Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1147: Kill 1 kill the evils in the industry

I had to crash my brain, let alone stand on the spot, because on the instrument in front of the noisy test bench, the value of the turboshaft engine's take-off fuel consumption rate was displayed as 0.28.

For the domestic turboshaft engine industry, which can become a miracle of fuel saving at 0.35, this value is no longer a miracle, but a proper miracle.

Increasing the takeoff fuel consumption rate of 0.28 means that the engine power consumption is the most needed in the helicopter takeoff, and it is also the stage where the turboshaft engine fuel consumption is the largest. The fuel consumption per kilowatt-hour is only 0.28 kg.

In other words, when the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine runs at full load of 3000 kilowatts for one hour, the required aviation fuel is 840 kg.

It looks scary. After all, the Zhi 8plus is equipped with three WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engines. If they are all like this, what are they not?

In contrast, the Z-9 equipped with a turboshaft 8E engine imitated from the French Akhye turboshaft engine, even if it runs for an hour with a take-off power of 522 kilowatts, the fuel consumption will not be 276 kg.

Far less than the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine, even if the maximum take-off fuel consumption of the turboshaft 8E is 0.53.

If you compare it like this, then you don't talk about martial ethics.

You must know that the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine is a high-power turboshaft engine; the turboshaft 8E is just a low-power turboshaft, even if the power is full, it will not reach the fuel consumption of the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine.

But does this mean that the turboshaft 8E's fuel consumption is low?

Obviously not. On the contrary, the fuel consumption of the turboshaft 8E is quite high, even twice that of the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine.

Because the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine has a power of 522 kilowatts, the fuel consumption per hour is only 146 kg, which is almost half of the fuel consumption of the turboshaft 8E.

This shows that the real oil tiger is the turboshaft 8E.

The fact is indeed the case. The turboshaft 8E's fuel consumption is too high, resulting in the domestically-made Zhi-9's cruising range is always less than the original French goods, so the army's attitude towards the Zhi-9 is quite complicated.

Equip it, the Straight 9 can't be installed too much. It has short legs and can't perform high-intensity military missions. It is completely tasteless.

Don't equip it. I have invested so much money in more than ten years, and I can't get rid of it.

It was the troop's repeated hesitation on the Straight 9 that gave Tengfei Group Straight 12 a gap.

Even if the previous generations of the Z12 also pull the crotch, various problems emerge one after another, but the WD-43Z turboshaft engine equipped on the Z12 has a fuel consumption rate of 0.4, which can meet the troop's minimum range requirements under full load. Enduring all the problems of Zhi 12, pinched his nose to support.

In this way, the two helicopters did not have the worst, only the worse, the Zhi 9 and Zhi 12 both got orders from the troops.

For Zhi12, it was completely alive. As for Zhi9, it was also relieved. At least, their public relations strategy is to use the right routine.

Yes, Zhi 9 has also been improved. It's just that it is not a technical and technological improvement, but a department, a leader, and a lobbying public relations improvement.

Isn’t it said that the turboshaft 8E has high fuel consumption?

Just change the value. The maximum takeoff fuel consumption rate is determined by the daily maximum power during takeoff. The engine will explode just a few seconds before it takes off. What is the generality?

To use it, you need to use the daily cruise fuel consumption rate, which is the most commonly used and the most realistic.

What is the cruise power of the turboshaft 8E? 350 kilowatts.

So the fuel consumption rate of the turboshaft 8E immediately dropped from 0.53 to 0.4.

It's not ashamed to say this is to take care of the face of Ascendas Group, otherwise according to their internal test results, the fuel consumption rate should be 0.38 to 0.39, thus becoming the only domestic high-performance turboshaft engine with a fuel consumption rate below 0.4.

At that time, there was no standard for determining the fuel consumption rate of turboshaft engines in China. Whether it was the reliable maximum take-off fuel consumption rate of Ascendas Group or the daily cruise fuel consumption rate of a turboshaft manufacturer, the superior department accepted it.

So in official media reports, the fuel consumption rate of the WD-43Z turboshaft engine and turboshaft 8E are both 0.4.

In addition, the power of the two engines is not bad, and the indicators are similar, so it gives people the feeling that the performance of the two engines are similar. Some people even think that the turboshaft 8E will be stronger. After all, the turboshaft 8 is Imitation and French products, European technology is stronger than domestic, the turboshaft 8 is of course better than pure domestic products.

With the turboshaft 8E in front of the jade, other turboshaft transmitter manufacturers can still play like this? What kind of research and development are you doing? Isn't it easier to focus on digital games?

The saved funds are used as bonuses for the employees. Isn't it good for him to give benefits?

For a time, the performance indicators of domestic turboshaft transmitters were so good that they were so messed up that foreign media who did not know the truth exclaimed that China became a powerful country in the development and production of turboshaft transmitters overnight.

But actually? The turboshaft transmitter equipped by the army has not improved, but the quality is worse.

The head of the headquarters is angry with straight teeth. If it weren't for this, he would not use the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine to establish any turboshaft industry standards through the gear tested in the National Gas Power Laboratory.

It is to set up a model and at the same time kill the bad trends in the industry.

"How? Everyone? The maximum take-off fuel consumption rate of the WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engine is 0.28. Listen well, it is not the daily cruise fuel consumption rate, not even the low-load fuel consumption rate. It is the take-off fuel consumption rate with the highest fuel consumption. The group achieved below 0.3..."

Seeing that the people in charge of "friend businessmen" looked at the value of 0.28 with wonderful expressions, the head of the headquarters took the microphone and said, "What is this concept? Everyone present at the production of turboshaft engines daily Cruising fuel consumption is 0.12 higher than other people’s highest fuel consumption index, right? As for other aspects, should I elaborate on it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the head of the headquarters looked solemn, and his tone suddenly became sharp: "I still said that. Ascendas Group can do it, how can you not do it?

Is it because you have less funding ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or is there less policy? Even if you are looking for a target, you have to pay 20 million from the headquarters to help solve it. What about Tengfei Group?

At that time, I was still buying popsicles and ice cream. Let alone compare with you, it could not compare with one of your subordinate factories, but now?

The people of Ascendas Group rely on themselves to achieve the world-leading level of domestic turboshaft engines. How about you?

Introducing so many foreign technologies, not as good as the original, but also all kinds of contentment, who gave you the courage? Shameless grandpa, don't you shamelessly? "

The heads of a group of "friend businessmen" never expected that the head of the headquarters would go crazy at this time, and he was immediately frightened.

The head of the headquarters glanced at the crowd with a gloomy face, and then said in a deep voice: "In the future, the technical standards of turboshaft engines will all refer to WD-63ZB high-power turboshaft engines. If anyone is not convinced, give me a 3000 kilowatt level. The high-power turboshaft, I naturally use your standards, otherwise...hehe...wait for the elimination of bankruptcy!"

Before the voice was over, the head of the headquarters threw the microphone in his hand to the staff, and walked away without looking back...

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