know that their "friends" are alive by pointing to these beautiful data. Even if the emergency power of 5 minutes is turned on, the turboshaft engine will be directly scrapped, but the splendor of this period of time has long been unprecedented. .

What's more, the maximum emergency power of 5 minutes is not unique in China, but the universal turboshaft standard. Why do you change it for Ascendas Group?

However, before these "friends" raised their doubts, a motion from the Ascendas Group evaluated by the National Gas Power Laboratory plunged them into collective fear.

It turned out that Ascendas Group hoped to use their mature experience in the process of WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine test runs as a national standard, so as to promote the country and allow relevant manufacturers across the country to criticize and correct.

Originally, these "friends" still felt that it was not important for Ascendas Group to be so humble. After all, the domestic turboshaft engine test testers were inherited from the former Soviet Union, and the extensive testing situation is basically the current state of the country. Ascendas Group Can you break through the status quo even if you break God?

As a result, Renjia Tengfei Group not only broke through, but also broke through to the sea of ​​stars.

The entire test run time is not less than 20,000 hours, of which more than 8,000 hours, a real machine flight test is required~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, 4600 starts and 2,300 engine reversal tests need to be completed during the 2500-hour acceleration test .

In the flight test, it is necessary to evaluate items such as flight envelope, climb, rapid take-off and landing, high-collision landing, aerial start, high-altitude disease removal, and overall adaptability to plateau...

The next "friends" are really crazy. You must know that their turboshaft engines can be turned on the test bench even if they are successful, but the standard transfer of Ascendas Group is only the most basic requirement.

One of the remaining items is that the turboshaft is not used as an engine, which is a waste of life.

This makes them stand up to these "friends".

Even if it could stand it, it wouldn't have enough resources to do it.

Not to mention anything else, the flight test of the turboshaft engine requires at least a helicopter, right?

Under this condition, most "friends" can't afford it. You must know that helicopters are not cheap. More importantly, your turboshaft must be modified to go up. Who has this ability?

What's more, according to the standards of Ascendas Group, one helicopter is not enough at all. At least three to five are needed to play.

Many "friends" can't even play with one, let alone three or five.

On the other hand, the Ascendas Group, let alone how powerful they are in the field of helicopters, they can build real helicopters. There is no shortage of itself, and the corresponding modification capabilities are not to be said.

So people shouldn’t play this set too easily, but what about them? That's going to be forced on the road.

Because of this, these "friends and businessmen" called a group of anger, and before the anger arose, they were all turned into chicken manure by the head of the headquarters.

"That's the case. Ascendas Group has formulated more than this standard. Come and see, these are the key points!"

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