Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1156: I have never seen such a bully

The first thousand and fifty-sixth chapters of the text have never seen such a bully

After listening to Zhuang Jianye's words, Li Ruihong almost lost his breath. Is this what a man said? You know the airplane you built. Why don't you say that the earth is created by you and can be controlled by wind, rain and thunder?

Air crash, my brother Zhuang, people can control those things, the world will be peaceful before long?

So Li Ruihong prepared to drill into his Pajero without even thinking about it, and then hurriedly escaped from this dangerous place with the helper Xiaopan who had been hiding in the car, and never returned.

But before he could move, Ning Xiaodong, who was smiling awkwardly on the other side, took the SLR camera in his hand, clicked on an interface, and approached Li Ruihong: "Look, has my photography technology improved? ?"

Li Ruihong glanced straightly, his head buzzed, and the sky turned around in an instant. It turned out that the interface of the camera was not on the side. It was the live photo of him and Xiaopan in the car. He didn't know that the lens was really good. , Or the Japanese Canon camera has a unique performance. It is not a sense of disobedience to take the action of the two people in one place, put it on the code, and put it in a certain broadcasting agency in the island country as a poster.

However, Li Ruihong was not entangled with this, but these photos were not destroyed along with the SD card that was burned and thrown into the ditch just now?


"The camera itself has a storage function. That SD card is just an expansion card. After all, Lao Zhuang has rarely opened his mouth to me for so many years. I can't refute his face. Come on, don't froze, look at this one. Look? Look at my composition. It’s very particular. Picasso used it during the literary and opera revival period. What is the three-point perspective method... Especially the woman’s expression, which is a struggle with a little bit of enjoyment, which really brings the man’s ability to flexibility The performance is incisive and vivid, uniquely artistic..."

Ning Xiaodong took Li Ruihong's arm, holding the camera, and all kinds of artistic professional words popped out cracklingly, which confused Li Ruihong at that time.

Not be confused by Ning Xiaodong's words, but by the photo in front of him.

Can you still play like this?

Hasn't Zhuang Jianye transformed into a Confucian merchant? Didn’t you start to talk about the rules? Is this nm called rules?

This tm is clearly a good player.

So Li Ruihong looked at Zhuang Jianye, wanting to ask for an explanation, but before he opened his mouth, he heard Zhuang Jianye sigh helplessly: "Now this high-tech is really unexpected and hard to defend against. In that case, just do it, anyway. It’s only for one person to transfer once, but next time I will pay attention and I will try to describe it in more detail and plug all loopholes."

"That's it, let's wait for the next time, I'll change to the latest model." Ning Xiaodong smiled even more proudly.

"No problem!" Zhuang Jianye nodded.


My brother-in-law and elder brother are talking lively, but Li Ruihong has the desire to die. What is this? The photos of him and Xiao Pan that are not good for outsiders are so understated by the two of you?

then what do I do?

Mike Tsai still has to tear himself up?

As a result, Li Ruihong stopped leaving. Not only that, but in the face of Yun-18nb, who was slowly descending and was about to touch the runway, he even had the urge to jump directly.

Even if you survived without being forced to death by Zhuang Jianye and others, he would be chased to death by Mike Cai with a machete. Waiting for death, is the country dead?

So it's better to hit the coming plane and hit it by yourself.

But just like that, what about the children in the family? What should I do with the wealth earned over the years? What about Xiao Pan in the car? What about so many beautiful third-line starlets under the world and the Shui Ling girl who is looking forward to getting ahead?

Thinking about this, Li Ruihong didn't want to die again.

But immortal...

"Boom~~ Squeak~~~"

Just as Li Ruihong was entangled in what he should do, the sturdy and round Yun-18nb landed on the ground, accompanied by the roar of four high-power turboprop engines, making a huge ground friction sound on the ground.

Li Ruihong was so surprised that he could no longer worry about the entanglement, and shouted, "Oh my god~~~" and squatted on the ground with his eyes closed.

As the distance the plane ran closer and closer, Li Ruihong was trembling with fright, almost lying on the ground.

However, the most uncomfortable thing is not the mind and body, but Li Ruihong’s ears. There is no way. Although the four engines of Yun-18nb have reduced the speed due to landing, they even implemented the propeller reverse operation in order to stop as soon as possible, but the noise is already there. huge.

Not to mention Li Ruihong outside, even Xiao Pan, the assistant who was hiding in the car and ashamed of seeing people, was shocked by the loud noise and covered his ears. The pain was even worse than the first time it was given to a man.

Not to mention Li Ruihong, who almost perforated the eardrum.

Fortunately, this guy had worked as an artillery in the army in his early years. He knew how to save himself in the face of such loud noises, so he could barely cope with it. However, Li Ruihong's brain was buzzing, not to mention the north, south, east and west. I almost can't remember what I called.

In this way, five or six minutes passed before his hearing gradually recovered from his tinnitus.

Looking up like this, I was immediately stunned. It turned out to be sturdy. The total weight is equivalent to that of a newest Boeing 757. The 18nb actually stopped on the only 1,000-meter runway. That's it. , Actually reserved a distance of more than one hundred meters.

At this moment, the voice of the shadowy dialogue came into Li Ruihong's ears intermittently.

"How about? Would you like to have a civilian version? Africa's lumpy infrastructure is not as good as the airstrip here. You want to open up Africa's air cargo transportation mission... Our transport—18nb is definitely the best of your Qiongzhou Airlines Choose ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mine, let alone the airstrip in front of me... The unpaved soft sand and gravel ground, transport-18nb can also easily take off and land..."

"I said Lao Zhuang, there are no outsiders here, so you can't be more honest? You can't cheat on your elder brother, right? Every fool knows that Yun-18nb is a military version. How can Qiongzhou Airlines be equipped with the same equipment as the Air Force? The model's transport is 18nb? So don't talk about those ones. I'll pick up second-hand Il 76 from Ukraine and Belarus."

"Military transport-18nb is no way, but civilian tnb-18f special freighter retains all the capabilities of transport-18nb."

"That's not okay. In the case of short takeoff and landing, the transport capacity of 18nb is only 20 tons, which is too small." Ning Xiaodong shook his head.

"With a take-off distance of 645 meters and a load of 20 tons, it’s not enough nm? Your precious Il-76 doesn’t have this ability yet. Besides, there are so few airports in Africa and lack of safeguard facilities. Transport-18nb is the best aircraft to adapt to. What's more, the flight distance of 18nb is far enough, so you don’t need to stop in Southeast Asia halfway, so that you don’t have to apply for temporary landing approval because of the airworthiness certificate. You feel your conscience and say, is this the truth..."

Zhuang Jianye did not show weakness and directly questioned...

If you come and go, brother-in-law and elder brother all kinds of talks, Li Ruihong on the side is almost crying.

But what about him? The eardrum almost perforated!

nm has never seen such a bully.

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