Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1149: Profiteer

The yelling person is about forty years old, with a slightly fat body, wearing this suit, but compared to the usual capable clothes, he looks very embarrassed at the moment.

Not to mention that the trousers are all folds, and the buttons of the suit are a few less. As for the flowing tie at this moment, it is like a hot dog tongue, just like this, it is so funny and funny.

However, it is such a funny middle-aged man, what he said at the moment is extremely domineering.

"200,000, 200,000 sorties, just use the helicopter that can transport bulldozers just now. They are all materials that are in short supply in the disaster area. As long as your comrades help transport 200,000 sorties, you can now pay the deposit..."

The middle-aged Balabala talked a lot and made the officer in charge of the reception at a loss. He had never seen him start spending money as soon as he came up, and he still smashed such a large number.

A sort of 200,000, even with a straight 8plus heavy helicopter, this price has half the profit, because the materials that middle-aged people need to transport are at the waterfall airport 75 kilometers away, this is the straight 8plus heavy with a maximum take-off weight of 29 tons. The operating cost of a helicopter is 60,000 to 80,000.

Based on this, if the officer in charge of the reception was not wearing a uniform, he might have agreed.

The issue is……

"Comrade, you are..."

Just when the officer in charge of the reception didn't know what to do, Jiang Liang walked over, looked up and down the middle-aged man in embarrassed clothes, and asked.

Before Jiang Liang could finish speaking, he saw the middle-aged man stepped forward and held Jiang Liang's hand: "Hello, chief, I am Li Ruihong of Reid International Trading Company. This is my business card."

Li Ruihong took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Liang.

Jiang Liang took the business card and flipped it twice in his hand. Without reading the words on it carefully, he raised his eyes to Li Ruihong: "Sorry, sir, we are the aviation unit ordered to carry out flood relief, and cannot accept your request. ."

"The chief... we..."

"Sorry, we are disciplined!" Li Ruihong still wanted to fight for it, but was interrupted mercilessly by Jiang Liang. Li Ruihong was startled, as if he wanted to say something. You can see Jiang Liang's uncompromising face. He held back again abruptly, said apologetic politely at random, then bowed his head, turned and left in frustration.

"I will meet someone like this in the future, just refuse!" Seeing Li Ruihong's departure, Jiang Liang said expressionlessly to the officer who was in charge of the reception next to him, and then printed "Reed International Trading Company" in his hand. The name card of "Director and Deputy General Manager" was thrown into the ditch on the side, turned back and got into the jeep, and immediately slammed away.

However, what Jiang Liang didn't know was that Li Ruihong, who was sternly rejected by him, walked out of the flood-fighting front-line headquarters, and the frustration on his face was wiped out. Then he stepped on to a Mitsubishi Pajero and immediately responded. The assistant in the co-pilot position said, "You can talk to Mike Tsai of the city. With J City as the core, more than 90% of the market in the disaster area belongs to us?"

When the assistant heard the words, he immediately opened his eyes, looked at Li Ruihong in disbelief, and changed his voice in surprise and said: "More than 90%? Such a high share? President Li, can we really achieve such a high share?"

No wonder Li Ruihong's assistant is so excited, knowing that the price of goods in the disaster area at this time can be described as one price per day.

Merchants who entered here earlier have already made a profit, especially an air transportation company called Tengzhou Air Express Company, which has pushed the price to a frenzied level. A bowl of instant noodles actually asked for 600 RMB when it was at its peak. , A bottle of ordinary mineral water costs 400 yuan.

There is still no market for this, so that the profit margin of Tengzhou Air Express in those two days was even higher than that of Wall Street's ups and downs.

At that time, Li Ruihong, the director and deputy general manager of Reid Trading Company, who was dispatched to J City to make a fortune in the country, saw such a crazy scene, and he could not hesitate and began to fully operate the resale and purchase of supplies in the disaster area.

Thanks to the fact that Ruide International Trading Co., Ltd. has established a complete set of aviation maintenance service industry chain under the strong push of Mike Cai in the past two years, the import underwriting right of one of the most important rotary special bearings in aero De control is tantamount to becoming an invisible monopolist of this key component.

Using this as a bargaining chip, Mike Tsai, who is located in the magic city, formed a huge air transportation alliance and material underwriting network through various connections and intimidation.

Coupled with the strong capital composed of huge domestic and foreign funds, Ruide International Trading Company is ready to make a good profit from this unprecedented flood.

However, Reid will inevitably have conflicts of interest with other businesses that have the same mind.

The other merchants, Reid, didn't care at all, because they themselves were big enough and strong enough, whoever dared to blow up their hair would be done by beating to death.

But there is one company, even if it is the indispensable Reid, it has to be scrupulous, that is Tengzhou Air Express, because behind it is the Tengfei Group, and Tengfei Group puts aside the main business of aerospace, itself Not only the major shareholder of China Merchants Bank, but also one of the original shareholders of Minsheng Bank, which was established a few years ago.

Not only that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Several financial institutions and investment companies engaged in aviation industry investment and loans on Hong Kong Island are more or less behind the Ascendas Group.

In other words, Ascendas Group is no longer a pure manufacturing entity, but has constructed a prototype of a capital giant based on the entity.

Since they are all capital, they can't be taken lightly, so Reid’s strategy is very simple. Taking advantage of Tengzhou Air Express to support the operation of other Ascendas Group entities such as Ascendas Aerospace, Ascendas Aviation, etc., it has a lack of skill in material transfer. Reid took the initiative to lower material prices and quickly seized the market.

Although the sudden price war caught Tengzhou by surprise, Reid did not take it lightly. Knowing that the Tengfei Group has a good relationship with the army, it is possible to regain market share with the help of the army’s transportation force. Naturally, Li Ruihong couldn't sit still, and hurried to the flood fighting and disaster relief headquarters to inquire about the news, and naturally he got a satisfactory answer.

So looking at the graceful figure of his assistant and the pierced oval face, Li Ruihong was naturally hot in his heart, and he smiled: "Of course, you don’t look at who is going, Tengzhou is strong, but in In front of the troops, they are just like us, profiteers who sit on the ground and raise prices. No one is better than anyone..."

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