Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1159: This routine is simply...genius

When asked by Zhuang Jianye, Li Ruihong was like a male duck pinched by his throat, quack~~ I couldn't say a word for a long time.

Then I glanced at the airport again. The reporter who was broadcasting live on CCTV led the camera team trotting all the way to the 18NB that was unloading the cargo. They didn’t even look at the majestic Yun-18NB transport plane, directly facing the sign. The relief supplies with the words "Tengfei" and "Ning's" were close-ups. At the same time, the reporter was very eloquent, and it was obvious that they were introducing the situation of the supplies in the disaster area just arrived.

Even though Li Ruihong could not hear what the reporter was saying, from the cameraman staring at the word "Tengfei" and shooting from various fancy angles, that is how the Ascendas Group serves the country. For the people, their products are of outstanding quality...

Then...then...then Zhuang Jianye's mobile phone rang again.

"Oh~~I’m Zhuang Jianye, you’re...Zhao Ping, the deputy general manager of Air China? Oh, yeah~~~ Mr. Zhao, I didn’t know that it was you, sin, sin, sin... Hi , Look at what you said, wait two days to go to the capital, I will invite you to dinner to apologize, especially the cold shaved belly I ate with you last time, at least one person will get a big plate, haha~~~

what's the situation? Fortune—18NB did you see it on TV? Live broadcast on Central TV? I really don’t know about this...I want to ask Yun-Is there a civilian version of 18NB? Yes, it hasn’t been long since it was launched...Hey, it’s been less than half a month, and I haven’t had time to submit for approval, how can I contact you?

Yes, the civilian version is codenamed TNB-18F, a special cargo aircraft, and its performance is comparable to that of 18NB... The price is of course the preferential price, 580 million yuan... Yes, it can’t be less, after all, we The research and development expenses invested are also a lot...Yes, yes, as long as you understand...

Yes, no problem. You have already booked 20 planes. What is an experience machine? Yes, it will be marked on the contract. Okay, see you in the capital in two days..."

Even if Li Ruihong wanted to say anything, he was speechless now.

580 million yuan is also the NM discount, so who just kept telling his elder brother about 420 million?

Do you Zhuang Jianye still have a blue face!

However, this is not the point. The key is that Air China actually ordered 20 air-to-air-18NB civilian versions, TNB-18F, at a unit price of 580 million yuan. The amount for this item is as high as 11.6 billion yuan.

Calculated based on the average profit margin of the aviation industry of 45%, the Ascendas Group alone made a net profit of 5.22 billion yuan.

5.22 billion.

How much investment did Ascendas Group invest in the disaster area? Even if the current 1.5 billion and subsequent 1.8 billion are counted, it is only 3.3 billion. Even so, Ascendas Group still has nearly 2 billion in net profit.

This routine is simply... genius!

Yes, if Li Ruihong still can't see Zhuang Jianye's routines, his position as director and deputy general manager of Reid International Trading Company will not be able to do today.

Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong are essentially the same as Li Ruihong and Mike Cai. They are both profit-seeking business elites.

It's just that he and Mike Cai are more straightforward, simple and rude; while Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong are graceful and reserved, boiled frogs in warm water.

As long as the essence is the same, the methods are understandable. The only difference is that he and Mike Tsai are not optimistic about the domestic fundamentals; Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong are on the contrary, betting on the continued improvement of the country.

Then... Then he and Mike Tsai invested heavily in grabbing purchases and prepared to sit on the floor and raise the price.

Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong did the same, but did the opposite, donating high-priced materials to the disaster-stricken people for free.

Do Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong lose money like this?

Not only does it not lose money, but it makes even more profit, because this kind of billions of donations has resulted in unconditional official favors.

As Li Ruihong analyzed before, the domestic fundamentals are not good. Under such circumstances, the actions of Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong are tantamount to solving a major problem. reason.

Therefore, the state media’s Central TV focused on the Ascendas Group’s products in its live television broadcasts; the troops acted as a strengthening force to help the Ascendas Group to transfer supplies; major operating units and state-owned enterprises even poured their bags to purchase the Ascendas Group. The product.

After doing so, the little money Zhuang Jianye invested in the disaster area can not only be easily earned back, but also several times madly.

This is indeed the case. Just after Zhuang Jianye put down the call of the deputy general manager of International Airlines, the general manager of Eastern Airlines; the chairman of China Southern Airlines and the executive deputy general manager of State Grid; the party secretary of China Nuclear Power; China Mobile, The top leaders of China Unicom and China Railway Bureau...

All in all, the leaders of the number of large-scale backbone enterprises in the country were next to each other, and they almost broke Zhuang Jianye's mobile phone.

Powerful companies such as China Nuclear Power, China Southern Airlines, and China Eastern Airlines have directly moved towards the aircraft produced by Ascendas Jitu, and all of them have named the 18 series aircraft.

Among them, China Nuclear Power ordered 3 Yun-18 "Big Dolphin" special transport aircraft for the transportation of large-scale high value-added nuclear power equipment parts, with a unit price of up to 800 million yuan.

Southern and Eastern Airlines, like international airlines, pay more attention to the 18NB civilian version, TNB-18F. They have ordered 12 and 16 aircraft respectively, with a unit price of 580 million yuan.

The general strength, such as the State Grid, couldn't target a behemoth such as Yun-18, but focused on the civilian version of Zhi-8plus, Zhi-8NB, and immediately ordered 4 for 340 million yuan.

Almost all the railway bureaus and other units, they can’t buy the aircraft, but the engineering equipment produced by Ascendas Group is still okay, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. All together, there are eight. Multi-billion.

The total number of such things together exceeds 30 billion.

This amount is almost five times the annual turnover of Reid.

The problem is that even with this kind of sales, Reid will not be able to copy it in the future, because after this battle, Reid is completely collapsed, there is no way, those materials are all purchased by Reid at high prices, plus With the leased fleet, various personnel and logistical input, Rhett can be said to have put all the old foundations of the past few years into it.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye gave it directly for free, so even if there was no chance for Reid to dump the blood back at a low price, he would inevitably lose even the bottoms.

Want to trouble Zhuang Jianye?

Come on~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A man who can load his own cargo on a large military transport plane, burn the incense if he doesn't bother you, you have to trouble him, you are a fool.

What's more, even if Zhuang Jianye doesn't use personal connections, Ning Xiaodong is not something they can provoke.

So Rhett not only lost this game, but also completely.

Thinking of this, Li Ruihong sighed up to the sky, then he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and knelt in front of Zhuang Jianye with a loud voice: "Chuang, I am wrong. Your eldest man has a lot, just bypass me this time!"


"Chief, I beg you, my wife and children are still trapped in the village, please save them, save them..."

In the same scene in a flood-discharging area 60 kilometers southwest of the airstrip, a man with a withered face knelt in front of Jiang Liang and kept kowtow for help. Jiang Liang quickly helped him up, just about to agree, and talked in front of his chest. The driver heard a little hurried voice: "Captain, the fuel will not last long. We need to return as soon as possible."

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