Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1175: Navy Exclusive

"Marine Corps One? Isn't this what the US military calls it?" After hearing Zhuang Jianye's words, a leader in charge of the company couldn't help but frown and ask.

Zhuang Jianye is not Lin Guanghua. I'm not afraid of you making trouble, I'm afraid that you will not speak. When someone asks, the flattering smile on his face immediately bloomed to the extreme: "The United States has Marine Corps One, why can't our country have it? Not to mention. The straight behind me—8MAX was originally a large helicopter tailored for the Marine Corps. Isn’t it called the Marine Corps One? Of course, we can’t learn from the U.S. Army in everything. In fact, it’s also called the Marine Corps 10. It’s the same, anyway, it’s the air light cavalry of our National Marine Corps. As long as the Marine Corps’s name is not removed, it doesn’t matter what number is called."

As he said, Zhuang Jianye rubbed his hands and looked at the leader, and asked with a bit of shyness: "Old Chief, would you like to help you order the number?"

The chief leader and the chief leader of the army glanced at each other, but they didn't speak.

It's not that I don't want to say, but I don't know how to say it.

Zhi-8MAX Helicopter does not know other people, as the top few people, the leaders and the leaders in the army are very clear.

The book kiosks that book friends used before have been hung up, and now they basically use \\mi\\mi\\ to read\\app\\\\.

Because at that time, the Cidu Helicopter Manufacturing Plant completed the Z-8 improved bidding and finally decided that Ascendas Group would act as a partner and an important supporting production supplier, and submitted a supplementary plan, namely the Z-8 minor modification plan. , But don’t commit to the straight 8 major changes.

While the basic parameters are comparable to the current Zhi-8, it has been fully optimized in terms of operating cost and payload, making it a large multi-purpose general-purpose helicopter suitable for the Navy and Marine Corps.

The reason for this is that there is no way. Who made the Navy miss the big change plan of the Zhi-8, which is now the Zhi-8plus heavy helicopter.

This is not the navy's hypocrisy, and there is no demand for heavy helicopters, but the question is, even if there is a need, what load-bearing helicopter can be used — the 8plus heavy helicopter, a big guy with a maximum take-off weight of 28.6 tons?

Is it an aircraft carrier or an amphibious assault ship?

But these two capital ships that can carry aircraft, the navy doesn't even have a hair, what is the use of a guy with such a heavy equipment? Slowly strolling near the sea?

In contrast to this, some small fixed-wing aircraft are more cost-effective.

What's more, the navy at this stage needs to solve the two super difficult problems of air defense and anti-submarine that hinder the formation of ocean operations.

Needless to say, air defense, domestic efforts are continuing.

The key is anti-submarine, especially aviation anti-submarine, which poses the greatest threat to submarines, has always been a major shortcoming of the Navy.

Therefore, compared with the tonnage of heavy helicopters, the Navy’s more urgent need is a comprehensive ship-based helicopter platform that can take into account tasks such as anti-submarine, anti-ship, mine clearance, relay guidance, communication command, open sea rescue, and ship-to-plane coordination.

Someone might say that the navy has already been equipped with Z-9, Z-12, and Ka 28 imported from Russia.

The navy has these helicopters, but the problem is that the tonnage of the Z-9 and Z-12 is too small, the equipment that can be carried is limited, the battery life is insufficient, and the continuous search in a certain sea area is impossible.

You must know that anti-submarine is just like fishing. Apart from suffering each other, there is only suffering. If one party loses patience first, it will lose.

In this regard, submarines have a natural advantage. Anyway, hiding in the water can't pretend to be counseled. What can you do to me?

Both Zhi 9 and Zhi 12 are small helicopters of less than 6 tons, just like kindergarten children. They seem to be lively and active, but their durability is very poor. If you don’t take a nap at noon, you won’t have a nap. Law persists.

Coupled with the small tonnage, it is impossible to carry a complete search equipment, which affects the search efficiency and makes the already low endurance air consumption useless.

The card 28 is heavier than the straight 9 and the straight 12 in tonnage, and its anti-submarine capability is more prominent. However, as an imported product, the source of goods is naturally restricted. It is usually fine. What if it is too heavy in wartime and gets stuck? do?

What's more, when the Ka 28 helicopter was introduced into the country, the Russians only kept anti-submarine and rescue suits, and did not provide mine search and removal suits. If they wanted, they had to add money.

This makes the application range of the domestic Ka-28 helicopter extremely compressed.

All of these make the Navy urgently need a large shipborne helicopter that can adapt to multiple tasks.

It is best to have the specifications and performance of the "Sea King" helicopters commonly equipped by the European and American navies. The reason for this is simple. In the 1982 Battle of Falklands between Britain and Argentina, the "Sea King" carrier helicopters equipped by the British Navy performed well. .

Whether it is anti-submarine, rescue, minesweeping, or anti-ship, it can play a unique role, and because its platform is large enough, it has become an excellent platform for carrier-borne early warning aircraft.

Because of this, even if the SH-60 "Seahawk" carrier helicopter of the United States is good enough, many European countries still cling to the "Sea King". Even if the "Sea King" is in disrepair and overwhelmed, Europeans gather here. At the same time, I was surprised to get an EH-101 helicopter of the same level.

Anyway, the Americans said it was a big mess, and the Europeans wanted bigger and more complete helicopters.

No way, the United States has an aircraft carrier formation, an amphibious assault ship strike group, and multiple helicopters can be deployed on it. The Europeans do not have that condition. If they want to provide more protection in the open sea, they must make the helicopters take more responsibility~www.wuxiaspot .com~ This is the fundamental surprise of the army's thinking and has nothing to do with right or wrong.

With the development of the domestic economy, the construction plan of large naval ships has been put on the agenda one after another. The reality of the navy is similar to that of Europe. In combination with the actual naval combat cases in recent times, the navy wants a 13-ton ship. Shipborne helicopters are really reasonable.

What's more, the Marine Corps under the Navy is also desperate for helicopters. If the Navy's 13-ton carrier helicopters can take care of them, the combat effectiveness of the Marine Corps will be greatly improved.

All of this means that the heavy-duty straight-8plus cannot be launched into the sea, because the excessively high and long fuselage is far beyond the size of the ship’s hangar. Even if it is lengthened and widened, it can’t fit. It can only be a navy version. .

If this were put in the past, it would take a few years to hold back before they could barely come up with an immature plan to deal with the Navy.

The problem is that it’s not the Ascendas Group that is leading the design right now. What they do best is efficiency. How can aircraft be efficient? Of course it is modular.

Therefore, Ascendas Group has applied the modular concept to the extreme in the Zhi-8plus solution.

Isn't it disgusting-8plus is too high? Did I lose one engine head office?

Don’t you think it’s straight—8plus is too heavy? While narrowing the width, I further reduced the use of metal materials such as aluminum-lithium alloys and increased the proportion of composite materials.

Don’t you think straight—8plus is too long? I designed the helicopter's main rotor and tail to be foldable to make the size more compact and meet the load-bearing requirements of the ship's hangar.


After such optimizations, the Navy’s exclusive Zhi-8MAX carrier-based helicopter came into being!

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